Splunk® Industrial Asset Intelligence (Legacy)

Release Notes for Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence

Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence reached its End of Sale on February 24, 2020.

New features for Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence

This release of Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence (IAI) includes the following new feature:

  • Support for Python 3. This release of IAI does not support other versions of Python.

Changes that affect deployment and administration of the app:

  • The upgrade process is streamlined and uses a script instead of requiring you to type command line commands. You can upgrade from version 1.2.1 to version 1.3.0. See Upgrade Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence in Install and Upgrade Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence.
  • The KV store collections used by the app have been consolidated. A data migration script runs immediately after upgrade to update existing data.
  • An additional concurrency limit has been added to limits.conf for the app. To understand when you might want to make changes to that setting, see Capacity planning for Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence in Install and Upgrade Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence.

This release is only compatible with Splunk Enterprise version 8.0.0 or later. See Splunk Enterprise version requirements for compatibility information.

Last modified on 03 February, 2020
  Fixed issues for Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Industrial Asset Intelligence (Legacy): 1.3.0

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