Content Pack for Example Glass Tables

Content Pack for Example Glass Tables

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Content Pack for Example Glass Tables. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

About the Content Pack for Example Glass Tables

The Content Pack for Example Glass Tables provides a starting point for monitoring various use cases on the glass table canvas. Use these glass tables as a starting point for building executive dashboards to display the business and infrastructure metrics you care about for monitoring your business.



You have two options for installing and configuring the Content pack for Example Glass Table;

  • One option is to install the content pack from the Splunk App for Content Packs. The Content Pack for Example Glass Table is included in the Splunk App for Content Packs if you are using ITSI version 4.9.x.
  • Your second option is to install the content pack using backup and restore functionality provided by ITSI. You have to use this option if you are using ITSI version 4.8.x or lower.

See Install and configure the Content Pack for Example Glass Tables for detailed installation steps.

Content pack contents

This content pack contains the following glass table:

  • 1 - Operational and Executive Visibility
  • 2 - Transaction Flow
  • 3 - Online Checkout Funnel
  • 4 - Data Center Overview
  • 5 - Airport Operations Status
  • 6 - Boston Marathon

To preview each glass table, see Glass table reference for the Content Pack for Example Glass Tables.

ITSI and ITE Work support

The content in the Content Pack for Example Glass Tables is only supported in ITSI.

Deployment requirements

Use the following table to determine ITSI version compatibility with various versions of the Content Pack for Example Glass Tables:

Content pack version ITSI version
1.0.1 4.7.0 or later
1.0.0 4.2.1 - 4.6.2

Additional resources

Last modified on 03 February, 2022
  Release notes for the Content Pack for Example Glass Tables

This documentation applies to the following versions of Content Pack for Example Glass Tables: 1.0.1

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