Splunk Stream

Installation and Configuration Manual


The following is the spec file for streamfwd.conf.


* This is currently the only supported stanza for this spec file.
* All streamfwd.conf settings are incorporated under this single stanza.

clientIpSslHashBytes = <integer>
* Defines number of client IP octets to use for SSL processor thread hash algorithm. (min value = 0; max value = 4)
* Applies only if you have _disabled_ useGlobalSSLSessionKeyCache

duplicatePacketWindow = <integer>
* Defines number of packets cached in memory (using a rolling window) to detect duplicate packets.
* Set this to a value greater than zero to enable automatic deduplication of network packets.

hideCreditCardNumbers = <boolean>
* Masks credit card numbers. Set to false to show all credit card numbers.

mapSslServers = <boolean>
* Set to false to disable automatic caching of SSL server certificates to corresponding servers's IP addresses.

maxEventQueueSize = <integer>
* Defines maximum number of events queued for delivery to Splunk.

maxFieldSize = <bytes>
* Defines maximum size of content field.

maxPacketQueueSize = <integer>
* Defines maximum size for each processing thread's packet queue.

maxTcpReassemblyPacketCount = <integer>
* Defines maximum number of TCP packets in reassembly queue per processing thread.

maxTcpSessionCount = <integer>
* Defines maximum number of concurrent TCP/UDP flows per processing thread.

maxFlows = <integer>
* Defines maximum number of concurrent flows per prcessing thread.

pcapBufferSize = <bytes>
* Defines buffer size for each network device. Increase the number of bytes if you see dropped packets.

pingInterval = <seconds>
* Modifies the ping server interval.

processingThreads = <integer>
* Defines number of threads to use for processing network traffic.

sessionKeyTimeout = <seconds>
* Indicates idle time before SSL session keys expire.

tcpConnectionTimeout = <seconds>
* Indicates idle time before TCP/UDP flows expire.

tcpFlowTimeout = <seconds>
* Indicates idle time before TCP flows expire.

udpFlowTimeout = <seconds>
* Indicates idle time before UDP flows expire.

arpFlowTimeout = <seconds>
* Indicates idle time before ARP flows expire.

ipFlowTimeout = <seconds>
* Indicates idle time before IP flows expire.

useGlobalSSLSessionKeyCache = <boolean>
* Enables sharing of SSL cache across processing threads. Set to true to share.

usePacketMemoryPool = <boolean>
* When set to true, Stream forwarder uses a pool allocator to allot memory for storing network packets.
* Because the pool allocator does not release unused memory back to the operating system, setting this
parameter to true may result in high memory usage.
* Set to true only when Stream forwarder is running on a dedicated capture server that processes large
traffic volumes.

configTemplateName = <value>
* Indicates the product template to use. <value> is the valid name of an installed product template (e.g. es, itsi).

indexer.<N>.uri = <value>
* When running Stream forwarder in Independent agent mode, use this parameter to specify the location of 
Splunk indexers where you want to receive Stream forwarder generated events.
* <value> is a valid URI pointing to a Splunk indexer.

analyzeRawSSL = <value>

creditCardNumbersMask = <value>

creditCardNumbersRegex = <value>

httpEventCollectorToken = <value>

ipAddr = <value>

logConfig = <value>

maxEventAttributes = <value>

packetBatchSize = <value>

port = <value>

sslKey = <value>

fileServerMountPoint = <value>
* Mount point of a file server to save packets into PCAP files for targeted packet capture. This setting is also used for saving files that have been extracted while being transferred over the network.
* If this value is left blank, then the files will not be saved.

fileServerId = <value>
* File server id is used to uniquely identify the file server.
* This value needs to match the file server id set in the search head configuration. 
* If this value does not match with the value set in search head configuration, then the user will not be able to download the file using event flow action. 

maxFlowPacketsToCache = <integer>
* Maximum number of packets per flow to be cached and saved into PCAP files for targeted packet capture. 
* If the packet cache reaches this limit, then the earlier packets will be discarded to maintain this cache limit. This setting helps in managing the memory usage for targeted packet capture. 
* Higher value of this setting, will result in more memory usage.
* Default is 50.

packetSenderQueueSize = <integer>
* Defines number of files to be saved to the file server. If this queue gets full, then overflow of files will be discarded until there is space available to add a new file.
* Slow throughput to the file server could result in this queue getting full quickly.
* Default is 100000.


