Splunk® SOAR (On-premises)

Administer Splunk SOAR (On-premises)

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Configure single sign-on authentication for

supports using Single sign-on (SSO) to authenticate users.

Single sign-on (SSO) systems allows users to be authenticated once, then use multiple, distinct services or applications without having to reauthenticate for each application or service. Single sign-on systems rely on an identity provider, such as LDAP, to authenticate the user, then provide an authentication token which applications, such as , then use to log the user in. For an overview of single sign-on, see the Single sign-on article on Wikipedia.

supports any combination of local users and SSO users for your deployment, any combination of SSO providers, and multiple instances of any provider type.

You can configure SSO in with the following identity providers:

  • LDAP
  • SAML2

Configure SSO authentication using LDAP

To configure SSO authentication using LDAP as the identity provider, do the following steps:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
  2. Select Users Management.
  3. Select Authentication.
  4. LDAP is selected by default. Toggle the switch in the LDAP field to ON to enable LDAP configuration.
  5. Complete the fields to configure SSO authentication using LDAP:
    Field Description
    Active Use this checkbox in conjunction with Add Another at the bottom of the page. You can have multiple LDAP servers and the Active checkbox determines which ones are used by for authentication. The toggle button in the LDAP field enables LDAP authentication for all servers which are marked Active.

    If there are multiple LDAP servers, searches each server in a random order to find a match for the username. If the same username exists on multiple servers, the first one matched is used. If this match happens to be for a different user and not the user who is attempting to login, then authentication fails.

    Require TLS/SSL encryption Determines whether secure LDAP connections are required. Enable TLS/SSL encryption to check the server certificate against the certificate store. See Manage 's certificate store.
    Provider Name The name of the SSO provider. Specify a unique name to easily identify this provider.
    Server The DNS name or IP address for your AD/LDAP Server, without http:// or https://. If you plan to use SSL, you must supply a DNS name that matches the certificate.
    Domain The domain name of your organization such as corp.yourorganization.com, used to generate DNS. This field is used as part of the LDAP query.
    Bind Username The username for authenticating to the LDAP server. It will ideally be a service account specifically set up for this purpose, not one belonging to a human user.) This will allow you to grant the account the minimal permissions necessary, set account expiration off, and other protective measures to track how the account is used. If the account is set to expire or requires a password change, do these tasks manually and also update the system settings to reflect the same. The account will need to be able to query LDAP users and their properties.
    Password The password for the username to authenticate to the LDAP server.
    Test User The username of an active user who would typically log in to . Use this to verify that user search is working correctly.
    Test Group The name of a group of which the Test User is a member. Use this to confirm that the group mapping will work. Leave this field blank if you are not using group mapping.
    Manage password using Thycotic Secret Server Manage user credentials using Thycotic Secret Server. If this is checked, you must also provide the Folder, Key, and Thycotic FieldName values. See Manage your organization's credentials with a password vault.
  6. Click Test Authentication to test that can communicate with and query the LDAP server. Your LDAP settings will automatically be saved if the result is success. Or you can click Save Changes to save the settings without testing them.

Some LDAP provider specific things to watch for:

  • On Microsoft Active Directory LDAP servers, the user authentication uses the email-like form of the username, like ldap-client@splunk.com. The username is appended with the domain name.
  • You may need to enter Advanced settings non-Microsoft LDAP servers. Consult the manual for the LDAP software your organization uses.

If you need additional assistance, contact Phantom Support. See Where to get help.

LDAP provider names must be unique. Using multiple LDAP providers with the same name is not supported.

Configure group mappings for LDAP SSO authentication

Configure a group mapping to map an LDAP group such as Incident Response to a role such as Automation Engineer. Doing so enables you to automatically use your LDAP groups to determine who can log into and which actions each user is able to perform after they log in. Click Add Mappings to create a new mapping. You can configure multiple mappings.

Each LDAP user must be mapped to at least one group to enable that user to login to without manually creating the user account in .

Role mapping is done at login time, meaning that if the administrator changes a role mapping that would affect a logged-in user, then that user will retain the old role(s) until they log out and log back in again.

Configure external attribute mapping for LDAP SSO authentication

In some cases you may need to specifically call out external attributes which should be mapped to user attributes. Click Add Mapping to select a user attribute to map, then use the text field to enter the name of the attribute found in your LDAP user's profile.

Configure SSO authentication using SAML2

To configure SSO authentication using SAML2 as the identity provider, perform the following tasks:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
  2. Select Users > Authentication.
  3. Click SAML2.
  4. Click the toggle in the SAML2 field to enable SAML2 configuration.
  5. Complete the fields to configure SSO authentication using SAML2:
    Field Description
    Active Use this checkbox in conjunction with Add Another at the bottom of the page. You can have multiple SAML2 servers and the Active checkbox determines which ones are used by for authentication. The toggle button in the SAML2 field enables SAML2 authentication for all servers which are marked Active.

    If there are multiple SAML2 servers, searches each server in a random order to find a match for the username. If the same username exists on multiple servers, the first one matched is used. If this match happens to be for a different user and not the user who is attempting to login, then authentication fails.

    Require TLS/SSL encryption Determines whether encrypted connections are required. Enable TLS/SSL encryption to check the server certificate against the certificate store. See Manage 's certificate store.
    Provider Name The name of the SSO provider. Specify a unique name to easily identify this provider.
    Single sign-on URL The URL that users are directed to for logging in.
    Issuer ID The unique identifier provided by the identity provider.
    Metadata URL The URL hosted by your identity provider containing information about the provider configuration. If you specify a valid Metadata URL, do can leave the Metadata XML field blank.
    Metadata XML XML code containing information about the provider configuration. If you specify valid XML in this field, you can leave the Metadata URL field blank.
    Phantom Base URL The URL used to redirect users back to . This URL must be reachable by users trying to log in.
    Advanced Settings Click Advanced to configure the following advanced settings:
    • Select Response Signed to require a signed response from the identity provider.
    • Select Request Signed to require a signed request from the identity provider.
    • Select Assertion Signed to require a signed assertion containing the user attributes from the identity provider.
    • Type an EntityID/Audience to configure an entity ID for the service provider. This is used when defining the audience restriction on the identity provider. A value for this field must be included.
    • Type a Group Key to identity identify the group membership data within the attributes passed back from the identity provider. Also specify a Group Delimiter if groups are passed back as a single element with a delimiter, instead of separate attribute values.
    • Configure Groups. See Configure group mappings for SAML2 SSO authentication for more information about group mapping.
    • Configure External Attributes. See Configure external attribute mappings for LDAP SSO authentication for more information about external attributes mapping. If user name mapping is not provided in the assertion, will default to using the value specified in NameID field.
  6. Click Save Changes.

Splunk SOAR (On-premises)'s SAML2 authentication integration does not support HTTP redirect binding.

Configure group mappings for SAML2 SSO authentication

Configure a group mapping to map a SAML2 group such as Incident Response to a role such as Automation Engineer. Doing so enables you to automatically use your SAML2 groups to determine who can log into and which actions each user is able to perform after they log in. Select Add Mappings to create a new mapping. You can configure multiple mappings.

Each SAML2 user must be mapped to at least one group to enable that user to login to without manually creating the user account in .

Role mapping is done at login time, meaning that if the administrator changes a role mapping that would affect a logged-in user, then that user will retain the old role(s) until they log out and log back in again.

Last modified on 01 August, 2024
Configure password requirements and timeout intervals to secure your accounts   Configure role based access control inside Splunk apps

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® SOAR (On-premises): 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.3.0

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