Known issues
The following are issues and workarounds for this version of Splunk Enterprise.
Issues are listed in all relevant sections. Some issues appear more than once. To check for additional security issues related to this release, visit the Splunk Security Portal.
Refer to System requirements in the Installation Manual for a list of supported platforms and architectures.
For a list of deprecated features and platforms, refer to Deprecated features in this manual.
Highlighted issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2018-12-07 | SPL-163753, SPL-162781 | KV store is unavailable after upgrading a search head cluster with eight or more members from 7.0.x or lower to 7.1.x or 7.2.x. Workaround: To avoid this issue, perform the following steps 1, 2 and 3 before upgrading using steps 4 and 5.
If you have already upgraded without performing the previous procedures, you can identify this issue as follows:
If you encounter this issue, contact Splunk support for recovery steps. |
2018-11-10 | SPL-162781, SPL-163104, SPL-163753, SPL-162810, SPL-163103 | KV store is unavailable after upgrading a search head cluster with eight or more members from 7.0.x or lower to 7.1.x or 7.2.x. Workaround: To avoid this issue, perform the following steps 1, 2 and 3 before upgrading using steps 4 and 5.
If you have already upgraded without performing the previous procedures, you can identify this issue as follows:
If you encounter this issue, contact Splunk support for recovery steps. |
Upgrade issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2018-04-13 | SPL-153403 | After running the "clean userdata" command, admin is unable to login with msg "No users exist. Please set up a new user." Workaround: Create a $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/user-seed.conf and restart Splunk [user_info] |
2017-05-23 | SPL-141961 | Older 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 maintenance release versions unable to connect to 6.6.x and later via management port. Workaround: This applies to License Master/Slave, Deployment Server/Client, Cluster Master/Peers, Search Head/Peers and affects Splunk 6.6.x and the following versions:
Upgrade your older instances to the latest maintenance releases or on your 6.6.x Splunk instances. Add the following stanza to server.conf: [sslConfig]
2017-03-20 | SPL-139019 | Possible compatibility issues between Python / SDK clients and new 6.6 and later default sslVersions, cipherSuites Workaround: Users can do either of the following: 1. Overwrite the new Splunk 6.6 server.conf [sslConfig] sslVersions, cipherSuites with your own settings that are compatible with your version of OpenSSL, e.g. the previous defaults from 6.5.x are compatible with OpenSSL 0.9.8 on Mac OSX: [sslConfig] 2. For some more up-to-date clients, it is possible to enforce TLS1.2 (e.g. --tlsv1.2 for curl) in order to connect successfully. 3. Upgrade OpenSSL on your platform and link it with your client (e.g. Python, curl, etc..). For example, OpenSSL 1.0.2 is currently available on Mac OSX via Homebrew (see and is compatible with the new Splunk 6.6 default sslVersions, cipherSuites. |
2017-03-13 | SPL-138647 | Possible compatibility issues between new 6.6 and later default sslVersions, cipherSuites and external services, e.g. e-mail, LDAP Workaround: If security is not a significant concern, simply revert back to the 6.5.x SSL/TLS defaults, e.g. for e-mail, add to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/alert_actions.conf
The example below is for a Postfix SMTP server: eserv@indexer01:~$ splunk cmd openssl s_client -connect smtp-server01:465 | awk '/Protocol/ || /Cipher/ || /Verify/' Protocol : TLSv1 Cipher : DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA Verify return code: 19 (self signed certificate in certificate chain) 2. Check the OpenSSL output for Protocol and Cipher. In the example above, Protocol = TLSv1 and Cipher = DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA 3. Update Splunk's relevant sslVersions and/or cipherSuite. In the example above, sslVersions should be set to tls (allows TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2) and DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA should be appended to the end of the defaultcipherSuites definition, e.g. add $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/alert_actions.conf :
[email] |
2014-08-20 | SPL-89640 | When running Splunk on Linux as non-root user and using RPM to upgrade, the RPM writes $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/introspection as root, causing errors upon restarts Workaround: Chown the $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/introspection directory to the user Splunk Enterprise runs as after upgrading and before restarting Splunk Enterprise. |
2013-08-19 | SPL-73386 | Users are not allowed to run historical scheduled search Workaround: 1. Create a special power/admin user who can run scheduled searches. 2. Assign this user ownership of the scheduled searches. 3. Share the searches at the app level and grant read/write permission to the correct set of users. |
Data input issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2019-11-04 | SPL-178914, SPL-171961 | The datetime.xml timestamp recognition file does not recognize two-year dates after 2019 or Unix epoch-time seconds higher than 1599999999 (12:26:39 UTC 13 Sep 2020) |
2019-03-12 | SPL-167631, SPL-171280, SPL-174529 | ERROR HttpInputDataHandler - Parsing error : Incorrect index |
2017-07-19 | SPL-143236 | Custom sourcetype is not displayed on sourcetype menu Workaround: Set a filter and the sourcetype will display. |
2015-11-12 | SPL-109362 | When the disk runs out of space for the limit set in the server.conf, add data workflow gets stuck with "Uploading file" message modal in the review stage |
2015-05-22 | SPL-101981 | Field extractions do not work when sourcetypes use quotes in the Getting Data In interface. |
2015-03-17 | SPL-98163 | INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS=W3C is truncating field cs_uri_stem when spaces are present in URL Workaround: Create a separate extraction in props.conf where defined w3c extraction method: EXTRACT-cs_uri_stem1 = (GET|POST) (?<cs_uri_stem1>[^-]++) |
Search issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2020-04-07 | SPL-185956, SPL-186131 | replace_table_with_fields optimizer doesn't guarantee field order for searches where this matters , for example: <non-transforming search> | table | transpose Workaround: Add this to the search if field ordering for the first table command matters: | noop search_optimization.replace_table_with_fields=f Or, if you can restructure the search, so if you would have something with a transforming command first: index=_internal | stats latest(_time) AS _time BY host index | table host _time index | transpose 2 Or
run the search in VERBOSE mode. |
2020-03-05 | SPL-184348, SPL-184601, SPL-185393, SPL-185394 | Splunk returns no results after adding field extractions without capturing group in REGEX when using FORMAT field::value Workaround: Add a capturing group to the REGEX. REGEX = (.) Example of configuration that would show this issue: props.conf: [splunkd] REPORT-Whatever = this-breaks-searching and transforms.conf: [this-breaks-searching] REGEX = . FORMAT = myfield::myvalue |
2020-02-12 | SPL-183259 | When generating LISPY for field values that are numbers (""), the values aren't deduplicated, which can cause slowdowns in certain scenarios Workaround: Dedup values in search before, for example: instead of index="field_test" [search index="field_test" globalCallID_callId=1234* | fields globalCallID_callId] add a stats or dedup in the subsearch: index="field_test" [search index="field_test" globalCallID_callId=123* | stats values(globalCallID_callId) AS globalCallID_callId | mvexpand globalCallID_callId ] If that list is still large and you're seeing the slowdown, consider moving the filtering to a | where after the initial search, for example: index="field_test" globalCallID_callId=* | where [search index="field_test" globalCallID_callId=123* | stats values(globalCallID_callId) AS globalCallID_callId | mvexpand globalCallID_callId ] |
2020-02-05 | SPL-182842 | Issue with maps viz, geostats in combination with |append or |inputlookup append=t, some pie chart not showing on map Workaround: Avoid "| append" or "|inputlookup append=t" if you can in combination with geostats |
2020-01-30 | SPL-182511, SPL-183265 | split() on an empty string results in typeof(field) = Invalid and a "| mvexpand" will then not return that event Workaround: For searches that look like this: | makeresults | eval a="" | eval a=split(a,"z"), b="junk" | foreach * [| eval typeof_<<FIELD>>=typeof(<<FIELD>>)] | mvexpand a Add an eval before mvexpand to handle this for example: ... | eval a=if(tostring(typeof(a))="Invalid","",a) | mvexpand a
2020-01-10 | SPL-181573 | geostats provides incorrect results for lower zoom levels when split BY has a higher cardinality than globallimit. Workaround: - Increase globallimit to the value of "unique values" number mentioned in the warning message: "The split by field <field> has a large number of unique values <number>. Chart column set will be trimmed to 10. Use globallimit argument to control column count." - Use very high globallimit in geostats and post process after if needed - Don't use BY in geostats - Use lower cardinality BY and/or higher globallimit in geostats |
2020-01-09 | SPL-181525, SPL-182404, SPL-182841, SPL-182843 | Issue with maps viz, geostats in combination with |append or |inputlookup append=t, some pie chart not showing on map Workaround: Avoid "| append" or "|inputlookup append=t" if you can in combination with geostats |
2019-12-18 | SPL-181152, SPL-177255 | Searching for lookup default_match value includes default_match value in lispy Workaround: For each lookup field <FIELD> that's causing issues, add to fields.conf: [<FIELD>]
2019-11-15 | SPL-179745, SPL-177665 | (7.2.x) - tstats where clause does not filter as expected |
2019-11-15 | SPL-179746, SPL-177665 | (7.3.x) - tstats where clause does not filter as expected when structured like "WHERE * NOT (field1=foo AND field2=bar)" |
2019-09-11 | SPL-176333, SPL-178301, SPL-195181, SPL-202077, SPL-226017, SPL-178302, SPL-178303 | Lookups may return incorrect results due to internal caching Workaround: Add allow_caching=f to the lookup command: | lookup <name> allow_caching=f ... On 7.3+: Add allow_caching=f to the lookup definition on the search head transforms.conf: [<lookup name>] allow_caching = f To check if you might be running into this issue, you'll need to enable debug on the search in question by adding: | noop log_DEBUG=CachedProvider <pre> If you have hits for the cached lookup, like in the sample log below, you can hit this issue. <pre> DEBUG CachedProvider - Cached provider metrics: lookup=<lookup name> hits=67064 misses=321 total=67385 |
2019-08-02 | SPL-174286, SPL-178290, SPL-180518, SPL-180519, SPL-180520 | Using timechart AS clause with wildcard and a constant (*_x) in fast mode returns too many columns Workaround: No workaround found. |
2019-07-29 | SPL-174005, SPL-182156, SPL-175325 | Search crashes on indexer in ChunkedCSVLineReader::initReader due to empty kvstore lookup folder in the bundle Workaround: Two options: 1) disable kvstore collection replication to the indexers (changes on the SH side): in collections.conf under collections stanza set replicate=false 2) enable old lookups code (changes on the Indexers side):
in limits.conf set the below
use_lookups_v2 = false |
2019-07-26 | SPL-173896, SPL-173452 | search time increases exponentially or factorially with number of subsearches |
2019-07-25 | SPL-173781 | Transaction command not merging common values in multivalue fields after 7.2 Workaround: From 7.2 onward when events with multivalue fields used for a transaction don't overlap completely, they are considered to be different transactions.
