Splunk® App for PCI Compliance

User Manual

Asset Center

Use the Asset Center dashboard to review and search for objects in the asset data added to Splunk platform that stores the information for each of the cardholder assets in scope for monitoring. The asset data represents a list of hosts, IP addresses, and subnets within the organization, along with information about each asset. Use this dashboard to see a list of the assets, the owners for each asset, and other relevant information such as asset categories, business units, and PCI domain that are used in the filtering for each report.

Dashboard filters

Use the available dashboard filters to refine the results displayed on the dashboard panels.

Filter by Description Action
Asset A known or unknown asset Text field. Empty by default. Wildcard strings with an asterisk (*)
Priority Filter by the Priority field in the Asset table Drop-down by Priority.
Business Unit A group or department classification for the asset. Text field. Empty by default. Wildcard strings with an asterisk (*)
Category Filter by the Category field in the Asset table. Defaults to pci. Drop-down by Category.
PCI domain The PCI domain in which the asset is located Drop-down by PCI domain.
Owner Filter by the Owner field in the Asset table. Text field. Empty by default. Wildcard strings with an asterisk (*)
Time Range Select the time range to represent. Drop-down: select to filter.

Dashboard Panels

Panel Description
Assets by Priority Displays the number of assets by priority level. The drilldown opens a search with the selected priority level.
Assets by Business Unit Displays the relative amount of assets by business unit. The drilldown opens a search with the selected business unit.
Assets by Category Displays the relative amount of assets by category. The drilldown opens a search with the selected category.
Asset Information Shows all assets that match the current dashboard filters. The drilldown opens the Asset Investigator dashboard if the ip, nt_host, mac, or dns fields are selected. Any other field will open a search with the selected field.

Data sources

The reports in the Asset Center dashboard reference fields in the Asset and Identities data model. Relevant data sources include lists of assets and identities collected and loaded as lookups, scripted inputs, or search-extracted data.

Last modified on 14 February, 2022
Included adaptive response actions with   Identity Center

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® App for PCI Compliance: 5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.1.0, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.2.0, 5.3.0, 5.3.1, 5.3.2

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