Splunk® Mobile for iOS

Release Notes

As of the release of Splunk Mobile version 2.2.1, the Splunk Natural Language Platform (NLP) feature has reached its end of life. Splunk has removed the NLP feature in the Connected Experiences apps and will no longer develop NLP functionalities.
This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Mobile for iOS. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Splunk Mobile release notes

Splunk Mobile version 2.2.1 was released on April 10, 2020.

New features

The following are new features in Splunk Mobile version 2.2.1:

  • Public COVID-19 dashboard. This dashboard comes from a public instance maintained by our team. Go to Settings > Feature Spotlight to learn more.
  • Full screen visualizations. Tap the expand icon to view a visualization in full screen.
  • Improved table visualization design and function
  • Bug fix. You can now load a dashboard list with over 2,500 dashboards.
  • The Splunk Natural Language Platform (NLP) feature has reached its end of life. Splunk has removed the NLP feature in the Connected Experiences apps and will no longer develop NLP functionalities.

Splunk Cloud Gateway is the backend infrastructure for all Connected Experiences apps, so features and known pertaining to Splunk Cloud Gateway pertain to the Splunk Mobile.

See the Splunk Cloud Gateway release notes for more information.

Fixed issues

The following are fixed issues in this release of Splunk Mobile for iOS:

Date resolved Issue number Description
2020-03-27 MALT-1193, MSB-1217 Timeout error occurs when trying to load dashboard list with 2,500+ dashboards
2020-03-20 MALT-1192 Splunk Mobile unexpectedly closes when you tap on the right most column of table visualizations.

Known issues

The following are known issues in this release of Splunk Mobile for iOS:

Date filed Issue number Description
2020-04-09 MALT-1248 Unable to see COVID-19 public instance after registering to a private instance.
2020-02-27 MALT-1108, MAA-573 Splunk Mobile charts aren't showing dates on the x axis. The Splunk Web version of the chart shows date using makeresults command.
2019-12-06 MALT-1006 Stacked area charts do not render correctly.
2019-09-27 MALT-927 Unable to use form inputs if you the lock device and come back to the dashboard

For a list of supported visualizations and dashboard configurations, see Visualization support for the Connected Experiences apps in the Splunk Cloud Gateway Release Notes manual.

Last modified on 20 May, 2020
  Splunk Mobile features

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Mobile for iOS: 2.2.1

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