| makeresults
| eval foo="a,b,c"
| append
[ makeresults
| eval foo="c,d,e" ]
| eval foo=split(foo,",")
| transaction foo connected=f |
2019-07-24 | SPL-173708 | After Upgrade Fields not displaying unless order of fields match fields_list in transforms.conf Workaround: Current workaround employed by the Customer was to modify their script to have the exact same output as configured in fields_list inside of transforms.conf. |
2019-07-08 | SPL-172836, SPL-171270 | dedup's sortby not working as expected when using head/transaction |
2019-06-21 | SPL-172299, SPL-168859 | Any transformational commands will not include the base fields from transforms.conf when performing search in SMART mode resulting in required field not been included |
2019-06-02 | SPL-171354 | The result of mstats command sometimes shows duplicate results |
2019-05-13 | SPL-170402, SPL-171484, SPL-173962, SPL-175234 | Sparkline in 7.2 in fast/smart mode does not work with table command in the search |
2019-04-29 | SPL-169655, SPL-173709, SPL-176220, SPL-171705, SPL-175476, SPL-175474 | After Upgrade Fields not displaying unless order of fields match fields_list in transforms.conf Workaround: Current workaround employed by the Customer was to modify their script to have the exact same output as configured in fields_list inside of transforms.conf. |
2019-04-26 | SPL-169594, SPL-170696, SPL-172821 | The results of mstats command vary depending on spans |
2019-04-26 | SPL-169607, SPL-162658 | Editing Summary Indexing not working when Search contains a tstats |
2019-04-22 | SPL-169431, SPL-175437 | tab characters used in quoted string in map command negate results in 7.2.0+ |
2019-04-05 | SPL-168797, SPL-166413 | info_max/min_time provides incorrect values when search is real time. |
2019-02-26 | SPL-166967, SPL-158113, SPL-166657 | Explicit empty strings in lookups being returned as null since 7.1.0, don't show as part of a multivalue field on repeated matches. |
2019-02-25 | SPL-166897, UBA-11952 | After splunk restart, the first threat or anomaly does not get sent to ES Workaround: The first threat send from UBA to Splunk after the latter is restarted, will be missed. Please manually export the missed threat to Splunk ES again. Or
Always restart OCS after Splunk gets restarted. |
2019-02-11 | SPL-166288, SPL-161763 | Search results inconsistent with BatchMode searches using batch pipelines >2 and custom scripts using SCP version 1 Workaround: Temporary Fix: The only workaround I've found so far that resolves the problem is by reducing batch_search_max_pipeline to 1 on the indexers. |
2019-02-05 | SPL-166001 | 16MB+ events are not displayed on the search results, but they will be listed on the fields sidebar and in the timeline. search.log message: "SRSSerializer - max str len exceeded - probably corrupt" Workaround: Make sure fields are under 16777216 characters (or 16MB, usually _raw is the biggest) OR Revert back to the old serialization format (CSV), however, this applies to all searches, so you won't be getting the (performance) benefits of the new format. $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/limits.conf:
results_serial_format=csv |
2019-01-16 | SPL-165046, SPL-165326 | Search crashes due to missing name in EVAL- in props.conf |
2019-01-10 | SPL-164718, SPL-165363, SPL-166562 | limits.conf "phased_execution_mode = singlethreaded" causes issue with field ordering, for example _time showing in legend for a | timechart Workaround: Set the value of "phased_execution_mode" to "multithreaded" to restore the correct field order. |
2018-12-18 | SPL-164112 | Characters with accents not substituting properly with sed mode |
2018-12-13 | SPL-163932, SPL-164894 | Disabling case_sensitive_match in transforms.conf not working for WILDCARD type lookups Workaround: You can normalise the data in the lookup (| eval field=lower(field)) before populating, and doing the same before looking it up. If you need the denormalised version, you can create a different field for the lookup instead to still have access to the original. Create lookup: ... | eval field=lower(field) | outputlookup Use lookup:
... | eval matchfield=lower(field) | lookup <lookup> matchfield ... |
2018-12-12 | SPL-163887, SPL-162433 | Precision may be truncated in accum, addtotals, addcoltotals commands based on event ordering |
2018-12-12 | SPL-163888, SPL-162433 | Precision may be truncated in accum, addtotals, addcoltotals commands based on event ordering |
2018-12-11 | SPL-163831 | Duplicate field defined in |table or |fields command causes incorrect data to be assigned to a field in the Statistics tab |
2018-11-30 | SPL-163361, SPL-164567, SPL-164879 | mvexpand consumes more memory than expected, error: command.mvexpand: output will be truncated at <low number> results due to excessive memory usage. |
2018-11-29 | SPL-163319, ITSI-3045, SPL-163454 | Despite the forceCsvResults parameter not existing in the configuration for a saved search with summary indexing enabled, the summarized data is improperly populated with this parameter. Workaround: add below to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/alert_actions.conf: [summary_index]
command = summaryindex spool=t uselb=t addtime=t index="$action.summary_index._name{required=yes}$" file="$name_hash$_$#random$.stash_new" name="$name$" marker="$action.summary_index*{format=$KEY=\\\"$VAL\\\", key_regex="action.summary_index.(?!(?:command|inline|forceCsvResults|maxresults|maxtime|ttl|track_alert|(?:_.*))$)(.*)"}$" |
2018-11-16 | SPL-163006 | Bug in an Error message for SearchProcessMemoryTracker for killed job (swapped values) |
2018-11-13 | SPL-162846, SPL-164977 | When Setting Language Via URL Some Fields Are Getting Renamed |
2018-11-07 | SPL-162655, SPL-164505 | Add ASNEW keyword to FIELDALIAS to support non-overriding version of aliasing Workaround: Avoid applying the same alias field name to multiple original field names. If you must do this, set it up as a calculated field (an EVAL-* statement) that uses the 'coalesce' function to create a new field that takes the value of one or more existing fields. This method lets you be explicit about ordering of input field values in the case of NULL fields. For example: EVAL-ip = coalesce(clientip,ipaddress) |
2018-11-01 | SPL-162448, SPL-154678, SPL-163564 | |metadata search error - Failed to apply deletes to some metadata |
2018-10-31 | SPL-162433, SPL-163887, SPL-163888 | Precision may be truncated in accum, addtotals, addcoltotals commands based on event ordering |
2018-10-29 | SPL-162339 | Duplicate fields defined in |table or |fields command causes incorrect data to be assigned to a field in the Statistics tab Workaround: Example search that shows this: |stats count|eval test=1,test2=3,test3=4|table test test2 test test3
workaround: don't duplicate fields in the table or field command:
|stats count|eval test=1,test2=3,test3=4|table test test2 test3 |
2018-10-26 | SPL-162294, SPL-162500, SPL-162506 | File-based lookup performance has dropped after upgrading from version 7.1- to 7.2/7.2.1 with very high cardinality lookups |
2018-10-24 | SPL-162166, SPL-162548 | splunkd: /opt/splunk/src/search/processors/lookup/IndexedCsvDataProvider.cpp:165: virtual void IndexedCsvDataProvider::lookupBatch(UnpackedResults&, const SearchResultsInfo&, const LookupDefinition&): Assertion `!_parse_only' failed. Workaround: On the crashing peer (could be SH, Indexer or both) set the below in limits.conf: max_memtable_bytes = 2*<size of the largest lookup> example search to find the biggest lookups:
index=_* sourcetype=audittrail path=*lookups* size=*
| stats max(size) AS size BY host, path
| append
[| rest services/server/introspection/kvstore/collectionstats
| mvexpand data
| table splunk_server title data
| spath input=data
| fields splunk_server size ns ]
| eval host=coalesce(host,splunk_server)
| fields host path ns size
| sort size | head 1 |
2018-10-01 | SPL-160881, SPL-161173, SPL-161174, SPL-170371, SPL-170372 | eventstats on an event search can create duplicate events in some scenarios |
2018-09-12 | SPL-159979, SPL-161169, SPL-163063 | Crashing Thread: TcpChannelThread - Post process search using stats fields with null crashes Splunk Workaround: exclude the nulls |
2018-07-31 | SPL-158113, SPL-166657, SPL-166967, SPL-166969 | Explicit empty strings in lookups being returned as null since 7.1.0, don't show as part of a multivalue field on repeated matches. |
2018-06-22 | SPL-156141, SPL-146147 | Search crashes when using lookup tables that are frequently updated Workaround: On the crashing peer (could be SH, Indexer or both) set the below in limits.conf: max_memtable_bytes = 2*<size of the largest lookup> example search to find the biggest lookups: index=_* sourcetype=audittrail path=*lookups* size=*
| stats max(size) AS size BY host, path
| append
[| rest services/server/introspection/kvstore/collectionstats
| mvexpand data
| table splunk_server title data
| spath input=data
| fields splunk_server size ns ]
| eval host=coalesce(host,splunk_server)
| fields host path ns size
| sort size | head 1 |
2018-06-15 | SPL-155648, SPL-169611, SPL-169612, SPL-185656 | New phased_execution_mode is spawning extra processes for custom search commands Workaround: If the custom search needs to run only once, disable the multithread for all searches. $SPLUNK/etc/system/local stopped the issue from occurring. [search] phased_execution_mode = auto Apply this workaround especially for deployment using ITSI, as the bug causes double backfill of the ITSI Episodes. Beware, the workaround will cause a separate search issue SPL-165363, for splunk versions 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2 until the fix in 7.2.4 |
2017-10-15 | SPL-145694 | Delta command does not calculate correctly for some mixed integer and float values Workaround: An equivalent SPL command is the following | streamstats window=2 last(metric) as curr, first(metric) as prev | eval delta_ = curr-prev |
2017-08-23 | SPL-144350 | Archived Index is created without error when the splunk index is invalid |
2017-07-13 | SPL-143111 | "Splunkd daemon is not responding" when edit local windows event log collection |
2017-04-04 | SPL-140765 | Splunk having problems extracting json file consisting of 68k plus key-value pairs |