# streamfwdcapture
# By default, streamfwd listens for traffic on all available network interfaces.
# Using the streamfwdcapture parameter you can restrict data capture to specific interfaces only.

streamfwdcapture.<N>.bitsPerSecond = <integer>
* Only applies if offline is true.
* Rate limiter: if undefined, defaults to 10 Mbps if <Repeat> is true, else 100 Mbps.

streamfwdcapture.<N>.filter = <BPF>
* Lets you set a BPF (Berkeley Packet Filter) for kernel-level packet filtering. The value of this tag must comply with BPF syntax.
* Only one filter variable per streamfwdcapture parameter is supported.

streamfwdcapture.<N>.interface = <string>
* Specifies a network interface name or a path to a pcap file or a directory of pcap files.

streamfwdcapture.<N>.interfaceRegex = <regex>
* A regular expression specifying which network interfaces to capture.

streamfwdcapture.<N>.offline = <boolean>
* True means use pcap files: interface must be a pcap file or a directory to monitor for pcap files.
* False means interface is a network device name.
* Default is false.

streamfwdcapture.<N>.repeat = <boolean>
* Only applies if interface is a pcap file.
* True means to play back the pcap file repeatedly for continuous load.

streamfwdcapture.<N>.afterIngest = delete | move [<subdir>] | ignore | repeat | stop
* Only applies if interface is a directory.
* Specifies action to take after ingesting a pcap file from the directory.
* delete: Delete the file.
* move [<subdir>]: Move the file to a subdirectory (which will be created if needed).  Default is finished_pcaps.
* ignore: Leave the file but mark it as already processed.
* repeat: Continue to re-ingest all pcap files in rotation.
* stop: Leave the file.  After processing each directory once, stop monitoring.
* Default is move.

streamfwdcapture.<N>.sysTime = <boolean>
* Only applies if offline is true.
* True means to use the system time for packet timestamps instead of actual timestamps from pcap file.  Default is false.

streamfwdcapture.<N>.munge = <boolean>


# tcpServer
# Stream forwarder automatically detects the client and server endpoints when it captures the beginnings of TCP connections.
# If it starts capturing traffic after establishing a TCP connection, Stream forwarder normally assumes that the sender of the
# first packet it sees is the client.
# You can modify this behavior by using the tcpServer parameter to define the endpoints of specific TCP servers.
# If the sender of a packet matches the endpoint, Stream forwarder correctly categorizes it as a server response packet.

tcpServer.<N>.address = <ip address>

tcpServer.<N>.addressWildCard = <address mask>

tcpServer.<N>.port = <integer>


# sslServer
# Stream forwarder detects endpoint encryption, and attempts to decrypt SSL sessions using the available private keys.
# Optionally, you can explicitly define the traffic as encrypted by adding sslServer parameters.

sslServer.<N>.address = <ip address>

sslServer.<N>.port = <integer>


# netflowReceiver
# By default, streamfwd listens for traffic on all available network interfaces.
# Using the netflowReceiver parameter streamfwd can receive flow data (netflow/sflow) from network devices.

netflowReceiver.<N>.ip = <ip address>
* IP address to bind to. Default uses first available ip

netflowReceiver.<N>.port = <integer>
* Port number to listen for flow data.

netflowReceiver.<N>.decoder = <flow decoder>
* Flow protocol to listen for. Valid values are netflow and sflow

netflowReceiver.<N>.filter = <ip address>
* Comma separated list of ip addresses that are allowed to send flow data to this streamfwd instance. Default allows for all ip's to send data


# Allows for adding enterprise specific flow elements. This maps enterprise element id to stream forwarder vocabulary term.
# Make sure to add the termid to steamfwd vocabulary in vocabulary.xml file

netflowElement.<N>.enterpriseid = <integer>
* IANA defined enterprise ID e.g. 25461 for Palo Alto Networks as defined here http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers/enterprise-numbers

netflowElement.<N>.id = <integer>
* ID of Enterprise element e.g. 100

netflowElement.<N>.termid = <vocabulary term>
* streamfwd vocabulary term the above element id maps to e.g. netflow-paloalto.user-id.
Last modified on 03 March, 2022
Command line options for the Independent Stream Forwarder   Manage data configuration for Stream forwarders

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk Stream: 8.0.1, 8.0.2, 8.1.0, 8.1.1

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