This command is used implicitly by subsearches. This command takes the results of a subsearch, formats the results into a single result and places that result into a new field called search
The format
command performs similar functions as the return
The required syntax is in bold.
- format
- [mvsep="<mv separator>"]
- [maxresults=<int>]
- ["<row prefix>" "<column prefix>" "<column separator>" "<column end>" "<row separator>" "<row end>"]
- [emptystr="<string>"]
If you want to specify a row or column options, you must specify all of the row and column options.
Required arguments
Optional arguments
- mvsep
- Syntax: mvsep="<string>"
- Description: The separator to use for multivalue fields.
- Default: OR
- maxresults
- Syntax: maxresults=<int>
- Description: The maximum results to return.
- Default: 0, which means no limitation on the number of results returned.
- <row prefix>
- Syntax: "<string>"
- Description: The value to use for the row prefix.
- Default: The open parenthesis character "("
- <column prefix>
- Syntax: "<string>"
- Description: The value to use for the column prefix.
- Default: The open parenthesis character "("
- <column separator>
- Syntax: "<string>"
- Description: The value to use for the column separator.
- Default: AND
- <column end>
- Syntax: "<string>"
- Description: The value to use for the column end.
- Default: The close parenthesis character ")"
- <row separator>
- Syntax: "<string>"
- Description: The value to use for the row separator.
- Default: OR
- <row end>
- Syntax: "<string>"
- Description: The value to use for the column end.
- Default: The close parenthesis character ")"
- emptystr
- Syntax: emptystr="<string>"
- Description: The value that the
command outputs instead of the default empty stringNOT( )
if the results generated up to that point are empty and no fields or values other than internal fields are returned. You can set this argument to a custom string that is displayed instead of the default empty string whenever your search results are empty. - Default: NOT( )
By default, when you do not specify any of the optional row and column arguments, the output of the format
command defaults to: "(" "(" "AND" ")" "OR" ")"
Specifying row and column arguments
There are several reasons to specify the row and column arguments:
- Subsearches
- There is an implicit
at the end of a subsearch that uses the default values for column and row arguments. For example, you can specify OR for the column separator by including theformat
command at the end of the subsearch.
- Export the search to a different system
- Specify the row and column arguments when you need to export the search to another system that requires different formatting.
1. Example with no optional parameters
Suppose that you have results that look like this:
source | sourcetype | host |
syslog.log | syslog | my_laptop |
bob-syslog.log | syslog | bobs_laptop |
laura-syslog.log | syslog | lauras_laptop |
The following search returns the top 2 results, and creates a search based on the host, source, and sourcetype fields. The default format settings are used.
... | head 2 | fields source, sourcetype, host | format
This search returns the syntax for a search that is based on the field values in the top 2 results. The syntax is placed into a new field called search.
source | sourcetype | host | search |
( ( host="mylaptop" AND source="syslog.log" AND sourcetype="syslog" ) OR ( host="bobslaptop" AND source="bob-syslog.log" AND sourcetype="syslog" ) ) |
2. Example using the optional parameters
You want to produce output that is formatted to use on an external system.
... | format "[" "[" "&&" "]" "||" "]"
Using the data in Example 1, the result is:
source | sourcetype | host | search |
[ [ host="mylaptop" && source="syslog.log" && sourcetype="syslog" ] | | [ host="bobslaptop" && source="bob-syslog.log" && sourcetype="syslog" ] ] |
3. Multivalue separator example
The following search uses the eval
command to create a field called "foo" that contains one value "eventtype,log_level". The makemv
command is used to make the foo field a mulitvalue field and specifies the comma as the delimiter between the values. The search then outputs only the foo field and formats that field.
index=_internal |head 1 |eval foo="eventtype,log_level" | makemv delim="," foo | fields foo | format mvsep="mvseparator" "{" "[" "AND" "]" "AND" "}"
This results in the following output:
foo | search |
{ [ ( foo="eventtype" mvseparator foo="log_level" ) ] } |
4. Use emptystr to indicate empty results
When a search generates empty results, the format
command returns internal fields and the contents of emptystr
. You can change the value of emptystr
from the default to a custom string. For example, the results in the following search are empty, so format
returns a customized string "Error Found" in a new field called search
| makeresults count=1 | format emptystr="Error Found"
The results look something like this.
