Splunk® Secure Gateway

Administer Splunk Secure Gateway

Splunk Secure Gateway is a default enabled application that's included in Splunk Cloud version 8.1.2103 and Splunk Enterprise version 8.1.0 and higher. An admin must agree to the opt-in notice before using Splunk Secure Gateway. See Get started with Splunk Secure Gateway to get started.

Get started with Splunk Secure Gateway

Manage your Connected Experiences mobile app deployment and allow users to register their devices to a Splunk platform instance. Splunk Secure Gateway is a default-enabled app in Splunk Cloud version 8.1.2103 and higher and Splunk Enterprise version 8.1.0 and higher.

To learn more about Splunk Secure Gateway, see About Splunk Secure Gateway.

Spacebridge has been certified to meet SOC2, Type 2 and ISO 27001 standards. Splunk Cloud customers who have specifically purchased a HIPAA or PCI-DSS regulated environment may transmit the applicable regulated data to Spacebridge as it is HIPAA and PCI-DSS compliant. Spacebridge may not be used in environments that require the FIPS 140-2 standard for cryptographic modules. See Splunk Secure Gateway and Spacebridge Compliance Standards to learn more.


Complete the following before using Splunk Secure Gateway:

Splunk Secure Gateway is not supported with the Devtest license.

See the following requirements for using Splunk Secure Gateway.

Component Requirements
Operating system Windows or Linux operating systems
Hardware Minimum processor size of 4 cores and 16GB of ram. The minimum AWS instance size is m5.xlarge.
Splunk platform version

Splunk Enterprise version 8.1.0 or higher, or Splunk Cloud Platform version 8.2.2107 or higher

Directory Service Splunk Secure Gateway supports SAML authentication and local Splunk accounts. See Set up SAML authentication for Splunk Secure Gateway for more information about setting up SAML authentication.

Proxy server requirements

See (Optional) Use a proxy server with Splunk Secure Gateway to set up a proxy server with Splunk Secure Gateway.

Agree to the opt-in notice

When launching Splunk Secure Gateway for the first time, you agree to the opt-in compliance notice. To view this compliance notice, see SPECIFIC TERMS FOR SPLUNK OFFERINGS.

To learn more about compliance details, see Splunk Secure Gateway and Spacebridge compliance standards.

Migrate from Splunk Cloud Gateway to Splunk Secure Gateway

If you're already using Splunk Cloud Gateway, copy your data from Splunk Cloud Gateway over to Splunk Secure Gateway. See Migrate from Splunk Secure Gateway to Splunk Secure Gateway.

After migrating from Splunk Cloud Gateway to Splunk Secure Gateway, restart your Splunk platform.

Last modified on 20 October, 2022
About Splunk Secure Gateway   Use a proxy server with Splunk Secure Gateway

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Secure Gateway: 3.3.0 Cloud only, 3.4.251, 3.5.15 Cloud only

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