Splunk® Edge Hub OS

Release Notes

For documentation on other necessary components for Splunk Edge Hub, see the Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR documentation, Splunk Edge Hub mobile app documentation, and Splunk Edge Hub hardware documentation.
This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Edge Hub OS. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Splunk Edge Hub OS release notes

You can collect sensor data and stream it into a Splunk platform instance using the Splunk Edge Hub and Splunk Edge Hub OS.

Splunk provides documentation for the Splunk Edge Hub firmware, called Splunk Edge Hub OS. For hardware documentation, see https://www.edgehubcentral.com/product/user-manual. For product specifications, see https://www.edgehubcentral.com/product/specs.

To get started with Splunk Edge Hub OS, see the following documentation:

Splunk Edge Hub OS is supported with Victoria and Classic Experience Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise deployments version 9.0 or higher.

Minimum version compatibility

Splunk Edge Hub version 1.6.0 is a mandatory upgrade to support changes to Broad Support Package (BSP).

The following table provides the minimum version requirements to support the latest features in the Splunk Edge Hub OS, Splunk Edge mobile app, and Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR:

Splunk Edge Hub OS Splunk Edge mobile app Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR
1.6.0 1.8.0 4.4.0

What's new

Splunk Edge Hub OS version 1.6.0 supports the following capabilities:

  • You can configure your MQTT external broker to use username and password authentication. See Configure username and password authentication to learn how.
  • Splunk Edge Hub OS sends the tag name for OPC-UA as part of logs sent to the OPC-UA index.
  • Splunk Edge Hub OS generates application certificates before attempting connections to secured endpoints.
  • Splunk Edge Hub OS supports router passthrough. When you configure passthrough, the Splunk Edge Hub provides a Wi-Fi access point that other devices can connect to. See Configure router passthrough for the Splunk Edge Hub to learn more.
  • Performance improvements

See the Splunk Edge mobile app release notes to learn more about the mobile app updates.

See the Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR release notes to learn more about the web app updates.

Fixed issues

The following issues were fixed in this version:

  • Fixed an issue that caused certain SNMP MIB files to not load from the dropdown selection.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the MQTT broker configuration sample message parsing to not accept a simple string as valid JSON.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Splunk Edge mobile app give the error, "A server with the specified hostname could not be found" during advanced registration.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the MQTT page to display an error if you attempt to create a metric, timestamp, or dimension without saving the topic rule first.

Known issues

The following are known issues in this version of Splunk Edge Hub OS:

  • Splunk Edge Hubs cannot be registered using Splunk Cloud Platform version 9.0.2209.2. Use Splunk Cloud platform newer version instead.
Last modified on 06 October, 2023
  Splunk Edge Hub warranty

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Edge Hub OS: 1.6.0

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