search |
Error Found |
If your search doesn't include emptystr
like the following example, the format
command displays the default empty string to indicate that the results are empty.
| makeresults count=1 | format
The results look something like this.
search |
NOT ( ) |
5. Use emptystr in a subsearch as a failsafe
Customizing your empty string as shown in the last example is one way to use emptystr
. However, it is more typical to use the format
command as a subsearch that is operating as a search filter, and then use emptystr
as a failsafe in case your search returns empty results. For example, perhaps your index isn't generating results because one of the fields you're specifying in the subsearch doesn't exist or there's a typo or some other error in your search. You can include the emptystr
argument and set it to a default source type that you know is always present, such as splunkd
. Then, instead of returning nothing, your search will return some results that you can use for further filtering.
You can use the following sample search to make sure you get results even if your search contains errors.
index=_internal sourcetype=
[search index=does_not_exist | head 1
| fields sourcetype
| format emptystr="splunkd"]
The results look something like this.
i | Time | Event |
> | 11/16/21
3:11:33.745 PM |
11-16-2021 15:11:33.745 -0800 INFO Metrics - group=thruput, name=thruput, instantaneous_kbps=4.984, instantaneous_eps=20.935, average_kbps=1.667, total_k_processed=182447.000, kb=154.505, ev=649
host = PF32198Dsource = C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\log\splunk\metrics.logsourcetype = splunkd |
> | 11/16/21
3:11:33.745 PM |
11-16-2021 15:11:33.745 -0800 INFO Metrics - group=thruput, name=syslog_output, instantaneous_kbps=0.000, instantaneous_eps=0.000, average_kbps=0.000, total_k_processed=0.000, kb=0.000, ev=0 host = PF32198Dsource = C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\log\splunk\metrics.logsourcetype = splunkd |
> | 11/16/21
3:11:33.745 PM |
11-16-2021 15:11:33.745 -0800 INFO Metrics - group=thruput, name=index_thruput, instantaneous_kbps=4.971, instantaneous_eps=19.355, average_kbps=1.667, total_k_processed=182424.000, kb=154.094, ev=600 host = PF32198Dsource = C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\log\splunk\metrics.logsourcetype = splunkd |
> | 11/16/21
3:11:33.745 PM |
11-16-2021 15:11:33.745 -0800 INFO Metrics - group=queue, name=winparsing, max_size_kb=500, current_size_kb=0, current_size=0, largest_size=0, smallest_size=0 host = PF32198Dsource = C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\log\splunk\metrics.logsourcetype = splunkd |
See also
foreach | from |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise: 7.0.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2, 7.0.3, 7.0.4, 7.0.5, 7.0.6, 7.0.7, 7.0.8, 7.0.9, 7.0.10, 7.0.11, 7.0.13, 7.1.0, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.5, 7.1.6, 7.1.7, 7.1.8, 7.1.9, 7.1.10, 7.2.0, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.2.4, 7.2.5, 7.2.6, 7.2.7, 7.2.8, 7.2.9, 7.2.10, 7.3.0, 7.3.1, 7.3.2, 7.3.3, 7.3.4, 7.3.5, 7.3.6, 7.3.7, 7.3.8, 7.3.9, 8.0.0, 8.0.1, 8.0.2, 8.0.3, 8.0.4, 8.0.5, 8.0.6, 8.0.7, 8.0.8, 8.0.9, 8.0.10, 8.1.0, 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3, 8.1.4, 8.1.5, 8.1.6, 8.1.7, 8.1.8, 8.1.9, 8.1.10, 8.1.11, 8.1.12, 8.1.13, 8.1.14, 8.2.0, 8.2.1, 8.2.2, 8.2.3, 8.2.4, 8.2.5, 8.2.6, 8.2.7, 8.2.8, 8.2.9, 8.2.10, 8.2.11, 8.2.12, 9.0.0, 9.0.1, 9.0.2, 9.0.3, 9.0.4, 9.0.5, 9.0.6, 9.0.7, 9.0.8, 9.0.9, 9.0.10, 9.1.0, 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3, 9.1.4, 9.1.5, 9.1.6, 9.1.7, 9.1.8, 9.2.0, 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.2.3, 9.2.4, 9.2.5, 9.3.0, 9.3.1, 9.3.2, 9.3.3, 9.4.0, 9.4.1
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