Splunk® Enterprise

Admin Manual

Splunk Enterprise version 8.0 is no longer supported as of October 22, 2021. See the Splunk Software Support Policy for details. For information about upgrading to a supported version, see How to upgrade Splunk Enterprise.
This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Enterprise. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.


The following are the spec and example files for commands.conf.


   Version 8.0.2


 This file contains descriptions for the setting/value pairs that you can 
 use for for creating search commands for custom search scripts. 
 You can add your custom search script to one of these paths: 
 * If you add your custom search script to the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/searchscripts/
   path, put a custom commands.conf file in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/.
 * If you add your custom search script to the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/MY_APP/bin/
   path, put a custom commands.conf file in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/MY_APP.

 There is a commands.conf in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/default/.  
 Never change or copy the configuration files in the default directory.
 The files in the default directory must remain intact and in their original

 To set custom configurations, create a new file with the name commands.conf in
 the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/ directory. Then add the specific settings
 that you want to customize to the local configuration file.
 For examples, see commands.conf.example.  You must restart the Splunk platform 
 to enable configurations.

 To learn more about configuration files (including file precedence) see the
 documentation located at


 Use the [default] stanza to define any global settings.
   * You can also define global settings outside of any stanza, at the top of
     the file.
   * Each conf file should have at most one default stanza. If there are
     multiple default stanzas, settings are combined. In the case of
     multiple definitions of the same setting, the last definition in the
     file wins.
   * If a setting is defined at both the global level and in a specific
     stanza, the value in the specific stanza takes precedence.


* Each stanza represents a search command. The command name is the stanza name.
* The stanza name invokes the command in the search language.
* Specify the following settings/values for the command.  Otherwise, the 
  default values are used.
* If the 'filename' setting is not specified, an external program is searched for 
  by appending extensions (e.g. ".py", ".pl") to the stanza name.
* If chunked = true, in addition to the extensions ".py" and ".pl" as above, 
  the extensions ".exe", ".bat", ".cmd", ".sh", ".js", as well as
  no extension (to find binaries without extensions), are searched for.
* See the 'filename' setting for more information about how external programs
  are searched for.

type = <string>
* The type of script. Valid values are python and perl.
* Default: python

python.version = {default|python|python2|python3}
* For Python scripts only, selects which Python version to use.
* Set to either "default" or "python" to use the system-wide default Python
* Optional.
* Default: Not set; uses the system-wide Python version.

filename = <string>
* Optionally specify the program to run when the search command is used.
* The 'filename' is looked for in the `bin` directory for the app.
* The 'filename' setting cannot reference any file outside of the `bin` directory  
  for the app.
* If the 'filename' ends in ".py", the python interpreter is used
  to invoke the external script.
* If chunked = true, the 'filename' is looked for first in the
  $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/MY_APP/<PLATFORM>/bin directory before searching the
  $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/MY_APP/bin directory. The <PLATFORM> is one of the following:
  Depending on the platform that the Splunk software is running.
* If chunked = true and if a path pointer file (*.path) is specified,
  the contents of the path pointer file are read and the result is used as the
  command to run. Environment variables in the path pointer
  file are substituted. You can use path pointer files to reference
  system binaries. For example: /usr/bin/python.

command.arg.<N> = <string>
* Additional command-line arguments to use when invoking this
  program. Environment variables, such as $SPLUNK_HOME, are substituted.
* Only available if chunked = true.

local = [true|false]
* If set to "true", specifies that the command should be run on the search head only.
* Default: false

perf_warn_limit = <integer>
* Issue a performance warning message if more than the value specified for input events are
  passed to this external command (0 = never)
* Default: 0 (disabled)

streaming = [true|false]
* Specify whether the command is streamable.
* Default: false

maxinputs = <integer>
* The maximum number of events that can be passed to the command for each
* This limit cannot exceed the value of the 'maxresultrows' setting in limits.conf file.
* Specify 0 for no limit.
* Default: 50000

passauth = [true|false]
* If set to "true", splunkd passes several authentication-related facts
  at the start of input, as part of the header (see enableheader).
* The following headers are sent:
  * authString: psuedo-xml string that resembles
    where the username is passed twice, and the authToken can be used
    to contact splunkd during the script run.
  * sessionKey: the session key again
  * owner: the user portion of the search context
  * namespace: the app portion of the search context
* Requires enableheader = true. If enableheader = false, this flag is
  be treated as "false" as well.
* Default: false
* If chunked = true, this setting is ignored. An authentication
  token is always passed to commands using the chunked custom search
  command protocol.

run_in_preview = [true|false]
* Specify whether to run this command if generating results just for preview
  rather than for final output.
* Default: true

enableheader = [true|false]
* Indicate whether or not your script is expecting header information or not.
* Currently, the only thing in the header information is an authentication token.
* If set to "true" it will expect as input a head section + '\n' then the CSV input
* NOTE: Should be set to "true" if you use splunk.Intersplunk
* Default: true

retainsevents = [true|false]
* Specify whether the command retains events (the way the sort/dedup/cluster
  commands do) or whether it transforms them (the way the stats command does).
* Default: false

generating = [true|false]
* Specify whether your command generates new events. If no events are passed to
  the command, will it generate events?
* Default: false

generates_timeorder = [true|false]
* If generating = true, does the command generate events in descending time order
  (latest first).
* Default: false

overrides_timeorder = [true|false]
* If generating = false and streaming=true, does the command change the order of
  events with respect to time?
* Default: false

requires_preop = [true|false]
* Specify whether the command sequence specified by the 'streaming_preop' setting
  is required for proper execution or is it an optimization only.
* Default: false (streaming_preop not required)

streaming_preop = <string>
* A string that denotes the requested pre-streaming search string.

