Package com.splunk

Interface Summary
ReceiverBehavior The ReceiverBehavior interface represents actions to be taken given an output stream connected to Splunk over which a program can stream events.
SearchResults The SearchResults interface represents Splunk search results.

Class Summary
Application The Application class represents a locally-installed Splunk app.
ApplicationArchive The ApplicationArchive class represents an archive of a Splunk app.
ApplicationSetup The ApplicationSetup class represents the setup information for a Splunk app.
ApplicationUpdate The ApplicationUpdate class represents information for an update to a locally-installed Splunk app.
Args The Args class is a helper class for working with Splunk REST API arguments.
AtomEntry The AtomEntry class represents an Atom <entry> element.
AtomFeed The AtomFeed class represents an Atom feed.
AtomFeedTest Test the parsing of Atom feeds.
AtomObject The AtomObject class represents a generic Atom object.
BooleanPivotColumnSplit Represents a column split on a boolean valued field in a pivot.
BooleanPivotFilter Represents a filter on a boolean valued field in a pivot.
BooleanPivotRowSplit Represents a row split on a boolean valued field in a pivot.
CollectionArgs The CollectionArgs class contains arguments for retrieving and listing entities from a collection, such as the number of entities to return and how to sort them.
ConfCollection The ConfCollection class represents a collection of configuration files.
DataModel DataModel represents a data model on the server.
DataModelArgs Class representing arguments to creating a data model.
DataModelCalculation Abstract class specifying a calculation on a data model object.
DataModelConstraint Represents a constraint on a data model object or a field on a data model object.
DataModelField Represents a field of a data model object.
DataModelObject DataModelObject represents one of the structured views in a data model.
DataModelSearch DataModelSearch represents a data model object that directly wraps a Splunk search query.
DataModelTransaction Represents a datamodel object that inherits directly from BaseTransaction, that is, an object that wraps a Splunk transaction.
DeploymentClient The DeploymentClient class represents a Splunk deployment client, providing access to deployment client configuration and status.
DeploymentServer The DeploymentServer class represents a Splunk deployment server, and provides access to the configurations of all deployment servers.
DeploymentServerClass The DeploymentServerClass class represents a Splunk deployment server class, providing access to the configuration of a server class.
DeploymentTenant The DeploymentTenant class represents a Splunk deployment tenant, and provides access to the multi-tenants configuration for this Splunk instance.
DistributedConfiguration The DistributedConfiguration class represents a Splunk distributed search configuration, providing access to Splunk's distributed search options.
DistributedPeer The DistributedPeer class represents a Splunk distributed peer, providing distributed peer server management.
Entity The Entity class represents a Splunk entity.
EntityCollection<T extends Entity> The EntityCollection class represents a collection of Splunk entities.
EntityMetadata The EntityMetadata class provides access to the metadata properties of a corresponding entity.
EvalDataModelCalculation Represents a calculation on a data model object done by an eval.
Event The Event class wraps an individual event or result that was returned by the ResultsReader.getNextEvent() method.
EventType The EventType class represents an event type.
EventTypeCollection The EventTypeCollection class represents a collection of event types.
ExportResultsReaderTest Test loading of data from the export endpoints.
FiredAlert The FiredAlert class represents a fired alert.
FiredAlertGroup The FiredAlertGroup class represents a group of fired alerts, which are the alerts for a given saved search.
FiredAlertGroupCollection The FiredAlertGroupCollection class represents a collection of fired alert groups.
GeoIPDataModelCalculation Represents a GeoIP lookup on a data model object, which uses an input field to add geographic information to the output.
HttpService The HttpService class represents a generic HTTP service at a given address (host:port), accessed using a given protocol scheme (http or https).
Index The Index class represents an index.
IndexCollection The IndexCollection class represents a collection of indexes.
IndexCollectionArgs The IndexCollectionArgs class contains arguments for retrieving indexes from a collection (see Service.getIndexes()).
Input The Input class represents a data input.
InputCollection The InputCollection class represents a collection of inputs.
InputKind The InputKind enumeration defines the different types of Splunk data inputs (input kinds).
InputTest Base class of tests that need to access the service's InputCollection or otherwise need to manipulate Input entities.
IPv4PivotFilter Represents a filter on an IPv4 valued field in a pivot.
Job The Job class represents a job, which is an individual instance of a running or completed search or report, along with its related output.
JobArgs The JobArgs class contains arguments for creating a Job.
