Docs » Education classes for Splunk Observability Cloud

Education classes for Splunk Observability Cloud 🔗

There are many resources available to help you learn more about Splunk Observability Cloud or connect with other observabilty practitioners.

Splunk Education offers free and paid course offerings for all aspects of Splunk Observability Cloud. For a complete list of current courses, see Splunk Observability Cloud course offerings .

There are a number of free self-paced courses available that provide a look at various parts of Splunk Observability Cloud. These self-paced courses range from 15 minutes to 2 hrs long and introduce key concepts and best practices for most aspects of Splunk Observability Cloud. Course offerings may change over time. The free offerings currently include:

  • Introduction to Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring (IM)

  • Getting Data into Splunk Observability Cloud

  • Introduction to Splunk Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

  • Introduction to Splunk Real User Monitoring

  • Using Splunk Synthetic Monitoring (RIGOR)

  • Introduction to Splunk Synthetic Monitoring

  • Splunk Observability Cloud: Teams

  • Instrumenting Splunk Mobile RUM

  • Network Performance Monitoring with Splunk Network Explorer

  • Splunk Observability Cloud: Enterprise Features

  • Optimizing Metrics Usage with Splunk Metrics Pipeline Management

  • Introduction to Splunk Log Observer Connect

To explore the free and paid education offerings, see Splunk Observability Cloud course offerings .

This page was last updated on Sep 28, 2023.