Splunk® Cloud Gateway (Legacy)

Release Notes

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Cloud Gateway (Legacy). For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Splunk Cloud Gateway release notes

Splunk Cloud Gateway version 1.6.0 was released on August 13, 2019. This version of Splunk Cloud Gateway has the following new features, known issues and fixed issues.

New features

The following are new features in Splunk Cloud Gateway version 1.6.0:

  • Support for new Splunk TV feature
    • Dashboard groups are now saved to the server per user instead of locally with Splunk Cloud Gateway version 1.6.0. When a user unregisters a TV, dashboard groups that they created on that TV will persist on other TVs that the user has registered.
  • Support for new Splunk AR features

After updating Splunk Cloud Gateway, clear your browser cache.

Fixed issues

If no issues appear below, none have been reported.

Date resolved Issue number Description
2019-07-22 MSB-898 Splunk Cloud Gateway does not work with FIPS mode on.

Known issues

Splunk Cloud Gateway is used to configure and send information to all apps, so issues pertaining to Splunk Cloud Gateway pertain to all Connected Experiences apps. If no issues appear below, none have been reported.

Date filed Issue number Description
2019-06-24 MSB-908 In the Splunk AR Register Assets modal, Splunk Cloud Gateway lists all compatible dashboards from all apps regardless if the app is selected in the App Selection tab

If Splunk Cloud Gateway isn't responding, see Troubleshoot Splunk Cloud Gateway and Troubleshoot Splunk Cloud Gateway Connection Issues for troubleshooting steps.

Splunk Connected Experiences apps do not support all visualizations and configurations. See Visualization support in the Splunk Cloud Gateway Release Notes manual for a list of supported and unsupported visualizations.

Last modified on 24 September, 2019
  Visualization support for the Connected Experiences apps

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Cloud Gateway (Legacy): 1.6.0

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