JobCollection The JobCollection class represents a collection of jobs.
JobEventsArgs The JobEventsArgs class contains arguments for getting events using the Job.getEvents() method.
JobExportArgs The JobExportArgs class contains arguments for exporting events using the Service.export(java.lang.String) method.
JobResultsArgs The JobResultsArgs class contains arguments for getting job results using the Job.getResults() method.
JobResultsPreviewArgs The JobResultsPreviewArgs class contains arguments for getting job results previews using the Job.getResultsPreview() method.
JobSummaryArgs The JobSummaryArgs class contains arguments for getting a job summary using the Job.getSummary() method.
License The License class represents a license, providing access to the licenses for this Splunk instance.
LicenseGroup The LicenseGroup class represents a license group, which is a collection of one or more license stacks.
LicenseMessage The LicenseMessage class represents a license message.
LicensePool The LicensePool class represents a license pool, which is made up of a single license master and zero or more license slave instances of Splunk that are configured to use the licensing volume from a set license or license stack.
LicensePoolCollection The LicensePoolCollection class represents a collection of license pools.
LicenseSlave The LicenseSlave class represents a license slave, which is a member of one or more license pools.
LicenseStack The LicenseStack class represents a license stack, which is a collection of licenses of the same type.
LimitPivotFilter Represents a limit on the events shown in a pivot by sorting them according to some field, then taking the specified number from the beginning or end of the list.
Logger The Logger class represents a specific Splunkd logging category.
LookupDataModelCalculation Represents a lookup calculation on a data model object.
Message The Message class represents a message.
MessageCollection The MessageCollection class represents a collection of messages, providing access to Splunk system messages.
ModularInputKind The ModularInputKind class represents a particular modular input.
ModularInputKindArgument The ModularInputKindArgument class is a map-like object that is specialized to represent arguments for modular input kinds.
MonitorInput The MonitorInput class represents a monitor input, which is a file, directory, script, or network port that is monitored for new data.
MultiResultsReader<T extends ResultsReader> The MultiResultsReader class represents a streaming reader for Splunk search results.
MultiResultsReaderJson The MultiResultsReaderJson class represents a streaming JSON reader for Splunk search results.
MultiResultsReaderXml The MultiResultsReaderXml class represents a streaming XML reader for Splunk search results.
NumberPivotFilter Specifies a filter in a pivot on a numeric field.
NumberPivotRowSplit Specifies a row split in a pivot on a numeric field.
OutputDefault The OutputDefault class represents the default TCP output configuration, providing access to global TCP output properties.
OutputGroup The OutputGroup class represents an output group, providing access to the configuration of a group of one or more data-forwarding destinations.
OutputServer The OutputServer class represents an output server, providing access to data-forwarding configurations.
OutputServerAllConnections The OutputServerAllConnections class represents all the connections of an output server.
OutputSyslog The OutputSyslog class represents a syslog output, providing access to properties of a forwarding server that provides data in standard syslog format.
Password The Password class represents a saved credential.
PasswordCollection The PasswordCollection class represents a collection of credentials.
Pivot A call of pivot on a PivotSpecification object queries splunkd to get the queries corresponding to that pivot, which will be returned as an instance of the Pivot class.
PivotCellValue Represents an aggregate value to appear in the cells of a pivot.
PivotFilter Base class representing filters in pivots.
PivotRowSplit Base class representing row splits in a pivot.
PivotSpecification PivotSpecification represents a pivot to be done on a particular data model object.
RangePivotColumnSplit Split values of a field into rows by ranges of a numeric field.
RangePivotRowSplit Split values of a field into rows by ranges of a numeric field.
Receiver The Receiver class represents a named index and unnamed index receivers.
Record The Record class represents an extension of HashMap that contains a variety of value-converting access methods.
RegexpDataModelCalculation Represents a calculation on a data model object done by a regular expression.
RequestMessage The RequestMessage class represents an HTTP request message including method, headers, and body content.
Resource The Resource abstract base class represents a Splunk resource.
ResourceCollection<T extends Resource> The ResourceCollection abstract base class represents a collection of Splunk resources.
ResponseMessage The ResponseMessage class represents an HTTP response message that includes status codes, response headers, and body content.
ResultsReader The ResultsReader class is a base class for the streaming readers for Splunk search results.
ResultsReaderCsv The ResultsReaderCsv class represents a streaming CSV reader for Splunk search results.
