Splunk® Edge Hub OS

User Manual

For documentation on other necessary components for Splunk Edge Hub, see the Splunk App for Edge Hub and AR documentation, Splunk Edge Hub mobile app documentation, and Splunk Edge Hub hardware documentation.
This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Edge Hub OS. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Interpret sensor data from your Splunk Edge Hub

You can gather different types of sensor data using the Splunk Edge Hub. The Splunk Edge Hub contains six sensors:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Light
  • Sound
  • Gyroscopic
  • Acceleration

Each sensor has its own specifications. See the following to understand how each sensor collects data and interpret the sensor data.


The temperature sensor has the following specifications:

Range Accuracy Resolution Collection period
-40 - 80 °C ±0.5 °C 0.1 °C 2 s

The temperature sensor detects the ambient temperature of the environment outside the Splunk Edge Hub. The heat produced by the internal components may increase the temperature reading. The internal temperature takes about an hour to stabilize. Once it stabilizes, the temperature reading has a constant offset from the actual environment temperature. The IoT team is working to fix this offset in a future software release.


The humidity sensor has the following specifications:

Range Accuracy Resolution Collection period
5% - 99% RH ±2% RH 0.1% RH 2 s

The humidity sensor measures the amount of water vapor in the environment and reports it as relative humidity (RH). This reading is based on the air pressure and temperature of the surroundings. The same amount of water vapor results in a higher RH value in cold air than in hot air.


The light sensor has the following specifications:

Range Resolution Response time Peak wavelength
0 - 1000 lux 1 lux 1 ms 30 nm

The light sensor responds to ambient light in the environment and reports this measurement as a value proportional to illuminance (lux). With the peak wavelength of 540 nm, the light sensor will respond best to stimulus in the visible light spectrum.


The sound sensor has the following specifications:

Microphone sensitivity (1Khz) Microphone sensitivity (1Khz)
52 - 48 dB 16 - 20 kHz

The sound sensor responds to noises in the environment and reports this measurement as a value proportional to sound intensity (decibels). With the microphone frequency tuned to 16 - 20 kHz, the sound sensor responds best to stimulus in the human hearing range.


The gyroscope has the following specifications:

Range Resolution Zero offset
±1000°/s 32.8 LSB/°/s ±1°/s

The gyroscope measures angular velocity in degrees per second on 3 separate axes (x, y, z). The arrows in this diagram indicate the direction in which the sensor reading is positive. When the Splunk Edge Hub is steady on an axis, the gyroscopic measurement for that axis has a steady state value within ±1°/s.


The accelerometer has the following specifications:

Range Resolution Zero offset
±6 G 5460 LSB/G ±30 mG

The accelerometer measures acceleration in g-force on 3 separate axes (x, y, z). The arrows in this diagram indicate the direction in which the sensor reading is positive. When the Splunk Edge Hub is steady on an axis, the accelerometer measurement for that axis has a steady state value within ±30 mg. Note that when the Splunk Edge Hub is positioned upright, the axis parallel to the gravitational force of the Earth will have a reading close to 1000 mG.

Last modified on 17 May, 2023
View dashboards with data from your Splunk Edge Hub   Use the Splunk Edge mobile app

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Edge Hub OS: beta0.10.0, beta0.11.0, beta0.12.0, beta0.15.0, beta1.2, beta1.3.1, beta1.3.2

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