2016-11-29 | SPL-133182 | When two datasets have identical names but one is local (private) while the other is global, attempts to view or extend the global dataset use results from the local dataset instead. |
2015-08-10 | SPL-105061, SOLNESS-7274 | Broken module prevents splunkweb from starting |
2015-06-17 | SPL-103247 | Filtering on _time uses different semantics for the "=" operator on microseconds depending on whether the value is quoted. |
2015-04-23 | SPL-100170 | Automatic Lookups limitation: No results returned in Smart Mode when there are nested lookups and the intermediate field is not mentioned in the search. |
2014-12-22 | SPL-94910 | The replace function does not apply to fields names with an underscore in them. Workaround: Rename the fields before the replace. ... | rename *_* AS *-* | replace "something" by "somethingelse" |
2014-11-13 | SPL-93039 | The relevancy search command does not work, always returning 0 or -inf. |
2014-10-02 | SPL-91638, SPL-107375 | For scheduled searches in a search head cluster, empty search jobs may appear in the job inspector for a cluster member. |
2014-09-15 | SPL-90861, SPL-90396, SPL-90886 | If search encounters invalid offsets or invalid rawdata at TSIDX offsets, it skips reading any number of events from that bucket. No message is displayed, though the information is added to search.log. |
2014-04-16 | SPL-83129 | Eval function strptime does not return results when 1970 date is used. |
2014-04-04 | SPL-82650 | A report created and scheduled by admin cannot be embedded by a power user. |
2014-03-27 | SPL-82357 | The splunk clean all -f CLI command doesn't remove data from the main index on Windows systems. |
2014-03-15 | SPL-81934 | For clusters, may be unable to open search results output file for search results in a cluster. Workaround: Write to a temp file and rename to the target file. |
2014-02-21 | SPL-80942 | Flashtimeline: 500 Internal Server Error when pasting long URL into panel name. |
2013-12-18 | SPL-78179 | REST /saved/searches App names with special characters have invalid links. |
2013-08-19 | SPL-73386 | Users are not allowed to run historical scheduled search Workaround: 1. Create a special power/admin user who can run scheduled searches. 2. Assign this user ownership of the scheduled searches. 3. Share the searches at the app level and grant read/write permission to the correct set of users. |
Saved search, alerting, scheduling, and job management issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2019-11-12 | SPL-179471, SPL-177963 | Datamodel acceleration_search command throws error for streaming root searches |
2019-07-18 | SPL-173414, SPL-179491, SPL-179612, SPL-179627 | Splunk unable to load defined Saved Searches in a conf file if a bad/malformed cron_schedule value is present/set Workaround: If this behavior is noticed (savedsearches - alerts/searches/reports) not showing up in the GUI, verify cron jobs are valid, if they're not, then correct them. A quick check would be to create a duplicate savedsearches.conf and removing all cron_schedule definitions and rebooting splunk with that config to identify if it is this issue. |
2019-03-22 | SPL-168124, SPL-161055 | Internal Error: datamodel - invalid or unaccelerable root object |
2019-03-22 | SPL-168109, SPL-164733 | tstats searches do not run on datamodels that contain only a streamable BaseSearch object |
2019-02-19 | SPL-166658, SPL-161055 | Accelerated Datamodel: "Invalid or unaccelerable root object for datamodel", even though that's expected for DMs that have both BaseEvent and BaseSearch objects. |
2018-12-14 | SPL-163999 | DMA Search with datamode="<DM_Name>.<nodename>" and "summariesonly=t" fails when Search Head is 7.2.x and Indexers are v7.1.1 |
2018-11-29 | SPL-163315, SPL-163882 | Alert action not being fired with permission denied on reading search results after upgrade to 7.2.1 Workaround: Roll back to original version Or admin_all_objects is assigned |
2018-11-29 | SPL-163319, ITSI-3045, SPL-163454 | Despite the forceCsvResults parameter not existing in the configuration for a saved search with summary indexing enabled, the summarized data is improperly populated with this parameter. Workaround: add below to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/alert_actions.conf: [summary_index]
command = summaryindex spool=t uselb=t addtime=t index="$action.summary_index._name{required=yes}$" file="$name_hash$_$#random$.stash_new" name="$name$" marker="$action.summary_index*{format=$KEY=\\\"$VAL\\\", key_regex="action.summary_index.(?!(?:command|inline|forceCsvResults|maxresults|maxtime|ttl|track_alert|(?:_.*))$)(.*)"}$" |
2018-11-20 | SPL-163095, SPL-163054 | Scheduler crashed due to divide by zero exception (FPE) when allow_skew is configured |
2018-10-25 | SPL-162249, SPL-170857, SPL-177527, SPL-177529, SPL-183262 | The filter function of <splunk-search-dropdown> UI component is not working on on Splunk Enterprise 7.1 and later. |
2018-09-19 | SPL-160286 | The data preview for the Add Data workflow does not display for Log to Metrics source types |
2017-11-29 | SPL-146802 | Distributed environment requires index defined on search head for log event alerts |
2015-11-15 | SPL-109471 | For Real Time Scheduled Search in search head cluster, alerts are triggered twice when members cannot HB to captain |
2015-04-09 | SPL-99421 | Long name of app causes accelerated search to not complete normally and shows invalid results on Windows 2008 R2 Workaround: Reduce length of name of the app and report acceleration searches will run properly within the context of the app. |
2014-08-15 | SPL-89332 | Report acceleration summaries do not show in Settings when you have hundreds of reports accelerated. |
2014-08-05 | SPL-88396 | After configuring a client name for a deployment client, the name is not shown in the Forwarder Management UI Workaround: Create a server class, where you can see the client name, and use that group when you add data. |
2014-05-01 | SPL-83686 | Data Model Pivot: Extra NULL column displays in Pivot with big data and Numbered Attribute in Split Columns. Workaround: The workaround is to add filter status=*, or make a more refined Data Model that has an object for events with status. |
2014-03-24 | SPL-82262, SPL-82241 | Pivot search command fails for an admin trying to pivot on a Private Data Model created by a User. |
2014-03-20 | SPL-82164 | Migrating invalid data models from 6.0 to 6.x fails. |
2014-03-19 | SPL-82133 | Data model allows users to upload a JSON file which has Field names with spaces but will not validate it. |
2014-03-10 | SPL-81645 | Creating data model with root transaction name starting with root event name fails |
2014-03-10 | SPL-81637 | Splunkd preview runs indefinitely on any file preview with "DATETIME_CONFIG=none". |
2013-11-26 | SPL-77054, SPL-77055 | Data model objects that have names starting with an underscore character ("_") do not work correctly and cannot be used in Pivot. |
Charting, reporting, and visualization issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2020-02-05 | SPL-182842 | Issue with maps viz, geostats in combination with |append or |inputlookup append=t, some pie chart not showing on map Workaround: Avoid "| append" or "|inputlookup append=t" if you can in combination with geostats |
2020-01-23 | SPL-182114, SPL-179348 | autoLB not switching IDX when reaching frequency limit Workaround: Reduce maxKBps on the UF - this was tested in the customer environment and showed some improvement in IDX switching. DEV also suggested increasing the number of pipelines on the UF, though this has not been verified in the customer deployment as far as I'm aware. |
2020-01-23 | SPL-182113, SPL-179348 | autoLB not switching IDX when reaching frequency limit Workaround: Reduce maxKBps on the UF - this was tested in the customer environment and showed some improvement in IDX switching. DEV also suggested increasing the number of pipelines on the UF, though this has not been verified in the customer deployment as far as I'm aware. |
2020-01-09 | SPL-181525, SPL-182404, SPL-182841, SPL-182843 | Issue with maps viz, geostats in combination with |append or |inputlookup append=t, some pie chart not showing on map Workaround: Avoid "| append" or "|inputlookup append=t" if you can in combination with geostats |
2019-12-19 | SPL-181194, SPL-179348 | autoLB not switching IDX when reaching frequency limit Workaround: Reduce maxKBps on the UF - this was tested in the customer environment and showed some improvement in IDX switching. DEV also suggested increasing the number of pipelines on the UF, though this has not been verified in the customer deployment as far as I'm aware. |
2019-01-15 | SPL-164920, SPL-166952, SPL-167850, SPL-169010, SPL-169011 | Dashboard issue: Multiselect URL retains single value after Hide Filters selected |
2018-11-22 | SPL-163158, SPL-169369, SPL-169370, SPL-169371 | Custom drilldown search string is not encoded causing drilldown search failure Workaround: There are 2 partial dirty workarounds which should work most of the times: A. avoid special characters like "%" in the drill-down search, like: eval _time = STRPTIME(LOGTIME,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%9N") B. go through this approach: B.1. take your full drilldown search: index=it-supply sourcetype=FMSPROD source=PUR_FMS_IDOC_SHPMNT06 earliest= -60m@m | where ENTREPOTTRANSPORT="W090" | eval _time = STRPTIME(LOGTIME,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%9N") | stats count as result | fillnull value=0 and execute it in your search app. B.2. once executed, please take the encoded search string from the originated URL (by omitting for the moment the SPL time delimiters). You should get something similar to this: search%20index%3Dit-supply%20sourcetype%3DFMSPROD%20source%3DPUR_FMS_IDOC_SHPMNT06%20%7C%20where%20ENTREPOTTRANSPORT%3D%22W090%22%20%7C%20eval%20_time%20%3D%20STRPTIME(LOGTIME%2C%22%25Y-%25m-%25d%20%25H%3A%25M%3A%25S.%259N%22)%20%7C%20stats%20count%20as%20result%20%7C%20fillnull%20value%3D0 B.3. go back to the drilldown editor on splunkweb and rewrite the SPL with what you have collected in step B.2., then set Time Range from the dropdown in the Drilldown Editor pop-up. Then save.
