Class SavedSearchDispatchArgs

  extended by java.util.AbstractMap<K,V>
      extended by java.util.HashMap<K,V>
          extended by java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>
              extended by com.splunk.Args
                  extended by com.splunk.SavedSearchDispatchArgs
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>

public class SavedSearchDispatchArgs
extends Args

The SavedSearchDispatchArgs class contains arguments for dispatching a saved search using the SavedSearch.dispatch() method.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.util.AbstractMap
java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<K,V>, java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<K,V>
Constructor Summary
          Class constructor.
Method Summary
 void setDispatchBuckets(int dispatchBuckets)
          Sets the maximum number of timeline buckets.
 void setDispatchEarliestTime(java.util.Date dispatchEarliestTime)
          Sets the earliest time for this search.
 void setDispatchEarliestTime(java.lang.String dispatchEarliestTime)
          Specifies the earliest time for this search.
 void setDispatchLatestTime(java.util.Date dispatchLatestTime)
          Sets the latest time for this search.
 void setDispatchLatestTime(java.lang.String dispatchLatestTime)
          Specifies the latest time for this search.
 void setDispatchLookups(boolean dispatchLookups)
          Indicates whether to enable lookups for this search.
 void setDispatchMaximumCount(int dispatchMaximumCount)
          Sets the maximum number of results before finalizing the search.
 void setDispatchMaximumTime(int dispatchMaximumTime)
          Sets the the maximum amount of time before finalizing the search.
 void setDispatchNow(java.lang.String dispatchNow)
          Sets a time that dispatches the search as though the specified time were the current time.
 void setDispatchRealTimeBackfill(boolean dispatchRealTimeBackfill)
          Indicates whether to back fill the real-time window for this search.
 void setDispatchReduceFrequency(int dispatchReduceFrequency)
          Set the frequency for how often Splunk should run the MapReduce reduce phase on accumulated map values.
 void setDispatchSpawnProcess(boolean dispatchSpawnProcess)
          Indicates whether the search should run in a separate spawned process.
 void setDispatchTimeFormat(java.lang.String dispatchTimeFormat)
          Sets a time format for Splunk to use to specify the earliest and latest times.
 void setDispatchTtl(java.lang.String dispatchTtl)
          Indicates the time to live (TTL) for the artifacts of the scheduled search, if no actions are triggered.
 void setForceDispatch(boolean forceDispatch)
          Indicates whether to start a new search, even if another instance of this search is already running.
 void setTriggerActions(boolean triggerActions)
          Indicates whether to trigger alert actions.
Methods inherited from class com.splunk.Args
add, create, create, create, encode, encode, encode, get
Methods inherited from class java.util.LinkedHashMap
clear, containsValue, get
Methods inherited from class java.util.HashMap
clone, containsKey, entrySet, isEmpty, keySet, put, putAll, remove, size, values
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractMap
equals, hashCode, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map
containsKey, entrySet, equals, hashCode, isEmpty, keySet, put, putAll, remove, size, values

Constructor Detail


public SavedSearchDispatchArgs()
Class constructor.

Method Detail


public void setDispatchNow(java.lang.String dispatchNow)
Sets a time that dispatches the search as though the specified time were the current time.

dispatchNow - A string with the specified time.


public void setDispatchBuckets(int dispatchBuckets)
Sets the maximum number of timeline buckets.

dispatchBuckets - The maximum number of timeline buckets.


public void setDispatchEarliestTime(java.lang.String dispatchEarliestTime)
Specifies the earliest time for this search. This value can be a relative or absolute time. If this value is an absolute time, use setDispatchTimeFormat(java.lang.String) to format the value.

dispatchEarliestTime - A time string that specifies the earliest time for this search.


public void setDispatchEarliestTime(java.util.Date dispatchEarliestTime)
Sets the earliest time for this search.

dispatchEarliestTime - A date that specifies the earliest time for this search.


public void setDispatchLatestTime(java.lang.String dispatchLatestTime)
Specifies the latest time for this search. This value can be a relative or absolute time. If this value is an absolute time, use setDispatchTimeFormat(java.lang.String) to format the value.

dispatchLatestTime - A time string that specifies the latest time for this search.


public void setDispatchLatestTime(java.util.Date dispatchLatestTime)
Sets the latest time for this search.

dispatchLatestTime - A date that specifies the latest time for this saved search.


public void setDispatchLookups(boolean dispatchLookups)
Indicates whether to enable lookups for this search.

dispatchLookups - true to enable lookups, false if not.


public void setDispatchMaximumCount(int dispatchMaximumCount)
Sets the maximum number of results before finalizing the search.

dispatchMaximumCount - The maximum number of results.


public void setDispatchMaximumTime(int dispatchMaximumTime)
Sets the the maximum amount of time before finalizing the search.

dispatchMaximumTime - The maximum amount of time, in seconds.


public void setDispatchReduceFrequency(int dispatchReduceFrequency)
Set the frequency for how often Splunk should run the MapReduce reduce phase on accumulated map values.

dispatchReduceFrequency - The frequency, in seconds.


public void setDispatchRealTimeBackfill(boolean dispatchRealTimeBackfill)
Indicates whether to back fill the real-time window for this search. This value only applies to real-time searches.

dispatchRealTimeBackfill - true to back fill the real-time window, false if not.


public void setDispatchSpawnProcess(boolean dispatchSpawnProcess)
Indicates whether the search should run in a separate spawned process. Searches against indexes must run in a separate process.

dispatchSpawnProcess - true to run the search in a separate process, false if not.


public void setDispatchTimeFormat(java.lang.String dispatchTimeFormat)
Sets a time format for Splunk to use to specify the earliest and latest times.

dispatchTimeFormat - A time format string.


public void setDispatchTtl(java.lang.String dispatchTtl)
Indicates the time to live (TTL) for the artifacts of the scheduled search, if no actions are triggered. If an action is triggered, Splunk changes the TTL to that action's TTL. If multiple actions are triggered, Splunk applies the maximum TTL to the artifacts. To set the action's TTL, refer to alert_actions.conf.spec.

dispatchTtl - The time to live, in seconds. If the value is a number followed by "p", it is the number of scheduled search periods.


public void setTriggerActions(boolean triggerActions)
Indicates whether to trigger alert actions.

triggerActions - true to trigger alert actions, false if not.


public void setForceDispatch(boolean forceDispatch)
Indicates whether to start a new search, even if another instance of this search is already running.

forceDispatch - true to start a new search, false if not.