required_fields = <string>
* A comma separated list of fields that this command can use.
* Informs previous commands that they should retain/extract these fields if
  possible.  No error is generated if a field specified is missing.
  The default is all fields.
* Default: '*'

supports_multivalues = [true|false]
* Specify whether the command supports multiple values.
* If set to "true", multivalues are treated as python lists of strings, instead of a
  flat string (when using Intersplunk to interpret stdin/stdout).
* If the list only contains one element, the value of that element is
  returned, rather than a list
  (for example, isinstance(val, basestring) == True).

supports_getinfo = [true|false]
* Specifies whether the command supports dynamic probing for settings
  (first argument invoked == __GETINFO__ or __EXECUTE__).

supports_rawargs = [true|false]
* If set to "true", specifies that the command supports raw arguments being passed to it.
* If set to "fasle", specifies that the command prefers parsed arguments, 
  where quotes are stripped.
* Default: false

undo_scheduler_escaping = [true|false]
* Specifies whether the commands raw arguments need to be unesacped.
* This is perticularly applies to the commands being invoked by the scheduler.
* This applies only if the command supports raw arguments, where supports_rawargs=true).
* Default: false

requires_srinfo = [true|false]
* Specifies if the command requires information stored in SearchResultsInfo.
* If set to "true", requires that 'enableheader' is set to "true", and the full
  pathname of the info file (a csv file) will be emitted in the header under
  the key 'infoPath'
* Default: false

needs_empty_results = [true|false]
* Specifies whether or not this search command needs to be called with
  intermediate empty search results.
* Default: true

changes_colorder = [true|false]
* Specify whether the script output should be used to change the column
  ordering of the fields.
* Default: true

outputheader = <true/false>
* If set to "true", output of script should be
  a header section + blank line + csv output.
* If set to "false", the script output should be pure comma separated values only.
* Default: false

clear_required_fields = [true|false]
* If set to "true", required_fields represents the *only* fields required.
* If set to "false", required_fields are additive to any fields that might be required by
  subsequent commands.
* In most cases, "false" is appropriate for streaming commands and "true" for
  transforming commands.
* Default: false

stderr_dest = [log|message|none]
*  Specifies what do to with the stderr output from the script.
* 'log' means to write the output to the job search.log.
* 'message' means to write each line as an search info message.  The message
  level can be set to adding that level (in ALL CAPS) to the start of the
  line, e.g. "WARN my warning message."
* 'none' means to discard the stderr output.
* Default: log

is_order_sensitive = [true|false]
* Set to "true" if the command requires the input to be in order.
* Default: false

is_risky = [true|false]
* Searches using Splunk Web are flagged to warn users when they
  unknowingly run a search that contains commands that might be a
  security risk. This warning appears when users click a link or type
  a URL that loads a search that contains risky commands. This warning
  does not appear when users create ad hoc searches.
* This flag is used to determine whether the command is risky.
* NOTE: Specific commands that ship with the product have their own
  default setting for 'is_risky'.
* Default: false

chunked = [true|false]
* If set to "true", this command supports the new "chunked" custom
  search command protocol.
* If set to "true", the only other commands.conf settings supported are
  'is_risky', 'maxwait', 'maxchunksize', 'filename', 'command.arg.<N>', and
* If set to "false", this command uses the legacy custom search command
  protocol supported by Intersplunk.py.
* Default: false

maxwait = <integer>
* Only available if chunked = true.
* Not supported on Windows.
* The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the custom search command can 
  pause before producing output.
* If set to "0", the command can pause forever.
* Default: 0

maxchunksize = <integer>
* Only available if chunked = true.
* The maximum chunk size, including the size of metadata plus the size of body,
  that the external command can produce. If the command
  tries to produce a larger chunk, the command is terminated.
* If set to "0", the command can send any size chunk.
* Default: 0


#   Version 8.0.2
# This is an example commands.conf.  Use this file to configure settings
# for external search commands.
# To use one or more of these configurations, copy the configuration block
# into commands.conf in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/. You must restart
# Splunk to enable configurations.
# To learn more about configuration files (including precedence) 
# see the documentation located at
# http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Admin/Aboutconfigurationfiles

# Note: These are examples.  Replace the values with your own
# customizations.

# defaults for all external commands, exceptions are below in 
# individual stanzas

# type of script: 'python', 'perl'
TYPE = python
# default "filename" would be <stanza-name>.py for python, 
# <stanza-name>.pl for perl, and 
# <stanza-name> otherwise

# is command streamable?
streaming = false

# maximum data that can be passed to command (0 = no limit)
maxinputs = 50000

# end defaults

filename = createrss.py

filename = diff.py

filename = gentimes.py

filename = runshellscript.py

filename = sendemail.py

filename = uniq.py

filename = windbag.py
supports_multivalues = true

filename = xmlkv.py

filename = xmlunescape.py

Last modified on 05 February, 2020
collections.conf   datamodels.conf

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Enterprise: 8.0.2

Please expect delayed responses to documentation feedback while the team migrates content to a new system. We value your input and thank you for your patience as we work to provide you with an improved content experience!

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