B.4. try the drilldown again now: it will work. |
2018-10-10 | SPL-161165, SPL-167176 | Customer can't double or triple-click XML since 7.2.0 |
2018-05-02 | SPL-154054, SPL-163446, SPL-164721 | Dashboard Editor in de-DE locale CSS error in Format visualization modal for Stats Table/Line/Bar Charts |
2017-12-06 | SPL-147115 | Drilldown search fails when a timeformat is specified Workaround: Remove the timeformat specification from the drilldown search or manually remove the search from the URL and run it in a new window. |
2016-09-15 | SPL-128819, SPL-130243, SPL-130245 | Editing panel in dashboard removes charting.legend.masterlegend option Workaround: Use <option name="charting.legend.masterLegend">null</option> |
2016-04-27 | SPL-118911 | In SHC, referenced saved real-time searches in a dashboard do not stream results. Workaround: See Troubleshoot referenced real-time searches for workaround details.
2015-02-23 | SPL-97193 | The initial value for Multiselect input does not display properly in Visualizations Editor if input has empty string. |
Distributed search and search head clustering issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2019-11-11 | SPL-179351 | loadjob fails when loading a job using savedsearch name - for specific regexes used in search string |
2019-09-30 | SPL-177270 | Errors when accelerating saved searches that have variable component |
2019-08-22 | SPL-175305, SPL-171401 | KVstore out of Sync In Two Out Of Nine SHs |
2019-07-11 | SPL-173029, SPL-184166, SPL-184164, SPL-184165 | KV store backup/restore - large collection hangs at "Busy" status when trying to restore from a backup Workaround: To restore from the full kvstore folder backup, if available. Contact support for an alternative script to restore backup ( |
2019-05-06 | SPL-169951, SPL-167421 | the scheduled search "Bucket Copy Trigger" (aka Hadoop Data Roll) has stopped working properly. |
2019-05-06 | SPL-169952, SPL-167421 | the scheduled search "Bucket Copy Trigger" (aka Hadoop Data Roll) has stopped working properly. |
2018-12-28 | SPL-164426, SPL-163151 | 2 out of 9 SHC member cannot get bundle push from deployer |
2018-12-14 | SPL-163999 | DMA Search with datamode="<DM_Name>.<nodename>" and "summariesonly=t" fails when Search Head is 7.2.x and Indexers are v7.1.1 |
2018-12-14 | SPL-164011, SPL-164677, SPL-164731, SPL-164732 | SHC: when captain node is in AutomaticDetention status, all alerts (scheduled searches) appear to have stopped as well. |
2018-10-26 | SPL-162318, SPL-162906, SPL-163487, SPL-163488, SPL-163751 | DispatchReaper fails to reap artifacts from in SH Cluster Workaround: ** Manual deletion ** To get sidlist.txt . splunk search '|REST /services/search/jobs label=searchname | table sid' --maxout 0 --preview To delete dispatch dirs.
for i in `cat sidlist.txt`
rm -rf $i
done |
2018-03-14 | SPL-152148 | KV store replication fails on the upgrade search head during SHC member-by-member upgrade. Workaround: To ensure there is no kvstore activity during upgrade, perform an offline upgrade as follows:
2017-11-29 | SPL-146802 | Distributed environment requires index defined on search head for log event alerts |
2017-03-13 | SPL-138654 | Splunk searches fail when filepath gets too long on Windows |
2016-07-12 | SPL-124085 | On Search Head Cluster It is not possible to remove an App from the SHs once it has been disabled. |
2015-11-15 | SPL-109471 | For Real Time Scheduled Search in search head cluster, alerts are triggered twice when members cannot HB to captain |
2015-09-23 | SPL-106978 | Failed SHC captain election causes unnecessary change in server.conf |
2015-02-26 | SPL-97385 | $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/snapshot contains large tarballs in the presence of large ES lookup table files. Workaround: The allowable size of the download can be increased by setting the following in server.conf. [httpServer] max_content_length = 1500MB The other option is to disable the search which controls the generation of the large lookup file. In this case, the search is: [Endpoint - Local Processes Tracker - Lookup Gen] |
2014-08-25 | SPL-90028 | Using "inputcsv dispatch=true" to read a CSV from a dispatch directory may not work on search head cluster members that have a replica of the desired artifact. |
2014-08-14 | SPL-89131 | In a search head cluster, the search Job management page on cluster member doesn't immediately reflect 'isSaved' state after you click Save. |
2014-08-02 | SPL-88228 | When user clicks on the RSS feed for an alert, search pool information is not displayed. Individual pool member information is displayed, however. |
Data model and pivot issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2019-11-12 | SPL-179471, SPL-177963 | Datamodel acceleration_search command throws error for streaming root searches |
2019-03-22 | SPL-168124, SPL-161055 | Internal Error: datamodel - invalid or unaccelerable root object |
2019-03-22 | SPL-168109, SPL-164733 | tstats searches do not run on datamodels that contain only a streamable BaseSearch object |
2019-02-19 | SPL-166658, SPL-161055 | Accelerated Datamodel: "Invalid or unaccelerable root object for datamodel", even though that's expected for DMs that have both BaseEvent and BaseSearch objects. |
2018-12-14 | SPL-163999 | DMA Search with datamode="<DM_Name>.<nodename>" and "summariesonly=t" fails when Search Head is 7.2.x and Indexers are v7.1.1 |
2014-12-08 | SPL-94047, SPL-98628 | While creating a Pivot and using the _time column as a Split column, the table columns aren't formatted in a human readable way, but displayed with the epoc timestamp.It works when using _time as a 'Split Row' column. |
2014-05-01 | SPL-83686 | Data Model Pivot: Extra NULL column displays in Pivot with big data and Numbered Attribute in Split Columns. Workaround: The workaround is to add filter status=*, or make a more refined Data Model that has an object for events with status. |
2014-03-24 | SPL-82262, SPL-82241 | Pivot search command fails for an admin trying to pivot on a Private Data Model created by a User. |
2014-03-20 | SPL-82164 | Migrating invalid data models from 6.0 to 6.x fails. |
2014-03-19 | SPL-82133 | Data model allows users to upload a JSON file which has Field names with spaces but will not validate it. |
2014-03-11 | SPL-81701 | Data Model Pivot, "Legend Position" and "Stack Mode" change to default settings if you change the X/Y-Axis more than once. |
2014-03-10 | SPL-81645 | Creating data model with root transaction name starting with root event name fails |
2014-03-07 | SPL-81538 | When using Pivot, stack mode is lost when "Scatter Chart" is selected. |
2013-11-26 | SPL-77054, SPL-77055 | Data model objects that have names starting with an underscore character ("_") do not work correctly and cannot be used in Pivot. |
Indexer and indexer clustering issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2019-05-29 | SPL-171257, SPL-171303 | Index Cluster Bundle Status stuck in "Bundle validation is in progress" Workaround: If the CM cluster-bundle-status gets stuck indefinitely in "Bundle validation is in progress" 1.) cancel the bundle push operation curl -k -u admin:pass https://host:mPort/services/cluster/master/control/default/cancel_bundle_push -X POST 2.) rollback to previous bundle or push a new bundle rollback: curl -k -u admin:pass https://host:mPort/services/cluster/master/control/default/rollback -X POST push bundle: curl -k -u admin:pass https://host:mPort/services/cluster/master/control/default/apply -X POST 3.) Restart the CM or peer if the above does not result in all peers on the same bundle
on CM server.conf
max_peers_to_download_bundle = 3
2019-03-22 | SPL-168118, SPL-168054 | Peer flaps from Up to BatchAdding when handleBucketsNotificationBatch is rejected during Master un-initialized |
2019-03-21 | SPL-168072, SPL-168054 | Peer flaps from Up to BatchAdding when handleBucketsNotificationBatch is rejected during Master un-initialized |
2019-03-13 | SPL-167708, SPL-170943, SPL-170937, SPL-170938 | Apply cluster bundle does not apply bundle to any indexers which are in progress of adding to cluster Workaround: restart affected indexer(s) |
2018-11-12 | SPL-162802, SPL-161301 | For a multisite cluster, splunk is not reaping prior search-buckets manifests after new generation Workaround: Do manual cleanup of $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/cluster/search-buckets leaving the gen0 and 10 of the latest files per site as minimum To automate this you can do something like this in cron once you're happy with the manual run, you just need to add the delete flag for find: find $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/cluster/search-buckets -regextype posix-extended -regex '.+_gen([0-9]{2,}|[1-9])\.csv\.gz' -mtime +2
2018-10-23 | SPL-161815 | Thawed buckets in a indexer cluster are sporadically unsearchable upon restart |
2018-06-22 | SPL-156164, SPL-162309, SPL-162310, SPL-162311 | Shutdown sequence does not begin after master has instructed peer to restart during rolling restart phase of a bundle push Workaround: Setting restart_timeout to the minimum value possible (server.conf on the CM). |
2018-03-15 | SPL-152168 | Batch-mode retry can return more or less events than it should due to reordering from thread pool processing. Workaround: Before you initiate searchable rolling restart or rolling upgrade, make sure the search_retry attribute in the [search] stanza of limits.conf is set to false (the default).
