Docs » Org reference information » Per product system limits in Splunk Observability Cloud » System limits for Splunk RUM

System limits for Splunk RUM ๐Ÿ”—

Splunk RUM has system limits that help ensure good performance, stability, and reliability. These limits also protect the Splunk RUM multi-tenant environment. Exceeding these limits might degrade your Splunk RUM experience.

Subscriptions ๐Ÿ”—

There are two types of subscriptions: enterprise and standard. For more information on each type of subscription, see Splunk RUM Pricing .

Session limits ๐Ÿ”—

Limit name

Default limit value


Max session duration

4 hours

If you exceed the limit, Splunk RUM generates a new session ID but doesnโ€™t drop the span.

Max inactive time in session

15 minutes

If you exceed the limit, Splunk RUM generates a new session ID but doesnโ€™t drop the span.

Data ingestion limits ๐Ÿ”—

If you exceed the data ingestion limit for your subscription, data is dropped. Splunk RUM notifies you if youโ€™ve exceeded the limit with a status code error. Data ingestion limits are determined by your subscription.

Limit name

Default limit value

Bytes per minute (BPM)

Determined by your subscription

Spans Per Minute (SPM)

Determined by your subscription

Span size


MetricSet limits ๐Ÿ”—

Default limit


Troubleshooting MetricSets (TMS)

TMS limits are determined by your subscription. If you exceed the limit session events or spans arenโ€™t dropped.

Monitoring MetricSets

Monitoring MetricSets are determined by your subscription. For more information on system limits for Monitoring MetricSets, see System limits for Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring.

Additional limit details for Splunk RUM ๐Ÿ”—

To help you optimize your product experience, this section describes the following:

  • The name and value of each system limit.

  • If available, the organization metrics associated with the limit.

  • The impact you observe when you exceed the limit.

Bytes per minute (BPM) ๐Ÿ”—

Default limit


Determined by Session Volume entitlement as per contract

The number of session events or spans dropped after this limit is reached. Monitor how many spans were dropped when you exceeded the throttle for BPM with the following metrics:





numSpanBytes is the size of the spans that Splunk RUM accepted.

Spans Per Minute (SPM) ๐Ÿ”—

Default limit


Determined by Session Volume entitlement as per contract

The number of session events or spans dropped after this limit is reached. Monitor SPM with the following metrics:




Span size ๐Ÿ”—

Default limit



The volume of an individual RUM event or span in kB. If you exceed the limit, Splunk RUM drops the span and doesnโ€™t analyze the contents. Measure the number of drops due to span size with this metric You can also add the dimension spanTooLarge.

This page was last updated on Jul 25, 2023.