
The SplunkMap view


The SplunkMap view binds a map to a search that interprets geographic data and displays it on a map. Data with lat and lon fields are used to populate map markers according to location. This view works best with the geostats search command, which provides clustering and spatial statistics in the Splunk search language.


Library path

Simple XML wrapper



Default value


id Required. The unique ID for this control.
data"preview"The type of data to retrieve from the search results
results | preview | events | summary | timeline ).
drilldowntrueIndicates whether to enable a drilldown action when this view is clicked.
drilldownRedirecttrueIndicates whether to redirect to a search page when clicked. When true, a refined search corresponding to the point that was clicked is displayed in the search app. When false, you must create a click event handler to define a drilldown action. You can also use the preventDefault method in the click event handler to bypass the default redirect to search.
height"400px"The height of the view, in pixels.
manageridnullThe ID of the search manager to bind this control to.
mapping.*Simple XML map properties. Must be set in JavaScript. For a list of mapping properties, see the Simple XML Reference.
maxZoomAn integer that indicates the maximum zoom level of the tileset.
resizablefalseIndicates whether the view can be resized.
tileSource"splunk"The tiles to use in map rendering ( openStreetMap | splunk ).




renderDraws the control to the screen. Called only when you create the control manually in JavaScript.




clickFired when a marker is clicked.
click:markerFired when a marker is clicked.

Example (Django tag)

This example uses search results from a sample earthquakes lookup table, and includes lat and lon fields in the search query. To try it for yourself, download earthquakes.csv to a /lookups directory under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/your_app_name.

{% block content %}
    {% splunkmap id="example-splunkmap" managerid="example-search" tileSource="openStreetMap"
        drilldown=True drilldownRedirect=True
{% endblock content %}

{% block managers %}
    {% searchmanager id="example-search" 
        search="| inputlookup earthquakes.csv | search  Region=Washington | rename Lat as lat, Lon as lon | geostats count" 
{% endblock managers %}

Example (JavaScript)

This example uses search results from a sample earthquakes lookup table, and includes lat and lng fields in the search query. To try it for yourself, download earthquakes.csv to a /lookups directory under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/your_app_name.

    var deps = [
    require(deps, function(mvc) {
        var SearchManager = require("splunkjs/mvc/searchmanager");
        var SplunkMapView = require("splunkjs/mvc/splunkmapview");

        // Create managers
        new SearchManager({
            id: "example-search",
            search: "| inputlookup earthquakes.csv | search  Region=Washington | rename Lat as lat, Lon as lon | geostats count" 

        // Instantiate components
        mysplunkmap = new SplunkMapView({
            id: "example-splunkmap",
            managerid: "example-search",
            drilldown: true,
            drilldownRedirect: true,
            tileSource: "splunk",
            "mapping.map.zoom": 6, // Place complex property names within quotes
            "mapping.map.center": "(47.5,-120)", // Center on Washington state
            "mapping.markerLayer.markerOpacity": 0.6,
            "mapping.markerLayer.markerMinSize": 15,
            el: $("#mysplunkmapview")

        // Create an on-click event handler to change the default drilldown behavior 
        mysplunkmap.on("click:marker", function(e) {
            alert(e.data.count + " earthquakes near (" + e.data.latitude + ", " + e.data.longitude + ")");
            console.log(e.data); // Displays data to the console


Code examples