Data Manager

Troubleshooting Manual

Troubleshoot the AWS Deployment Status

Use this information to troubleshoot issues relating to the deployment status.

[ERROR]:One or more stacks are not found

Data Manager is unable to find one of more of your of your stacks.


One or more of your stacks have not been created in the AWS accounts and regions you onboarded during input creation.


  1. In Data Manager, navigate to the Data Management page.
  2. Click on the Set up AWS accounts tab, and follow the steps to create the missing stacks.
  3. Refresh this page and click on the Data Input Details tab to see if the issue still persists.
  4. If the issue still persists, check the Data Manager app logs to get more information about the AWS API responses.
  5. If the configuration is correct and you are still seeing this error message, Contact Splunk Support.

[ERROR]:Stack deployment mismatch

A yellow warning icon is shown next to Total Stack Instances, indicating that the number of stacks on one or more of the AWS accounts does not match the number of stacks expected by Data Manager.


Your Data Manager data input configuration does not match your AWS configuration.


  1. In Data Manager, navigate to the Data Management page.
  2. Click on the Data Input Details tab, and hover over the yellow warning icon next to the Total Stack Instances field under the Data Source Ingestion Details table and make a note of the warning message details.
  3. Navigate to the Setup AWS Accounts tab. Follow all the instructions and verify that all stacks have been created in all accounts and regions specified.
  4. Navigate to the Data Input Details tab and check the status of the AWS stacks in the Account establishment details section.
  5. If the number of expected stack instances in Data Manager is less than the number of stacks found in the AWS accounts, find and delete the extra AWS stacks from regions or accounts not selected in the input.
  6. Refresh the page. If all stacks in the AWS accounts match the stacks configured in Data Manager, the General Status of the input will turn green.
  7. If the issue still persists, check the Data Manager app logs to get more information about the AWS API responses.
  8. If the configuration is correct and you are still seeing this error message, Contact Splunk Support.

[ERROR]:Stack deployment mismatch

A yellow warning icon is shown in the Stack Version column, indicating that the Stack version set in your AWS account configuration does not match the version expected by Data Manager.


Your Data Manager data input configuration does not match your AWS configuration.


  1. In Data Manager, navigate to the Data Management page.
  2. Click the Data Input Details tab, and navigate to the Account Establishment Details section.
  3. Navigate to the Stack Version column, and check the version of the stacks in your AWS accounts. If the version values do not match, then either the stack tags were manually edited in the AWS Accounts, or the stack templates on the AWS accounts need to be updated with the newest template.
  4. Navigate to the Setup AWS Accounts tab.
  5. Download the template and follow the instructions to update the stacks with this newest template.
  6. Refresh this page and click on the Data Input Details tab to see if the issue still persists.
  7. If the issue still persists, check the Data Manager app logs to get more information about the AWS API responses.
  8. If the configuration is correct and you are still seeing this error message, Contact Splunk Support.

[ERROR]:Stackset version mismatch

A yellow warning icon is shown next to AWS StackSet Version, indicating that the StackSet version in your AWS configuration does not match the version set in Data Manager.


The StackSet version for the StackSet deployed on AWS is not same as the StackSet version that is stored on the input on the Data Manager side.


  1. In Data Manager, navigate to the Data Management page.
  2. Navigate to the Setup AWS Accounts tab. Follow all the instructions and verify that all stacks have been created in all accounts and regions specified.
  3. Navigate to the Data Input Details tab and check the status of the stacks on AWS in Account establishment details.
  4. Refresh the page. If the StackSet version on AWS matches the one in Data Manager, the General Status of the input will turn green.
  5. If the configuration is correct and you are still seeing this error message, Contact Splunk Support.

[ERROR]:Stack deployment mismatch: Empty or Unavailable Input General Status

The data input that is configured on your Data Manager configuration is unavailble.


The data input cannot be found on Data Manager.


  1. Check the Data Manager app logs to see if there are any AWS API errors, or any other exceptions in the app.
  2. If the logs do not help you reach a solution, delete the data input, and recreate it again.
  3. If you are still seeing this error message, Contact Splunk Support.

[ERROR]:Deployment Status: Failed

One or more stacks show a FAILED status in the Stacks Status column in the Account Establishment Details.


One or more of the stacks on a configured data input on Data Manager has not been created or an update has failed.


  1. In Data Manager, navigate to the Data Management page.
  2. Click the Data Input Details tab, and navigate to the Account Establishment Details section.
  3. On the Account Establishment Details section, identify which stack has failed.
  4. Navigate the AWS account and region where the stack deployment by navigating to AWS > AWS CloudFormation > Stacks. Alternatively, click on the Stack ID link to the failed stack from the Stack ID column in the Account Establishment Details section.
  5. In the AWS account, click on the Events tab to learn more about what caused the stack failure.
  6. If possible, delete this stack and recreate it again.
  7. Navigate to Data Manager, delete the data input and create it again.
  8. If the configuration is correct and you are still seeing this error message, Contact Splunk Support.
Last modified on 05 September, 2024
Troubleshoot the AWS CloudFormation Template deployment   Troubleshoot AWS CloudTrail data ingestion

This documentation applies to the following versions of Data Manager: 1.11.0

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