Requirements and installation for iOS
The Splunk MINT SDK for iOS supports the following:
- iOS versions 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, and 9x.
- ARMv7, ARMv7s, and ARM64 architectures
- The iOS Simulator
The requirement for the Splunk MINT SDK for iOS is:
- The latest version of Xcode. If you don't have it, you can get it from the Apple App Store.
Bitcode support
The Splunk MINT SDK for iOS now supports bitcode. However, if you also enable bitcode in your app, crash reports in MINT will not be symbolicated because when bitcode is enabled, Apple recompiles the app. The resulting binary uses a different UUID, so a corresponding dSYM bundle cannot be downloaded.
If you want your Splunk MINT crash reports to be symbolicated, do one of the following:
- Disable bitcode for your app in Xcode (under Build Settings > Build Options, select "NO" for Enable bitcode.)
- Disable Bitcode for iOS targets in your app.
- Disable Bitcode in the Upload dialog box in the Xcode Organizer.
Install the Splunk MINT iOS Framework from a ZIP file
Use of the Splunk MINT SDK is subject to the Splunk MINT Terms of Service. You are responsible for complying with privacy laws applicable to your collection of data per the Splunk MINT Terms of Service, which may include notice and consent mechanisms. |
- Download the file and unzip it. (You can also download a md5 checksum file to verify the download.)
- In Xcode, open your project.
- Under TARGETS, select the target you want to use.
- On the Build Phases tab, expand Link Binary With Libraries, click the + button, then click Add Other.
- Navigate to the location where you unzipped the file previously, select the SplunkMint.framework folder, and click Open.
- Add each of the remaining required frameworks and libraries as follows. Under Link Binary With Libraries, click the + button, click Add Other, select one of the following, then click Add:
- SystemConfiguration.framework
- CoreTelephony.framework
- WebKit.framework
- libz.dylib
- On the Build Settings tab under Linking, find Other Linker Flags and add "-ObjC" and "-all_load".
- "-force_load $(SOURCE_ROOT)/PathToFramework/SplunkMint.framework/Version/A/SplunkMint"
- "-force_load $(SOURCE_ROOT)/PathToFramework/SplunkMint.framework/SplunkMint"
The framework appears at the top of the Link Binary With Libraries list and is added to the Framework folder in the left-hand pane that displays your project files.
Note If adding these linker flags causes build errors about duplicate symbols, try replacing the "-all_load" flag with one of the following:
Install the Splunk MINT iOS Framework using CocoaPods
- Open a command prompt in the Xcode project root directory (where the ProjectName.xcodeproj file is located).
- If you do not yet have a podfile for your project, run the following command to create an empty podfile:
- In a text editor, open the podfile and add the following library name:
- At the command prompt, run the following command to install the SplunkMint pod:
$ pod init
pod 'SplunkMint'
$ pod install
MINT Documentation | Configure your project for symbolication |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk MINT™ SDK for iOS (EOL): 5.1.x
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