2017-03-16 | SPL-138846 | In multisite clustering, deletion of events in hot buckets is not pushed to other sites |
2016-08-25 | SPL-127353 | Data rebalance finishes early when one peer is the source for all buckets Workaround: when only one indexer in a cluster indexed data (has all the searchable copies), rebalance once before adding the new indexer, and then rebalance a second time |
2015-05-08 | SPL-101184 | Rolling restart in an Indexer Cluster may not be successful on a peer if a oneshot command is also running on that peer. Perform a manual restart to revive the peer. |
2014-10-13 | SPL-91861 | On Windows indexer on an ec2 instance, splunk-optimize main thread can crash on buckets on the temporary drive z:\>. |
2014-09-29 | SPL-91432 | On Windows when the master is down, the CLI command splunk offlinehangs when run from one of the streaming target peers. |
2014-09-08 | SPL-90630 | On a multisite cluster, no warning is given when search head names are the same. |
2014-07-29 | SPL-87816 | When implementing an indexer cluster or search head cluster, you cannot set pass4SymmKey in the general stanza. The system default values in the clustering and shclustering stanzas override any user-provided values in the general stanza. Workaround: Set the value in the [clustering] or [shclustering] stanza, depending on the type of cluster you're implementing. |
2014-07-14 | SPL-86799 | After adding a new license to the clustering search head, splunkd on restart cannot be reached by splunkweb. |
2014-04-29 | SPL-83636 | When configuring a multi-site cluster using cluster-config, the error messages are incorrect if the SF/RF was previously set. |
2014-03-18 | SPL-82038 | Cluster-config does not work if a parameter value includes a space character. |
2014-03-17 | SPL-81955 | Multisite: Peer takes approximately 6 minutes to restart when its site configuration is changed. |
2014-01-06 | SPL-78688 | Peer is able to change to an invalid (empty) replication port |
2013-08-06 | SPL-72484 | You cannot use the CLI to delete an index with a capital letter in its name. |
Universal forwarder issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2019-10-08 | SPL-177715, SPL-173094 | driver certificates for splknetdrv, splunkdrv, SplunkMonitorNoHandleDrv are all showing as not valid / expired in Windows UF |
2019-05-28 | SPL-171178, SPL-167307, SPL-202078 | Indexer Acknowledgement causes metric index events that do not have "_raw" fields to be duplicated Workaround: Indexer acknowledgement is a feature that helps prevent loss of data when forwarders send data to an indexer. Indexer acknowledgement is controlled by the Boolean useACK setting in inputs.conf and outputs.conf .
Indexer acknowledgement uses the When this issue occurs, the workaround is to set |
2019-01-28 | SPL-165635, SPL-191773, SPL-189789 | splunk not reading file after log rotation |
2018-12-11 | SPL-163851, SPL-166696 | Bugcheck due to splunkdrv (WinRegMon driver) |
2018-11-28 | SPL-163272, SPL-159337 | Splunk UF crashing due to invalid EVENT_BREAKER |
2018-09-25 | SPL-160531, SPL-156698 | splunk-netmon consumes additional 2GB memory every day on Universal Forwarder |
2018-04-10 | SPL-153251 | Universal Forwarder txz package cannot be installed on FreeBSD 11.1 Workaround: 1. Use pkg install instead of pkg add OR
2. Install package by untarring tgz file to /opt/splunkforwarder |
2017-05-23 | SPL-141961 | Older 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 maintenance release versions unable to connect to 6.6.x and later via management port. Workaround: This applies to License Master/Slave, Deployment Server/Client, Cluster Master/Peers, Search Head/Peers and affects Splunk 6.6.x and the following versions:
Upgrade your older instances to the latest maintenance releases or on your 6.6.x Splunk instances. Add the following stanza to server.conf: [sslConfig]
2017-03-20 | SPL-139019 | Possible compatibility issues between Python / SDK clients and new 6.6 and later default sslVersions, cipherSuites Workaround: Users can do either of the following: 1. Overwrite the new Splunk 6.6 server.conf [sslConfig] sslVersions, cipherSuites with your own settings that are compatible with your version of OpenSSL, e.g. the previous defaults from 6.5.x are compatible with OpenSSL 0.9.8 on Mac OSX: [sslConfig] 2. For some more up-to-date clients, it is possible to enforce TLS1.2 (e.g. --tlsv1.2 for curl) in order to connect successfully. 3. Upgrade OpenSSL on your platform and link it with your client (e.g. Python, curl, etc..). For example, OpenSSL 1.0.2 is currently available on Mac OSX via Homebrew (see and is compatible with the new Splunk 6.6 default sslVersions, cipherSuites. |
2017-03-14 | SPL-138731 | New 6.6 and later default SHA256/2048-bit key certificates are not compatible with previous versions SHA1/1024-bit key certificates if cert verification is enabled Workaround: Users can do any of the following: 1. Disable certificate verification - the same root certificate is available with every Splunk download so enabling certificate verification while using the default certificates provides very little additional security. 2. Generate new SHA256/2048-bit key certificates using the new 6.6 root certificate and distribute to older versions of Splunk 3. Generate SHA1/1024-bit key certificates using the old root certificate to use with your new 6.6 instance. For convenience, the old root certificate is included in 6.6 in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/auth/prev_release/ |
2015-06-10 | SPL-103010 | Indexing throughput on a forwarder with four pipelinesets drops 30% compared to a forwarder with two pipelinesets. |
2015-04-14 | SPL-99687, SPL-129637 | Splunk universal forwarder is 7-10 days behind recent Windows Security and system log events. Workaround: To mitigate this, edit the following stanza in inputs.conf: [WinEventLog://Security] evt_resolve_ad_obj = 0. |
2015-04-07 | SPL-99316 | Universal Forwarders stop sending data repeatedly throughout the day Workaround: In limits.conf, try changing file_tracking_db_threshold_mb in the [inputproc] stanza to a lower value. |
2015-03-25 | SPL-98594 | Routing events to two different groups not working as expected. Workaround: 1 On the original UF, instead of configuring 1 s2s and 1 syslog group, configure 2 s2s groups. 2 Setup a proxy UF which takes input from the original UF and send input out syslog server.