ResultsReaderJson The ResultsReaderJson class represents a streaming JSON reader for Splunk search results.
ResultsReaderTest Test aspects of results readers not covered by the atom, results, and export test data.
ResultsReaderTestFromExpectedFile Test the parsing of XML from results endpoints.
ResultsReaderXml The ResultsReaderXml class represents a streaming XML reader for Splunk search results.
Role The Role class represents a Splunk role, which is a collection of permissions and capabilities.
SavedSearch The SavedSearch class represents a saved search.
SavedSearchCollection The SavedSearchCollection class represents a collection of saved searches.
SavedSearchCollectionArgs The SavedSearchCollectionArgs class contains arguments getting a collection of saved searches.
SavedSearchDispatchArgs The SavedSearchDispatchArgs class contains arguments for dispatching a saved search using the SavedSearch.dispatch() method.
ScriptInput The ScriptInput class represents a scripted data input.
SDKTestCase Base test case for SDK test suite.
Service The Service class represents a Splunk service instance at a given address (host:port), accessed using the http or https protocol scheme.
ServiceArgs The ServiceArgs class contains a collection of arguments that are used to initialize a Splunk Service instance.
ServiceInfo The ServiceInfo class contains information about a running Splunk Service instance (Splunkd).
Settings The Settings class represents configuration information for an instance of Splunk.
StringPivotColumnSplit Represents a column split on a string valued field.
StringPivotFilter Represents a filter on a string valued field.
StringPivotRowSplit Represents a row split on a string valued field.
TcpConnections The TcpConnections class represents a raw or cooked TCP connection.
TcpInput The TcpInput class represents a raw TCP data input.
TcpSplunkInput The TcpSplunkInput class represents a Splunk-processed "cooked" TCP data input.
TimestampPivotColumnSplit Represents a column split on a timestamp valued field in a pivot.
TimestampPivotRowSplit Represents a row split on a timestamp valued field in a pivot.
UdpConnections The UdpConnections class represents a UDP connection.
UdpInput The UdpInput class represents a UDP data input.
Upload The Upload class represents an in-progress oneshot upload.
User The User class represents a Splunk user who is registered on the current Splunk server.
UserCollection The UserCollection class represents a collection of Splunk users who are registered on the current Splunk server.
WindowsActiveDirectoryInput The WindowsActiveDirectoryInput class represents a Windows Active Directory data input.
WindowsEventLogInput The WindowsEventLogInput class represents a Windows Event Log data input.
WindowsPerfmonInput The WindowsPerfmonInput class represents a Windows Performance Monitor (Perfmon) data input.
WindowsRegistryInput The WindowsRegistryInput class represents a Windows Registry data input.
WindowsWmiInput The WindowsWmiInput class represents a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) data input.
Xml The Xml class represents a collection of XML utilities.

Enum Summary
BooleanComparison Comparisons on boolean valued fields.
CollectionArgs.SortDirection Indicates whether to sort entries in ascending or descending order.
CollectionArgs.SortMode Indicates the sorting mode for entries.
FieldType Represents the type of a field in a data model object.
IPv4Comparison Comparison operators that apply to IPv4 values in data models and pivots.
JobArgs.ExecutionMode Specifies how to create a job using the JobCollection.create(java.lang.String) method.
JobArgs.SearchMode Specifies how to create a job using the JobCollection.create(java.lang.String) method.
JobEventsArgs.OutputMode Specifies the format for the returned output.
JobEventsArgs.TruncationMode Specifies how to truncate lines to achieve the value in JobEventsArgs.setMaximumLines(int).
JobExportArgs.OutputMode Specifies the format for the returned output.
JobExportArgs.SearchMode Specifies how to create a job using the JobCollection.create(java.lang.String) method.
JobExportArgs.TruncationMode Specifies how to truncate lines to achieve the value in JobExportArgs.setMaximumLines(int).
JobResultsArgs.OutputMode Specifies the format for the returned output.
JobResultsPreviewArgs.OutputMode Specifies the format for the returned output.
NumberComparison Comparison operators on numeric fields.
StatsFunction Created by fross on 2/28/14.
StringComparison Comparison operators for string valued fields.
TimestampBinning Possible bin sizes for timestamp valued fields in pivots.

Exception Summary
HttpException Thrown for HTTP responses that return an error status code.
SplunkException Thrown for Splunk responses that return an error status code.