When Splunk Business Flow is deployed on Splunk Enterprise, the Splunk platform sends anonymized usage data to Splunk Inc. ("Splunk") to help improve Splunk Business Flow in future releases. For information about how the data is collected, stored, and governed, see Share data in Splunk Enterprise.
What data is collected
Splunk Business Flow collects two kinds of data: Splunk Business Flow Hosted Environment telemetry and usage telemetry specific to the Splunk Business Flow app.
Splunk Business Flow Hosted Environment telemetry
Splunk Business Flow may collect telemetry about the SBF Hosted Environment, including data like:
- Anonymized user interactions with features in the application's user interface
- Latency and other performance statistics for operations and user actions
- API interactions with server components in the SBF Hosted Environment
Telemetry data about the Splunk Business Flow Hosted Environment is collected automatically, regardless of the opt-in or opt-out decision you make for Splunk platform telemetry.
App usage information
Splunk Business Flow collects the following usage information about the app:
Component | Description | Example |
Tracks authentication token loading errors. | { "error": "Error connecting to server. Check that your search head can access \"https://eu.businessflowapp.splunk.com\". X-Request-ID: 60b46b9d-c922-46f2-a816-2db3375484ff.", "page": "home", "app": "splunk-business-flow" } |
Tracks authentication token success. | { "tenantId": "4376dc04-99fe-496c-9924-f3143e975b55", "target": "https://eu.businessflowapp.splunk.com", "page": "explore", "app": "splunk-business-flow" } |
Tracks errors initializing the application or connecting with the SBF Hosted Environment. | { "error": "Failed to update cloud server value: Forbidden. X-Request-ID: 72c90bb4-c537-46de-a28e-1acdac47870c.", "page": "home", "app": "splunk-business-flow" } |
Tracks uncaught JavaScript errors in the browser. | { "app": "splunk-business-flow", "error": "Uncaught Error: ajax error 0", "handler": "on-prem UI window error listener", "page": "setup" } { "tenantId": "e62872c8-debc-47b6-ac37-196d7acbb785", "stack": "Error: eh?\n at HomePage.render (webpack-internal:///./components/home/HomePage.jsx:72:19)\n at finishClassComponent (webpack-internal:///../../node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:13538:31)\n at updateClassComponent (webpack-internal:///../../node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:13501:10)\n at beginWork (webpack-internal:///../../node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:14090:16)\n at performUnitOfWork (webpack-internal:///../../node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:16416:12)\n at workLoop (webpack-internal:///../../node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:16454:24)\n at renderRoot (webpack-internal:///../../node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:16533:7)\n at performWorkOnRoot (webpack-internal:///../../node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:17387:7)\n at performWork (webpack-internal:///../../node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:17295:7)\n at performSyncWork (webpack-internal:///../../node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:17267:3)", "app": "splunk-business-flow", "error": "eh?", "handler": "cloud UI error boundary", "page": "home", "reactInfo": { "componentStack": "\n in HomePage (at HomePageContainer.jsx:27)\n in HomePageContainer (created by Connect(HomePageContainer))\n in Connect(HomePageContainer) (at AppContainer.jsx:125)\n in div (at Flexbox.jsx:41)\n in Flexbox (at AppContainer.jsx:120)\n in AppContainer (created by Connect(AppContainer))\n in Connect(AppContainer) (at app.jsx:59)\n in Provider (at app.jsx:58)\n in ErrorBoundary (at app.jsx:47)" } } |
