Splunk® Enterprise

Admin Manual

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Enterprise. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.


The following are the spec and example files for times.conf.


#   Version 9.3.0


# This file contains possible attribute/value pairs for creating custom time
# ranges.
# Each stanza controls different search commands settings.
# There is a times.conf file in the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/default/ directory.
# Never change or copy the configuration files in the default directory.
# The files in the default directory must remain intact and in their original
# location.
# To set custom configurations, create a new file with the name times.conf in
# the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/ directory. Then add the specific settings
# that you want to customize to the local configuration file.
# For examples, see times.conf.example.
# You must restart the Splunk instance to enable configuration changes.
# To learn more about configuration files (including file precedence) see the
# documentation located at
# http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Admin/Aboutconfigurationfiles


# Use the [default] stanza to define any global settings.
#   * You can also define global settings outside of any stanza, at the top
#     of the file.
#   * Each conf file should have at most one default stanza. If there are
#     multiple default stanzas, attributes are combined. In the case of
#     multiple definitions of the same attribute, the last definition in the
#     file wins.
#   * If an attribute is defined at both the global level and in a specific
#     stanza, the value in the specific stanza takes precedence.


* The token to use when accessing time ranges through the API or command line.
* A times.conf file can contain multiple stanzas.

label = <string>
* The textual description used by the UI to reference this time range.
* Required

header_label = <string>
* The textual description used by the UI when displaying search results in
  this time range.
* Optional.
* Default: The <timerange_name>

earliest_time = <string>
* The string that represents the time of the earliest event to return,
* The time can be expressed with a relative time identifier or in UNIX time.
* Optional.
* No default (No earliest time bound is used)

latest_time = <string>
* The string that represents the time of the earliest event to return,
* The time can be expressed with a relative time identifier or in UNIX
* Optional.
* NOTE: events that occur in the future (relative to the server timezone)
        might be returned.
* No default (No latest time bound is used)

order = <integer>
* The key on which all custom time ranges are sorted, ascending.
* The default time range selector in the UI will merge and sort all time
  ranges according to the 'order' key, and then alphabetically.
* Optional.
* Default: 0

disabled = <integer>
* Specifies if the menu item is shown. Set to 1 to hide menu item.
* Optional.
* Default: 0

sub_menu = <submenu name>
* REMOVED.  This setting is no longer used.

is_sub_menu = <boolean>
* REMOVED.  This setting is no longer used.


* List of flags that modify the panels that are displayed in the time range picker.

show_advanced = <boolean>
* Specifies if the 'Advanced' panel should be displayed in the time range picker.
* Optional.
* Default: true

show_date_range = <boolean>
* Specifies if the 'Date Range' panel should be displayed in the time range picker.
* Optional.
* Default: true

show_datetime_range = <boolean>
* Specifies if the 'Date & Time Range' panel should be displayed in the time range picker.
* Optional.
* Default: true

show_presets = <boolean>
* Specifies if the 'Presets' panel should be displayed in the time range picker.
* Optional.
* Default: true

show_realtime = <boolean>
* Specifies if the 'Realtime' panel should be displayed in the time range picker.
* Optional.
* Default: true

show_relative = <boolean>
* Specifies if the 'Relative' panel should be displayed in the time range picker.
* Optional.
* Default: true


#   Version 9.3.0
# This is an example times.conf.  Use this file to create custom time ranges
# that can be used while interacting with the search system.
# To use one or more of these configurations, copy the configuration block
# into times.conf in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/. You must restart Splunk
# to enable configurations.
# To learn more about configuration files (including precedence) please see
# the documentation located at
# http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Admin/Aboutconfigurationfiles

# Note: These are examples.  Replace the values with your own customizations.

# The stanza name is an alphanumeric string (no spaces) that uniquely
# identifies a time range.

# Define the label used in the time range control
label = This business week

# Define the label to be used in display headers. If omitted the 'label' key
# will be used with the first letter lowercased.
header_label = during this business week
earliest_time = +1d@w1
latest_time = +6d@w6

# Define the ordering sequence of this time range.  All time ranges are
# sorted numerically, ascending. If the time range is in a sub menu and not
# in the main menu, this will determine the position within the sub menu.
order = 110

# a time range that only has a bound on the earliest time
label = Last 3 hours
header_label = in the last 3 hours
earliest_time = -3h
order = 30

# Use epoch time notation to define the time bounds for the Fall Semester
# 2013, where earliest_time is 9/4/13 00:00:00 and latest_time is 12/13/13
# 00:00:00.
label = Fall Semester 2013
earliest_time = 1378278000
latest_time = 1386921600

# Disable the realtime panel in the time range picker
show_realtime = false

Last modified on 24 April, 2024
telemetry.conf   transactiontypes.conf

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise: 9.3.0

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