Splunk® Universal Forwarder

Forwarder Manual

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Universal Forwarder. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Fixed issues

The following issues were fixed in releases of the universal forwarder.

Version was released on August 16, 2022. It delivers relevant fixes described in the August 16, 2022 quarterly security patch on the Splunk Product Security page.


Version 8.2.7 was released on June 30, 2022. This release fixes the following universal forwarder issue.

Universal forwarder issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2022-11-10 SPL-212687, SPL-220769, SPL-221322 'MS Defender' Windows Event Logs stop sending several times a day. System logs still send


Version 8.2.6 was released on April 5, 2022. This release fixes no new universal forwarder issues.


Version 8.2.5 was released on February 16, 2022. This release fixes the following universal forwarder issue.

Universal forwarder issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2022-01-11 SPL-215146, SPL-213415 Splunk forwarder consuming excessive memory when output group is unavailable


Version 8.2.4 was released on December 21, 2021. This release fixes no new universal forwarder issues.


Version 8.2.3 was released on October 25, 2021. This release fixes the following universal forwarder issues.

Universal forwarder issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2021-09-23 SPL-211911, SPL-210684 AIX UF not able to ingest json files after upgrade to 8.2.x


Version 8.2.2 was released on August 18, 2021. This release fixes the following universal forwarder issues.

Universal forwarder issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2021-07-29 SPL-207848, SPL-207847, SPL-207849, SPL-207851, SPL-207901 UF stops ingesting sourcetype upon message - Bug during applyPendingMetadata
2021-06-29 SPL-208018, SPL-204906 UF has problems recognizing the DST changes.


Version 8.2.1 was released on June 22, 2021. This release fixes the following universal forwarder issues.

Universal forwarder issues

Date resolved Issue number Description
2021-05-27 SPL-202998, SPL-198974 AIX: Splunk Universal Forwarder crashing when the scripted input script is failing with an error
2021-03-09 SPL-195635, SPL-202178, SPL-206477, SPL-202163, SPL-206534 Splunkd increased memory usage over time when monitoring UDP port(s) with in inputs.conf


Version 8.2.0 was released on May 12, 2021. This release fixes the following universal forwarder issues.

Last modified on 30 August, 2023
Known issues   Third-party software

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Universal Forwarder: 8.2.7

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