Tracks errors processing acceptance of the user agreement. | { "error": "Something went wrong. X-Request-ID: 72c90bb4-c537-46de-a28e-1acdac47870c.", "page": "home", "app": "splunk-business-flow" } |
Tracks errors registering with the SBF Hosted Environment. | { "error": "Error with decrypt: Error with OpenSSL RSA decrypt: 1. X-Request-ID: cc4a0b03-e904-4ffb-bfb3-79da8c7e5a34.", "page": "home", "app": "splunk-business-flow" } |
Tracks errors loading information about an existing registration with the SBF Hosted Environment. | { "error": "Something went wrong. X-Request-ID: 72c90bb4-c537-46de-a28e-1acdac47870c.", "page": "home", "app": "splunk-business-flow" } |
This component tracks:
component: app.session.action data: { [-] actionType: queries/RECEIVE_SUCCESS actualPage: explore app: splunk-business-flow browser: { [-] name: Chrome version: 77.0.3865.90 } cjaAppVersion: 1.0.1 jobId: 1570508814.1005_FABC6305-6EB6-443C-9ADF-C47190664C1E page: explore pageLoadId: 6e6d69d5-2ac8-41fc-acd8-4d90a4ca552b performance: { [-] command.search.expand_search: { [-] duration_secs: 0.169 invocations: 1 } command.search.expand_search.calcfield: { [-] invocations: 1 } command.search.expand_search.fieldaliaser: { [+] } command.search.expand_search.kv: { [+] } command.search.expand_search.lookup: { [+] } command.search.expand_search.sourcetype: { [+] } command.search.parse_directives: { [+] } dispatch.evaluate.append: { [-] duration_secs: 23.059 invocations: 1 } dispatch.evaluate.dedup: { [-] invocations: 1 } dispatch.evaluate.eval: { [-] invocations: 19 } dispatch.evaluate.fields: { [+] } dispatch.evaluate.journeyv2: { [+] } dispatch.evaluate.prededup: { [+] } dispatch.evaluate.search: { [+] } dispatch.evaluate.simpleresultcombiner: { [+] } dispatch.evaluate.table: { [+] } startup.configuration: { [+] } startup.handoff: { [+] } } queryId: base-journey-query-id registrationId: c6fe88c5-4f83-4503-aecf-1f518294820b requestMetadata: { [-] adhoc_search_level: fast commandType: journeyV2 dispatchState: RUNNING earliest_time: -90d@d eventCount: 0 latest_time: now max_count: 1000000000 maxspan: 90d preview: 1 resultCount: 0 runDurationInSeconds: 47.008 scanCount: 0 timeRangeInSeconds: 7792014 } splunkVersion: 7.2.6 tenantId: d273b40b-d454-4efe-979f-a60ca04f2593 uiVersion: latest } deploymentID: CLOUD-2b597c7f-bd98-56bf-8019-4a2db0effdd9 eventID: 81ce07f0-9ddf-55b7-c7a7-a25018d8035f experienceID: c8ff92b4-3076-716f-7242-1e62a33ff487 timestamp: 1570508863846 userID: ac0d2dbc60205d35f7031475b1386d812244175aa08f6f37c157134c24ee9f96 version: 3 visibility: anonymous,support |
Tracks errors from making GET call to Splunk's API "/properties" and parsing the response | "data": { "error": "Cannot read property 'host' of undefined", "cjaAppVersion": "1.1.20", "pageLoadId": "8ecf7692-1f21-41f2-92cd-25dbf9a23988", "sessionId": "6a36b5ea44a7c11852cdd4b4d706a3b0", "app": "splunk-business-flow", "browser": { "name": "Chrome", "version": "80.0.3987.122" }, "splunkVersion": "8.0.0", "page": "home" }, |
Tracks errors from making POST calls to Splunk's API "/properties" and parsing the response | "data": { "error": "Cannot read property 'host' of undefined", "cjaAppVersion": "1.1.20", "pageLoadId": "8ecf7692-1f21-41f2-92cd-25dbf9a23988", "sessionId": "6a36b5ea44a7c11852cdd4b4d706a3b0", "app": "splunk-business-flow", "browser": { "name": "Chrome", "version": "80.0.3987.122" }, "splunkVersion": "8.0.0", "page": "home" }, |
Upgrade Splunk Business Flow | Splunk Business Flow compatibility matrix |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Business Flow (EOL): -Latest-
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