Docs » Set up Splunk APM

Set up Splunk APM 🔗

Monitor the availability and performance of your distributed applications by sending traces to Splunk APM. A trace contains one or more spans that log requests or transactions in your system. You can use trace data as the basis of dashboards, charts, and alerts, and you can correlate trace data with logs and other resources.

To set up Splunk APM and begin analyzing application availability and performance, follow these steps:

  1. Send traces to Splunk APM

  2. Learn what you can do with Splunk APM

  3. Customize your Splunk APM experience

See the following optional topics for additional guidance as you set up Splunk APM:

Continue learning about Splunk APM

The following resources provide additional information about Splunk APM:

This page was last updated on Feb 05, 2024.