Splunk® Edge Hub OS

Setup and Configuration Guide

For documentation on other necessary components for Splunk Edge Hub, see the Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR documentation, Splunk Edge Hub mobile app documentation, and Splunk Edge Hub hardware documentation.
This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Edge Hub OS. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Update Splunk Edge Hub firmware

You can update your Splunk Edge Hub firmware in-person or remotely with the Splunk Edge Mobile app.

Identify your Splunk Edge Hub firmware version

To identify your Splunk Edge Hub firmware version, navigate to Settings by pressing the gear icon.


Complete the following prerequisites:

Update Splunk Edge from the Splunk Edge mobile app

An update icon (Update icon) appears in the Edge app next to a Hub name when an update is available.

  1. Open the Splunk Edge app on a mobile device connected to internet.
  2. Select the Hub you want to update.
  3. Above the sensor tiles, tap the Update tile initiate the update.

Update Splunk Edge Hub in person

A notification icon (Update icon) appears on the gear icon on your Splunk Edge Hub when a firmware update is available.

  1. Press the settings icon.
  2. Press Update.
Last modified on 08 March, 2023
Splunk Edge Hub OS advanced network configuration   Troubleshoot Splunk Edge Hub

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Edge Hub OS: beta0.10.0, beta0.11.0, beta0.12.0, beta0.15.0

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