Splunk® Mobile for iOS

Release Notes

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Mobile for iOS. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Splunk Mobile release notes

Splunk Mobile version 2.14.0 was released on March 3, 2021'.

New features

The following are updates in Splunk Mobile version 2.14.0:

  • View gauges in vertical or horizontal orientation
  • Scatter and bubble charts have an interactive legend in fullscreen view
  • Large Y-axis values are abbreviated by default
  • Panel and visualization level titles are now displayed
  • MDM-configured devices can be registered using the authentication code

Fixed issues

The following are fixed issues in this release of Splunk Mobile for iOS:

Date resolved Issue number Description
2021-02-12 MALT-2032 Public instances show incorrect error message "Credentials changed" when the instance has expired

Known issues

The following are known issues in this release of Splunk Mobile for iOS:

Date filed Issue number Description
2021-02-24 MALT-2067, MAA-1809 If you select a private instance and then select an MDM instance to register to, the authentication code remains the same.
2021-02-17 MALT-2039 Bar chart x and y axis might be swapped
2020-12-14 MALT-1932 Time picker condition labels not honored
2020-11-18 MALT-1820 Events visualization missing data field on CMC dashboard

Splunk Cloud Gateway is the backend infrastructure for all Connected Experiences apps, so features and known issues pertaining to Splunk Cloud Gateway may pertain to Splunk Mobile for iOS.

See the Splunk Cloud Gateway release notes for more information.

For a list of supported visualizations and dashboard configurations, see Visualization support for the Connected Experiences apps in the Splunk Cloud Gateway Release Notes manual.

Last modified on 02 March, 2021
  Splunk Mobile features

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Mobile for iOS: 2.14.0

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