Splunk® App for PCI Compliance

Installation and Configuration Manual

Reports in the Splunk App for PCI Compliance

This section contains information on how to configure reports in the Splunk App for PCI Compliance to get correct data flowing into the app.

The Splunk App for PCI Compliance includes reports that you can configure for best results. For each report, there is a description, configuration information, and troubleshooting steps. Use the links in the table to go to the information for a specific report.

R1: Network Traffic R2: Default Configurations R3: Protect Data At Rest
Credit Card Data Found
R4: Protect Data in Motion R5: Antimalware Protection R6: Patch Update Protection
Credit Card Data Found
R7: Access Monitoring R8: Activity Accountability R10: Cardholder Data Access
R11: Vulnerability Testing
Last modified on 14 February, 2022
Configure users and roles   Firewall Rule Activity

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® App for PCI Compliance: 5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.1.0, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.2.0, 5.3.0, 5.3.1, 5.3.2

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