This solution only requires config change and no patch release is required. |
2014-08-05 | SPL-88396 | After configuring a client name for a deployment client, the name is not shown in the Forwarder Management UI Workaround: Create a server class, where you can see the client name, and use that group when you add data. |
2013-09-18 | SPL-74427, SPL-74448 | The Splunk universal forwarder installer for Solaris 10 does not add the splunk user when you attempt to install it using the pkgadd command. This results in the script generating lots of errors. Workaround: To work around this issue, create a splunk user on your system before attempting to run the installer. |
Distributed deployment, forwarder, deployment server issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2019-05-08 | SPL-170151, SPL-173635, SPL-174532, SPL-175339 | Deployment Server does not clean up previous bundles where app and bundle names do not match Workaround: appFile allows administrators to set the app name to something other than the on-disk folder or filename from $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/deployment-apps. However, the bundle pushed to the Deployment Clients retains the on-disk name, while the bundle reap process is performed against the app name, resulting in old bundles not being deleted. Monitor and manually delete old app bundles under $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/tmp/<serverclass>, otherwise avoid using appFile where possible. |
2018-11-29 | SPL-163320, SPL-162350 | Ingest-time log-to-metrics conversion of structured log data is broken for 7.2.x Universal Forwarders |
2018-10-08 | SPL-161045, SPL-141772 | App deployment fails sporadically on Windows |
2014-10-02 | SPL-91648, SPL-91358 | Forwarder unable to push scripted inputs to a Linux deployment client from a Windows deployment server. |
2014-08-15 | SPL-89333 | Using client filtering in forwarder management interface when the deployment server is servicing a large numbers of deployment clients (over approximately 5000) can cause a temporary spike in memory usage. |
2014-06-20 | SPL-85739 | When running a high number of deployment clients for a server, memory growth may be excessive. Workaround: To mitigate this, set forceHttp10=always. |
Monitoring Console issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2019-09-10 | SPL-176230, SPL-177928, SPL-177924, SPL-177925, SPL-177926, SPL-177927 | HealthReporter threads deadlock resulting in stuck _reload, blocked ingestion, eventually causing a crash Workaround: You can work around the problem by setting the config full_health_log_interval to a very high value (default being 30s) In etc/system/local/health.conf: [health_reporter] full_health_log_interval = 1000000 |
2018-11-25 | SPL-163189, SPL-161714 | Saving edit to server roles in DMC configure view results in 409 Conflict error response code |
2017-08-18 | SPL-144193 | Bundle validation errors prevent future app deployment to indexer cluster |
2017-08-14 | SPL-143981 | Uninstall app dialog does not show the app name correctly when the app doesn't have the label |
2017-08-04 | SPL-143664 | Uploaded apps page makes two calls to packages endpoint |
2017-05-24 | SPL-141982 | Upload modal should use size=large File element |
2017-04-19 | SPL-141274 | Clicking Install multiple times in Install dialog causes error |
2017-04-19 | SPL-141273 | Task endpoint fetch once even when there's no last deploy task id |
2017-03-30 | SPL-140654, SPL-178056 | wrong integrity check alert for file etc/users/users.ini |
2017-03-07 | SPL-138351, SPL-172626 | The role change of DMC via UI does not reflect to distsearch.conf Workaround: As a workaround can the customer manually modify the distsearch.conf. |
2016-11-14 | SPL-132151 | XML error when trying to download uninstalled app |
Splunk Web and interface issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2019-07-11 | SPL-173061 | UI exposes a nonfunctional option for modifying permissions on custom search commands |
2018-11-13 | SPL-162846, SPL-164977 | When Setting Language Via URL Some Fields Are Getting Renamed |
2018-10-25 | SPL-162249, SPL-170857, SPL-177527, SPL-177529, SPL-183262 | The filter function of <splunk-search-dropdown> UI component is not working on on Splunk Enterprise 7.1 and later. |
2018-10-17 | SPL-161629, SPL-145546 | When assigning indexes to roles, indexes defined on the indexer tier are not displayed Workaround: Replace the "$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search/default/data/ui/manager/authentication_roles.xml" file on the search head with a version from any Splunk Enterprise 6.6.x release. Refresh the configuration on the search head by calling a debug refresh (http[s]://[splunkweb hostname]:[splunkweb port]/debug/refresh) using a supported web browser. |
2018-09-30 | SPL-160876, SPL-158196 | Users page doesn't show default pagination correctly |
2017-08-23 | SPL-144350 | Archived Index is created without error when the splunk index is invalid |
2017-07-13 | SPL-143111 | "Splunkd daemon is not responding" when edit local windows event log collection |
2016-11-14 | SPL-132133 | App Browser filtering of the apps does not work |
2015-11-09 | SPL-109165 | Interactive Field Extractor hangs when using "^" as delimiter. Workaround: Use props and transforms to specify the delimiter of your choice. |
2015-08-10 | SPL-105061, SOLNESS-7274 | Broken module prevents splunkweb from starting |
2015-06-30 | SPL-103701 | Actions links should be removed for "Apps Browser" |
2014-07-16 | SPL-87015 | chart count by source and *| cluster showcount=t | table cluster_count _raw) no metadata/ result is available when user drills down on Count and Percent columns. |
2014-04-04 | SPL-82650 | A report created and scheduled by admin cannot be embedded by a power user. |
2014-02-26 | SPL-81103 | Username surrounded by dollar signs cannot create saved searches. |
2013-08-19 | SPL-73386 | Users are not allowed to run historical scheduled search Workaround: 1. Create a special power/admin user who can run scheduled searches. 2. Assign this user ownership of the scheduled searches. 3. Share the searches at the app level and grant read/write permission to the correct set of users. |
Windows-specific issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2019-06-07 | SPL-171659, SPL-166645 | Splunk is filling the "C:/Windows/Temp" folder with .tmp files |
2019-04-18 | SPL-169288, SPL-155149 | Registry changes under SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet are not being read by WinRegMon Workaround: Monitor SYSTEM\\ControlSet\d+ instead. |
2018-12-11 | SPL-163851, SPL-166696 | Bugcheck due to splunkdrv (WinRegMon driver) |
2018-10-29 | SPL-162354, SPL-158197 | splunk-regmon - failed to start the driver due to permission issue |
2018-09-25 | SPL-160531, SPL-156698 | splunk-netmon consumes additional 2GB memory every day on Universal Forwarder |
2015-11-13 | SPL-109430 | In Windows only, inheritance is broken for folders created by splunkd. Files created are accessible only to the user as whom splunkd is running. |
2015-04-14 | SPL-99687, SPL-129637 | Splunk universal forwarder is 7-10 days behind recent Windows Security and system log events. Workaround: To mitigate this, edit the following stanza in inputs.conf: [WinEventLog://Security] evt_resolve_ad_obj = 0. |
2015-04-01 | SPL-98978 | On differing versions of Splunk Enterprise indexer (5.0.1) and universal forwarder (6.2.2), collection of the Security Event log can take increasingly longer over time. Workaround: To fix the problem, restart Windows on the forwarder.
2014-10-31 | SPL-92596 | After upgrade from Splunk Enterprise 6.1 or earlier to 6.4.x on Windows, splunkweb service does not start automatically. Attempts to start it manually show "Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion." Workaround: This is expected behavior. See the Splunk Answers post: |
2014-09-25 | SPL-91279 | Splunk Universal Forwarder on Windows (specifically, the splunk-perfmon.exe process) does not release key handles. Workaround: See "Handle leak when an application collects performance data in Windows Vista, in Windows 7, in Windows Server 2008 or in Windows Server 2008 R2" on the Microsoft Support website for a hotfix download. |
2013-10-11 | SPL-75116 | The UI does not show configured items of some newly converted windows modular inputs that contain the name "default" in the stanza Workaround: Edit inputs.conf: in stanzas that contain WinRegMon://default, replace "default" with something else, then restart splunk. |
REST, Simple XML, and Advanced XML issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2017-07-13 | SPL-143111 | "Splunkd daemon is not responding" when edit local windows event log collection |
2016-10-31 | SPL-131072 | Datamodel backend allows invalid time values |
2013-05-15 | SPL-67453 | When sending the following XML data as a GET or POST param to a custom splunkd endpoint: <dashboard><foo></dashboard>, the endpoint actually receives:<dashboard><foo></dashboard>. |
PDF issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2016-11-23 | SPL-132925 | Table data rows generated with the addcoltotals command do not show up in PDF Workaround: If you are using addcoltotals to generate a totals data row, renaming the _time field can cause PDF generation issues.
