Splunk® Enterprise

Admin Manual

Splunk Enterprise version 9.0 will no longer be supported as of June 14, 2024. See the Splunk Software Support Policy for details. For information about upgrading to a supported version, see How to upgrade Splunk Enterprise.
This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Enterprise. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.


The following are the spec and example files for searchbnf.conf.


#   Version 9.0.10


# This file contains descriptions of the settings that you can use to
# configure the search assistant to display information in the
# UI about custom search commands.
# Each stanza in your local searchbnf.conf file controls a separate
# custom search command or an option to a command.
# There is a searchbnf.conf file in the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/default/ directory.
# which is used to display information about the built-in search commands
# in the UI through the search assistant.
# Never change or copy the configuration files in the default directory.
# The files in the default directory must remain intact and in their
# original location.
# To set custom configurations, create a new file with the name
# "searchbnf.conf" in the 
# $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/<appname>/default/ directory.
# Then add the custom commands to the custom configuration file.
# For examples, see the "searchbnf.conf.example" file.
# You must restart the Splunk instance to enable configuration changes.
# To learn more about configuration files, including precedence, see the
# documentation located at
# http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Admin/Aboutconfigurationfiles


# * Adjacent tokens implicitly allow no whitespace.
# * All literals are case-insensitive.
# * Whitespace (including newlines) match \s+


# * For the command description, when automatically converted to html
#   multiple whitespaces are removed.
# * For descriptions that extend to multiple lines end each line with
#   a backslash "\", except the last line.
# * To create a multi-paragraph description, use \p\ to cause a paragraph
#   break.
# * To force a new line and indent, use \i\ to cause a newline and 
#   indent 4 spaces (<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;)
# * <terms> are italicized.
# * UPPERCASETERMS and quoted terms are put into <code/> and render in 
#   green text, in a slightly smaller font.


# * Reserved characters are ("<>()|?*+") and <tokens>, everything else
#   is taken literally. Those characters need to be quoted.  
#   Use \"  to represent a quote.
# * This file uses regex-like grouping and nomenclature for the syntax:
#      (): grouping
#      <term> : <term> is required
#      (<term>)? : <term> is optional
#      (<term>)* : <term> is optional and repeated 0 or more times
#      (<term>)+ : <term> is required and repeated 1 or more times
# * <terms> can be named for readability with a colon and a default value
#   For example, if you have a term called "field", instead of the 
#   syntax "...<field> AS <field>" you can add a qualifer to the term 
#   name, such as "<field:fromfield> AS <field:tofield>" and then define
#   "field" as a <string>.


# There are two types of stanzas, search command stanzas and options stanzas.
# * The command stanza contains the name of the custom search command
#   and "-command" enclosed in square brackets. 
#   For example, "geocode-command".
# * A searchbnf.conf file can contain multiple command stanzas, 
#   one command stanza for each command.
# * Follow the command stanza with attribute/value pairs that define 
#   the properties for the custom search command. 
#   Some attributes are required. See ATTRIBUTES.
# * If you do not set an attribute for a given <spec>, the default 
#   is used. The default values are empty.
# * Search command syntax can refer to command options. These options 
#   must be defined below the command stanza in separate options stanzas.
#   It is possible to use nested options stanzas.
#   For example:
#   [geocode-command]
#   syntax = geocode (geocode-options)* 
#   ...
#   [geocode-options]
#   syntax = (maxcount=<int>) | (maxhops=<int>) | (coordinate-options)+
#   ...
#   [coordinate-options]
#   syntax = (latitude-field=<string>) | (longitude-field=<string>) 
#   ...


# [<command-name>-command]
# syntax (Required)
# simplesyntax (Optional)
# alias (Optional)
# description (Required)
# shortdesc (Optional)
# example<number> (Optional)
# comment<number> (Optional)
# usage (Required)
# tags (Required)
# maintainer (Optional)
# appears-in (Optional)
# related (Optional)


# The attribute/value pair descriptions for custom search commands.

syntax = <string>
* The syntax of the custom search command. The format is:
  syntax=<command-name> (attribute-name=<datatype>) (attribute-name=<datatype>)  
* Required

simplesyntax = <string>
* Simpler version of the syntax to make it easier to understand, 
  at the expense of completeness. Use only if the syntax is complex.
* Typically the simplesyntax removes rarely used options or alternate 
  ways of saying the same thing.
* For example, a search command might accept values such as
  "m|min|mins|minute|minutes", but that would unnecessarily clutter 
  the syntax description for the user. For the simplesyntax you can  
  use one value such as "minute".
* Optional

alias = <alias list>
* Alternative names for the search command. 
  Specifying an alias is discouraged. 
  Users might get confused when more than one name is used for the 
  same command. 
* Optional

description = <string>
* A detailed description of the search command.
* If a shortdesc is specified, the description appears only in the  
  search assistant "Full" mode. Displays under the heading "Details"
  when users click "More".
* See the "searchbnf.conf.example" file for an example.
* Required

shortdesc = <string>
* A one sentence description of the search command. If specified,
  appears in both the "Full" and "Compact" search assistant modes. 
* Specify a shortdesc when the description is multiple sentences long.
* Optional

example<number> = <string>
comment<number> = <string>
* The "example" should show a common example of using the search command,
   with 1 or more attributes.
* The "comment" should explain what the command is doing in the example.
* You can specify multiple examples by appending a matching number to
  the example and corresponding comment.
* For example:
    example1 = geocode maxcount=4
    comment1 = run geocode on up to four values
    example2 = geocode maxcount=-1
    comment2 = run geocode on all values
* In Compact mode, only the first example displays in the search assistant.
* In Full mode, the top three examples display in the search assistant.
* Optional, but recommended

usage = public | private | deprecated
* Specifies if a command is public, private, or deprecated.  
* The search assistant only operates on public commands.
* Required

tags = <tag list>
* One or more words that users might type into the search bar which are
  similar to the command name. The UI displays the command names
  associated with the tags.
* For example, when a user types "graph" or "report" for the "chart"
* Optional

maintainer = <name>
* The name of person who originally worked on the command or who is 
  responsible for the command now.
* Does not appear in the search assistant.
* Optional

appears-in = <version>
* The version that the custom command first appeared in. 
* Does not appear in the search assistant.
* Optional

related = <command list>
* List of SPL commands related to this command. 
* Might help users learn about other, related commands.
* Displays in the search assistant Full mode when users click "More".
* Optional


#   Version 9.0.10
# The following are example stanzas for searchbnf.conf configurations.

# selfjoin
syntax = selfjoin (<selfjoin-options>)* <field-list>
shortdesc = Join results with itself.
description = Join results with itself.  Must specify at least one field to join on.
usage = public
example1 = selfjoin id
comment1 = Joins results with itself on 'id' field.
related = join
tags = join combine unite

syntax = overwrite=<bool> | max=<int> | keepsingle=<int>
description = The selfjoin joins each result with other results that\
  have the same value for the join fields.  'overwrite' controls if\
  fields from these 'other' results should overwrite fields of the\
  result used as the basis for the join (default=true).  max indicates\
  the maximum number of 'other' results each main result can join with.\
  (default = 1, 0 means no limit).  'keepsingle' controls whether or not\
  results with a unique value for the join fields (and thus no other\
  results to join with) should be retained.  (default = false)

Last modified on 28 June, 2024
savedsearches.conf   segmenters.conf

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise: 9.0.10

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