Splunk® Cloud Gateway (Legacy)

Install and Administer Splunk Cloud Gateway

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Cloud Gateway (Legacy). For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Install Splunk Cloud Gateway

Splunk Cloud Gateway is required for all Connected Experiences apps. Install Splunk Cloud Gateway to enable users to receive actionable alerts, generate QR codes and NFC URLS for AR workspaces and Splunk dashboards, and manage devices for app users.

If you run into issues with installation or connection, see Troubleshoot Splunk Cloud Gateway and Troubleshoot Splunk Cloud Gateway Connection Issues for more information.


  • Have admin role access.
  • Make sure that KV store is running. See KV store troubleshooting tools and Back up and restore KV store to learn how to check the status of KV store and for KV store best practices.
  • Open port 443 outbound to prod.spacebridge.spl.mobi.
  • Use a compatible proxy server, operating system, and Splunk Enterprise version. See the following table for proxies, operating systems, and Splunk Enterprise versions that are compatible with Splunk Cloud Gateway:
Component Requirements
Proxy server If you're using a proxy server, it must be a HTTPS proxy and support HTTP CONNECT.

. Splunk Cloud Gateway supports Squid forward proxy and Apache forward proxy.

To configure your proxy server, see Configure splunkd to use your HTTP Proxy Server in the Splunk Enterprise Admin Manual.

Operating System Splunk Cloud Gateway is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems.
Hardware Splunk Cloud Gateway requires a minimum processor size of 4 cores and 16GB of ram. The minimum AWS instance size is m5.xlarge.
Splunk Enterprise Version The following Splunk Enterprise versions are the minimum requirements to support Splunk Cloud Gateway. Admin, power, and normal users can use Splunk Cloud Gateway if they have the cloudgateway role.
  • 6.5.x
  • 6.6.x
  • 7.0.x
  • 7.1.x
  • 7.2.x

Splunk Gateway doesn't trust third party certificates.

Install Splunk Cloud Gateway from Splunkbase

Use Splunkbase to install Splunk Cloud Gateway.

  1. Launch Splunk Enterprise.
  2. Log in.
  3. Download Splunk Cloud Gateway from Splunkbase.
  4. Click the Apps gear icon in Splunk Enterprise.
  5. Click Install app from file.
  6. Click Choose File and select the downloaded Splunk Cloud Gateway file.
  7. Click Upload.
  8. Restart Splunk Enterprise.

Deploy Splunk Cloud Gateway in a distributed environment

If installing Splunk Cloud Gateway in a distributed environment, install it on the search head cluster. See App deployment overview in the Splunk Enterprise Admin Manual to deploy Splunk Cloud Gateway to search head clusters.

Configure load balancing

Load balancing distributes data across several receiving instances.

Configure the load balancer in front of the management port (8089), on each search head in the cloudgateway.conf file in the [setup] stanza. <proxy>://<host>:<port>/ is the load balancer address:

load_balancer_address = <proxy>://<host>:<port>/

To create or modify cloudgateway.conf, see Configure cloudgateway.conf.

Last modified on 16 April, 2019
About Splunk Cloud Gateway   About the Splunk Cloud Gateway security process

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Cloud Gateway (Legacy): 1.1.0

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