Splunk® IT Service Intelligence

Release Notes

New features in Splunk IT Service Intelligence

This version has these new and changed features.

Service Insights

New feature or enhancement Description
Service sandbox Reduce the amount of time to map and simulate services, and quickly get started with service monitoring with the new in-product experience, ITSI Service Sandbox. Visualize relationships between services and configure topologies in a demo environment to identify errors before publishing to production. For more information, see Use the Service Sandbox in ITSI.
ITSI Configuration assistant Identify and remediate configuration issues for objects such as services, KPIs, and entities in a comprehensive dashboard with the ITSI Configuration Assistant. For more information, see Use the ITSI Configuration Assistant.
Advanced configuration options Update the service analyzer refresh rate or make changes to KPI time policies in bulk. Access the Advanced configuration page to update global settings in ITSI. For more information, see Use the ITSI Advanced Configuration page.
Service impact analysis in Service Analyzer Understand the root cause behind service health score degradation by analyzing the KPIs and associated entities that contribute to your service's performance. For more information, see Investigate a service with poor health.
Services and KPI Management page With this release, services and KPIs are consolidated to a new lister page called Service and KPI management. Navigate to this page from the Configuration menu in the ITSI navigation bar.

Event Analytics

New feature or enhancement Description
Webhook integrations You can now use webhooks to send alert data and run alert actions between ITSI and third-party integrations. For more information, see Integrate ITSI with a webhook.
Export episodes and download as CSV With this update, you can download a list of episodes and selected fields as a CSV file from the Episode Review page. For more information, see Download episodes in ITSI.
Jira Cloud integration ITSI now supports bidirectional integration with Jira Cloud. Use the new Jira Cloud Issue Integration action rule to send ITSI alerts to Jira. For more information about the integration, see Integrate ITSI with Splunk Add-on for Jira Cloud.
PagerDuty integration ITSI now supports an integration with PagerDuty. Configure an API to correlate PagerDuty incidents with ITSI episodes and accelerate resolution. For more information about the integration, see Integrate ITSI with PagerDuty.


New feature or enhancement Description
New upgrade readiness pre-checks Three new prechecks have been added to the Upgrade Readiness dashboard, ensuring there are no issues with objects in your environment before you upgrade to the latest ITSI version, and providing automatic remediation for these issues. These prechecks will run only when you upgrade to the next version. For more information, see Upgrade error reference.
Last modified on 06 June, 2024
  Fixed issues in Splunk IT Service Intelligence

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® IT Service Intelligence: 4.19.0, 4.19.1

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