Splunk® DB Connect

Release Notes

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® DB Connect. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Release notes

Version 3.17.2 of Splunk DB Connect was released on June 20, 2024.

New and changed features

Version 3.17.2 of Splunk DB Connect contains the following new or changed features:

  • Removed decrypting of protected identity attributes if attributes are not present. This created misleading error logs, but had no effect on functionality.
  • Supports configuration for stdin timeout in dbxquery command.
  • Skipped the timeout configuration for stdin on Windows as it is not supported functionality.
  • Increased default values for socket timeout and stdin timeout in dbxquery command.
  • Removed dependency on splunk_sdk-1.5.0-py2.7.egg

Fixed issues

Version 3.17.2 of Splunk DB Connect fixes the following issues. If no issues appear below, no issues have yet been fixed.

Date filed Issue number Description
2024-06-11 DBX-5843 [PUBLIC] The connection string is invalid. Connection strings must start with: jdbc:mongodb//
2024-06-11 DBX-5844 [PUBLIC] Encrypted field resolver. An error occurred while decrypting the field!
2022-06-14 DBX-5845 [PUBLIC] An exception was thrown while dispatching the python script handler

Known issues

Version 3.17.2 of Splunk DB Connect contains the following known issues. If no issues appear below, no issues have yet been reported.

Third-party software attributions

Some of the components included in this add-on are licensed under free or open source licenses. We wish to thank the contributors to those projects.

A complete listing of third-party software information for this add-on is available as a Document file for download:
Splunk DB Connect third-party software credits.

Last modified on 24 July, 2024

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® DB Connect: 3.17.2

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