Docs » Supported integrations in Splunk Observability Cloud » Collector components: Receivers » Zipkin receiver

Zipkin receiver 🔗

The Zipkin receiver gathers spans from Zipkin versions 1 and 2. The supported pipeline type is traces. See Process your data with pipelines for more information.

Get started 🔗


This component is included in the default configuration of the Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector when deploying in host monitoring (agent) mode. See Collector deployment modes for more information.

For details about the default configuration, see Configure the Collector for Kubernetes with Helm, Collector for Linux default configuration, or Collector for Windows default configuration. You can customize your configuration any time as explained in this document.

Follow these steps to configure and activate the component:

  1. Deploy the Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector to your host or container platform:

  1. Configure the Zipkin receiver as described in the next section.

  2. Restart the Collector.

Sample configuration 🔗

To activate the Zipkin receiver, add zipkin to the receivers section of your configuration file, as in the following sample configurations.


To complete the configuration, include the receiver in the traces pipeline of the service section of your configuration file. For example:

      receivers: [zipkin]

The following settings are configurable:

  • endpoint: host:port on which the receiver is going to receive data. by default.

  • parse_string_tags: If enabled, the receiver attempts to parse string tags or binary annotations into int/bool/float. false by default.

Additional settings 🔗

The Zipkin receiver uses helper files for additional capabilities:

Settings 🔗

The following table shows the configuration options for the Zipkin receiver:

Troubleshooting 🔗

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This page was last updated on Dec 12, 2024.