Remove the label and |
2015-03-31 | SPL-98890 | Maps printed from Report page do not honor custom zoom and center. |
2014-06-16 | SPL-85497 | Unable to save generated PDFs using Chrome internal PDF viewer. Workaround: Workaround: Enable Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader as the default PDF viewer in Chrome. For more information, see
Admin and CLI issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2020-08-22 | SPL-194053, SPL-193257 | create_context=usr: notify mothership for newly created file Workaround: Change permissions after each lookup table creation Upload a pre-created/pre-existing csv lookup, but it is often not possible. |
2019-09-09 | SPL-176179, SPL-159600 | Clone dialog in Searches, Reports, and Alerts manager page is listing internal apps as target |
2019-07-18 | SPL-173414, SPL-179491, SPL-179612, SPL-179627 | Splunk unable to load defined Saved Searches in a conf file if a bad/malformed cron_schedule value is present/set Workaround: If this behavior is noticed (savedsearches - alerts/searches/reports) not showing up in the GUI, verify cron jobs are valid, if they're not, then correct them. A quick check would be to create a duplicate savedsearches.conf and removing all cron_schedule definitions and rebooting splunk with that config to identify if it is this issue. |
2019-01-30 | SPL-165766, SPL-145827 | Capability rtsearch is enabling for power user after being remove when running CLI cmd and restarting splunk |
2018-12-06 | SPL-163669 | In cloud indexes manager page, "Max size column" and "Max Size of Entire Index" input fields need to be removed |
2018-11-29 | SPL-163320, SPL-162350 | Ingest-time log-to-metrics conversion of structured log data is broken for 7.2.x Universal Forwarders |
2018-11-07 | SPL-162655, SPL-164505 | Add ASNEW keyword to FIELDALIAS to support non-overriding version of aliasing Workaround: Avoid applying the same alias field name to multiple original field names. If you must do this, set it up as a calculated field (an EVAL-* statement) that uses the 'coalesce' function to create a new field that takes the value of one or more existing fields. This method lets you be explicit about ordering of input field values in the case of NULL fields. For example: EVAL-ip = coalesce(clientip,ipaddress) |
2018-09-27 | SPL-160807, SPL-161626 | In server.conf.spec, the unit type for the 'eviction_padding' setting has been documented incorrectly, stating that the units are in bytes when they are actually in megabytes. Only the specification file has the error; the software operates as designed. Workaround: If you need to set cache manager eviction padding, confirm that your setting corresponds to the number of megabytes that you want the cache manager to reserve. For example, if you want to reserve 5 gigabytes of space, set "eviction_padding" to 5120, not 5368709120. |
2017-11-29 | SPL-146820 | Unable to access some settings/manager pages (data model editor) if starting from the setup page of a non-visible app Workaround: Navigate to a visible app, such as the search and reporting app, and access the Splunk settings pages from that app context. |
2017-04-11 | SPL-141051 | When LINE_BREAKER is defined for a sourcetype, UI forces SHOULD_LINEMERGE to true Workaround: None in Splunk Cloud. For on-prem, manually edit the props.conf file to set SHOULD_LINEMERGE to 'false'. |
2017-04-03 | SPL-140747 | SSL connection in Python when using new ciphers may be slow. |
2016-11-09 | SPL-131880 | Reports/Alerts owned by the deleted user cannot be found in the Orphaned filter for the Reassign Knowledge Objects page |
2015-09-23 | SPL-106978 | Failed SHC captain election causes unnecessary change in server.conf |
2015-03-11 | SPL-97942 | Capability defined in an app does not take effect when assigned to a role Workaround: The workaround is to change the ui-prefs in ./etc/users/username/local/ui-prefs.conf to look like this: [search] = ["description","except_extract_1","except_extract_2","except_extract_3","sap_order_status","sourcetype","source","status","request_mode","request_id","request_status_id","object_id","BillToCity_","Airline_","BillToName_","BillToCountry_","City_"] = table |
2014-04-07 | SPL-82699 | SSO: Acceleration icon fails to display in Searches, Reports, and Alerts page. |
2013-05-25 | SPL-68010 | The error thrown when your Splunk instance cannot connect to splunkbase/.../checkforupdate is not an ERROR, should be lowered to INFO. Workaround: Set server.conf [applicationsManager] allowInternetAccess = false |
2013-05-02 | SPL-66511 | If $SPLUNK_HOME/etc is located on a case-insensitive filesystem, creating a new view with the same name as an existing view but with different case (capital letters vs lowercase, etc) silently overwrites the existing view. |
Uncategorized issues
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2019-11-08 | SPL-179256, SPL-179703, SPL-180148, SPL-180149 | kvstore inputlookup with large 'where' filter fails silently when hitting 300 second timeout Workaround: Change logic of your search, do filtering later in | search |
2019-10-18 | SPL-178172, SPL-180649, SPL-181717 | Disabling replication of kvstore collection for automatic lookup causes "Could not load lookup=..." errors to appear |
2019-10-09 | SPL-177752, SPL-180193, SPL-180194, SPL-180195 | Deadlock in splunk when using pstacks action |
2019-10-01 | SPL-177347 | Collectd data via HEC blocks Heavy Forwarder queues when 'useACK = true' to send data to Indexers. |
2019-09-16 | SPL-176514 | Offline rebuild of unsearchable bucket may lead to stale information in dbinspect searches |
2019-07-11 | SPL-173038 | Deprecated Feature SH Pooling has several functional problems in versions 7.1.x and above Workaround: Customers are strongly advised to use Search Head Clustering instead. |
2019-06-14 | SPL-171958, SPL-171943 | Diag needs updating so it obfuscates or removes values for remote.s3*key values |
2019-06-06 | SPL-171600, SPL-167453 | Replicated bucket in indexer cluster is timestamped with earliest time 0 (January 1970) if its last slice is empty. |
2019-06-06 | SPL-171599, SPL-167453 | Replicated bucket in indexer cluster is timestamped with earliest time 0 (January 1970) if its last slice is empty. |
2019-06-05 | SPL-171553, SPL-171647 | Smartstore: S3 GET is being done before S3 PUT for the receipt.json causing 404 errors (Source peer should not check if the bucket/receipt exists during uploads) |
2019-05-22 | SPL-170880, SPL-169429 | Do not evict bucket contents from target indexers after S3 upload |
2019-04-02 | SPL-168649, SPL-167902 | KV Store migration during Splunk rolling upgrade from version 7.0.X or older to 7.2.X may fail in some cases |
2019-03-20 | SPL-168023, SPL-167635 | Failed to localize because of CacheManager inconsistent bucket state after a truncate Workaround: |
2019-03-20 | SPL-168025, SPL-167635 | Failed to localize because of CacheManager inconsistent bucket state after a truncate Workaround: |
2019-03-20 | SPL-168026, SPL-167635 | Failed to localize because of CacheManager inconsistent bucket state after a truncate Workaround: |
2019-03-07 | SPL-167489, SPL-162985 | When using Time Picker set to Date&Latest, $timepicker.latest$ fails to populate when set to now Workaround: possible workaround for scenarios where .latest$ is not needed in SPL: In dashboard Replace:
2019-03-07 | SPL-167490, SPL-162985 | When using Time Picker set to Date&Latest, $timepicker.latest$ fails to populate when set to now Workaround: possible workaround for scenarios where .latest$ is not needed in SPL: In dashboard Replace:
2019-02-27 | SPL-167015, SPL-143275 | Bucket rebuild fails with reason: Failed to process delete journals |
2019-02-08 | SPL-166228, SPL-166798, SPL-167655 | Splunk crashes in _mongoc_openssl_ctx_new on shutdown |
2019-02-06 | SPL-166106, SPL-165008 | MaxMind GeoIP DB needs to be updated for Jan 2019 |
2019-02-06 | SPL-166107, SPL-165008 | MaxMind GeoIP DB needs to be updated for Jan 2019 |
2019-02-04 | SPL-165956, SPL-157867 | MSI Installation - installer unable to handle complex service password |
2019-01-29 | SPL-165718, SPL-162399 | Relative, realtime, and date range tabs on time picker on a dashboard is not translated |
2019-01-16 | SPL-165011, SPL-165008 | MaxMind GeoIP DB needs to be updated for Jan 2019 |
2019-01-15 | SPL-164979, SPL-166184, SPL-166510, SPL-166511 | Search deadlock in StateStoreWorkerScheduler when executing kvstore lookup |
2019-01-15 | SPL-164976, SPL-164862 | After migration, Splunk Cloud customer seeing unexpected large increase in outbound network bandwidth from forwarders |
2019-01-14 | SPL-164859, SPL-167178, SPL-167179 | Error in 'summaryindex' command: You have insufficient privileges to run this command. |
2019-01-04 | SPL-164557, SPL-175202 | Add capability of skewing time validation for SAML assertions |
2019-01-03 | SPL-164531, SPL-160841 | Received fatal signal 11 (SEGV) on TailWatcher on Heavy Forwarders RegexExtractionProcessor race condition |
2018-11-20 | SPL-163104, SPL-162781 | KV store is unavailable after SHC instance upgrade to Version 7.1 or 7.2 |
2018-11-16 | SPL-162969, SPL-165614, SPL-164661 | Splunk upgrade failures from pre 7.2 to 7.2.X due to kv store migration issues |
2018-11-01 | SPL-162469, SPL-163577, SPL-162764 | After upgrade to 7.2 Splunk is unable to start - KVStoreConfigurationThread crash Workaround: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib64/noelision/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH |
2018-10-25 | SPL-162250, SPL-162849, SPL-165234 | Error Configuring Indexed Extracions: Invalid value='/s' for parameter='FIELD_DELIMITER' |
2018-10-23 | SPL-162107, SPL-159966 | ADP: "Failed to localize" after startup because bucket is not registered with the CacheManager until repair finishes |
2018-10-23 | SPL-161940, SPL-161090 | The Windows version of Splunk Enterprise does not prompt for creation of Splunk administrator user |
2018-10-17 | SPL-161632 | Can't install RPM Splunk 7.2+ file in Red Hat EL5 |
2018-10-11 | SPL-161253, SPL-159966 | ADP: "Failed to localize" after startup because bucket is not registered with the CacheManager until repair finishes |
2018-10-11 | SPL-161252, SPL-159966 | ADP: "Failed to localize" after startup because bucket is not registered with the CacheManager until repair finishes |
2018-09-28 | SPL-160858, SPL-160037 | Windows 2016 Standard blocked Splunk Enterprise 6.6.10 installation on a VM with BIOS UEFI mode enabled + Secure Boot enabled due to "A digitally signed driver is required" |
2018-09-28 | SPL-160859, SPL-160037 | Windows 2016 Standard blocked Splunk Enterprise 7.0.5 installation on a VM with BIOS UEFI mode enabled + Secure Boot enabled due to "A digitally signed driver is required" |
2018-09-13 | SPL-160031, SPL-158931 | Suppress introspection errors from bulletin board on Cloud instances Workaround: To correct the issue, support removes both the inputs.conf and the inputs.conf.spec file so that introspection does not try to run the script. |
