Splunk® Industrial Asset Intelligence (Legacy)

Release Notes for Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence

Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence reached its End of Sale on February 24, 2020.
This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Industrial Asset Intelligence (Legacy). For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Fixed issues for Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence

Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence was released on April 22, 2019 and fixes the following issues.

Date resolved Issue number Description
2019-04-08 IOT-3435 Upgrade to v1.2.0 from 1.1.1 failed " invalid mode ('w+') or filename"

Date resolved Issue number Description
2019-03-14 IOT-2790 Monitor - Monitor View Edit and Add buttons overlap when the browser window is too narrow.
2019-03-14 IOT-1463 Sorting on all tables is case sensitive
2019-03-14 IOT-3006 Alert - Alert creation on custom metrics that do not apply to any assets in the group throws error message "Failed to create alert for invalid custom metric"
2019-03-14 IOT-2525 Configure - Uploading an invalid asset mapping file causes the lists of assets to disappear
2019-03-13 IOT-2707 Analyze - Full asset path does not prepend group custom metric when navigating from Monitor to Analyze
2019-03-13 IOT-2665 Formula Builder - When editing a group custom metric, it can be selected to be part of the formula
2019-03-13 IOT-2498 Monitor - When metrics do not have associated alerts, the hovering tool tip will display "Severity:Unknown"
2019-03-12 IOT-3101 Analyze - Opening a metric in Analyze View intermittently fails to show metric chart
2019-03-11 IOT-2733 Browse - Group views zoom controls are hidden below the fold
2019-03-06 IOT-2780 Browse - Group custom metrics alerts does not show in the asset view when the metric contains raw metrics that do not belong to the asset being viewed
2019-03-06 IOT-2982 Alert - Alert creation on group custom metrics with "Other" data throws error message "Failed to create alert for invalid custom metric" even when metric is valid
2019-03-02 IOT-2983 Formula Builder - Updating a formula that contains "Other" data and has a preexisting alert throws error message "Failed to update alert for invalid custom metric" even though the metric is valid
2019-02-13 IOT-2781 Formula Builder - Expanded asset tree cuts off the last asset
2019-01-28 IOT-2716 Browse - Some groups views and +Add View button may be hidden in group views header bar if there are many group views
2019-01-28 IOT-1716 Monitor - Monitor view drilldown to another Monitor view is not limited to within an operation
Last modified on 13 August, 2022
New features for Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence   Known Issues for Splunk Industrial Asset Intelligence

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Industrial Asset Intelligence (Legacy): 1.2.1

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