2018-09-04 | SPL-159598 | mongo 3.4 to 3.6 upgrade sometimes misses fcv document |
2018-08-31 | SPL-159552, SPL-163568, SPL-161659, SPL-161660, SPL-161688, SPL-162483, SPL-162484 | SAML - "role" not parsing comma separated list |
2018-08-28 | SPL-159413, SPL-162105, SPL-162723, SPL-163566, SPL-162670, SPL-162676, SPL-162724 | "Failed to localize" due to "ERROR CacheManagerHandler"..."not an owner"..."and the bucket is draining" |
2018-08-22 | SPL-159203, SPL-159254, SPL-163561 | splunk_archiver app is included in the Splunk Cloud package in error, needs to be excluded at packaging time |
2018-06-26 | SPL-156258, SPL-158810 | Deleted workload pool is displayed in the bound workload rule. |
2018-04-18 | SPL-153555, SPL-152283 | mongod errors out on distros with older glibc (2.7 and below) with " Invalid access at address: 0x10" |
2018-03-20 | SPL-152330, SPL-151992 | After installing Splunk on Windows using msiexec and the "GENRANDOMPASSWORD=1" option (and if generated password ends with backslash) admin is unable to login with msg "No users exist. Please set up a new user." Workaround: Create a $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/user-seed.conf and restart Splunk [user_info] |
2018-03-14 | SPL-152095 | Edit Summary Indexing - Index List empty/incomplete for User with Power role after upgrading to 6.6.0+ Workaround: add indexes_edit and dispatch_rest_to_indexers capability to the Power role for all indexes to be listed |
2018-01-25 | SPL-148514 | Splunk not starting on Linux kernel version 4.13.0-31 Workaround: Do not upgrade kernel to version 4.13.0-31. Use either an older release or 4.13.0-32.35+ |
2017-05-09 | SPL-141693 | DataModel Editor - when child object has same name as inherited field, inherited field does not show in the inherited fields list. |
2017-03-27 | SPL-140442, SOLNESS-11786 | In Splunk Enterprise 6.6.0 and later, with Enterprise Security 4.5.2 and 4.6.0, roles without "edit_roles" capability cannot perform operations on notable event review statuses. Workaround: If users cannot perform operations on notable event review statuses or have issues viewing "Edit all selected" links on Incident Review, user roles must be provided with the "edit_roles" capability. |
2017-01-18 | SPL-135260 | Documentation for Search formatting keyboard shortcut for non-English languages |
2017-01-06 | SPL-134707 | Splunk restart does not create missing server.pem certificate on Windows Workaround: Use bin/splunk createssl server-cert -d etc/auth/ -n server to generate a new certificate. |
2016-11-21 | SPL-132670 | Mac OS 10.11: disable boot-start doesn't remove the file /Library/LaunchAgents//com.splunk.plist by enabling boot-start in prior Splunk/UF |
2016-08-31 | SPL-127800 | Opting in to data sharing on a monitoring console produces duplicate data |
2016-07-26 | SPL-125052 | Sole Admin can demote themself to Power without path of recovery in GUI. Workaround: Through the command line, you can open notepad and modify the password file to regain 'Admin' status. |
2016-06-21 | SPL-123174 | JSON indexed_extractions doesn't work for TCP inputs |
2015-10-07 | SPL-107606 | Inconsistency between summary and datamodel_summary files. |
2015-06-18 | SPL-103302 | Files ownership are failed to be changed when using debian package to install splunk and $SPLUNK_HOME is a symlink Workaround: Run a recursive chown from the command line on $SPLUNK_HOME manually, post install. |
2015-06-18 | SPL-103325 | SHC cookie-based auth depends on all SHC members being on the same mgmt port |
2015-05-24 | SPL-102008 | On Internet Explorer, a warning message does not display when you cannot log in due to a time zone difference. |
2015-05-11 | SPL-101289 | When the number of indexing pipeline sets is greater than four, indexing throughput decreases. |
2015-05-06 | SPL-100980 | Single indexer does not scale when receiving parsed data from multiple PipelineSets. |
2015-05-04 | SPL-100792 | There are multiple group=thruput metrics lines in metrics.log. Searches that do not differentiate among them may get falsely high totals. Workaround: Searches that key off these lines need to select their desired name=x category in order to see a single thruput value. |
2015-04-24 | SPL-100322 | A view gets stuck with "loading" due to problematic navigation (default.xml) Workaround: Workaround is to use label attribute for collection element. <collection label="Others"> <view source="unclassified" match="Dashboard"/> </collection> |
2015-03-26 | SPL-98700 | splunkd Indexer crashes in IndexerTPoolWorker due to duplicated bucket id. Workaround: The workaround is to remove the duplicated bucket. |
2015-02-26 | SPL-97389 | When using timechart command, the embedded report shows different time format than the original report. |
2015-01-08 | SPL-95144, SPL-101986, SPL-101987, SPL-106884, SPL-107317, SPL-142789 | Indexed message for Windows security event logs shows "FormatMessage error" Workaround: Splunk believes this was introduced in a Microsoft Windows patch. The workaround is to configure a delayed start of the Splunk service(s) so that it starts after the Windows Event Log service. |
2014-11-10 | SPL-92831 | A mismatch of versions between the license-master and the license-slave is generating Warning messages like "WARN LMDirective - directive cmd=D_set_feature_state args='Acceleration,ENABLED' failed: reason='feature='Acceleration' is invalid' ." Workaround: The warnings can be ignored, the workaround is use same major versions (all on 6.2 or all on 6.1).
2014-10-24 | SPL-92432, SPL-99583 | Chart in dashboard panel does not honor interval settings. Workaround: In the panel XML, specify a larger height to use the correct interval settings. |
2014-10-17 | SPL-92162 | Writing large amounts of data (> 20 GB) to KV store collections using outputlookup can result in high memory usage on the machine. |
2014-09-11 | SPL-90738 | Monitoring a directory with an unknown sourcetype produces indexing errors. |
2014-08-26 | SPL-90139 | <timestamp> does not display in the Patterns tab when searches are run in fast mode. |
2014-04-22 | SPL-83365 | Splunk Enterprise on Windows does not show an error message when a user without the edit_license capability tries to add a license through the CLI. |
2014-04-14 | SPL-83068 | Default index can be set to random index. |
2014-04-01 | SPL-82517, SPL-208875 | Paper Size and Layout in PDF Schedule dialog do not respect Paper Size and Layout in Email Settings. |
2014-03-23 | SPL-82238 | Datamodel fails to drill down further when the same attribute for Split Rows and Split Columns are selected. |
2014-03-13 | SPL-81856 | Show all lines does not work in data model editor preview. |
2014-03-12 | SPL-81810 | Licensing - license pool warning at license master keeps coming back after deleting it. Workaround: Delete the warnings on the peers first, then the License Manager. |
2014-03-12 | SPL-81781 | In the Data Model Manager, "Acceleration Status" and "Access Count" fail to update when you click "Update". |
2014-02-13 | SPL-80568 | Highcharts determines Y-axis values based on first point outside visible range. |
2014-02-07 | SPL-80285 | In the Data Model Editor, the Edit Lookup page is blank if Lookup is shared only in Lookup Definitions. Workaround: For more information, see Add lookup files to Splunk. |
2014-02-06 | SPL-80187 | In the Data Model Editor, lookup pages open with options displayed for other Lookup when the data model definition is private but the file is app or globally shared. Workaround: Share the definition. For more information, see Add lookup files to Splunk. |
2014-01-31 | SPL-79842 | On Windows, Indexer doesnt accept new connections on splunktcpin port after queue blockage is resolved |
2013-11-27 | SPL-77139 | Licenser pool usage gets reflected only after restarting splunkd. |
2013-10-29 | SPL-75764 | Forwarder forwards duplicate data after props.conf is in place for cross platform scenario/when the forwarder is on Solaris and the indexer is on Linux. |
2013-09-13 | SPL-74337, BETA-496 | You cannot specify a destination folder when installing on OSX. |
2013-09-10 | SPL-74209, SPL-74167 | Persistent queues are not created on Windows for stanzas that contain unusual characters (such as < and >). Workaround: Specify the persistentQueue explicitly in the input definition. |
2013-08-28 | SPL-73826 | Windows: hostname override not working properly |
2013-06-13 | SPL-69304 | If license slaves are running <6.0 version, they do not have the idx field and in theLicense Usage view, the split by index field will show a field named UNKNOWN. |
2013-04-30 | SPL-66213 | PDF server app is not working with latest Xvfb |
2012-02-22 | SPL-48342 | LDAP strategy host field cannot work with ipv6 format address but computer name is okay |
2010-10-08 | SPL-34347 | wmi input default fields - with value including newlines doesn't search properly becasue of \r\n issue |
Splunk Analytics for Hadoop
Date filed | Issue number | Description |
2019-01-30 | ERP-2149, ERP-2159, ERP-2160 | HUNK queries to HADOOP HDFS log archive failing with: ChunkedOutputStreamReader: Invalid transport header line="" |
2017-04-04 | ERP-2040 | Splunk archiving fails for large block sizes (buckets) due to HDFS write crashes for Hadoop version 2.8, 2.7.x Workaround: Upgrade Hadoop to 2.8.2 or higher. |
2015-09-09 | ERP-1650 | timestamp data type not properly deserialized. |
2015-08-05 | ERP-1619 | Searching on a newly created archive index before the bucket copy saved search is run causes a filenotfound exception. Workaround: Reenable the bucket copy saved search and let it run, or force the archiving to happen via | archivebuckets force=1 and then rerun the search. |
2015-07-07 | ERP-1598 | minsplit rampup - splits generation takes too long. Workaround: Set minsplits=maxsplits |
2015-05-12 | ERP-1502 | Non-accelerated pivot search on Pivot UI page waits for a long time to return result. |
2015-01-08 | ERP-1343, SPL-95174 | Splunk Analytics for Hadoop searches fail on corrupted journal.gz files, although Splunk searches run without error. Workaround: Add the journal.gz to the input path's blacklist (vix.input.1.ignore = ....) |
2014-10-27 | ERP-1216 | Data Explorer preview does not honor existing sourcetypes for big5/sjis files. |
2014-10-03 | ERP-1164 | Report acceleration summary gets deleted when two Splunk Analytics for Hadoop instances point to the same Splunk working directory. Workaround: To mitigate this issue, make sure that vix.splunk.home.hdfs (or Working directory in the UI) is unique on both search heads that are not in a pool. To keep your instances in the same working directory, configure to be unique on both search heads. |
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This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise: 7.2.0
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