Splunk® AI Assistant for SPL

Install and use Splunk AI Assistant for SPL

Known issues

The following are known issues in Splunk AI Assistant for SPL version 1.0.2. If no known issues are listed, no issues have been reported.

Date filed Issue number Description
2024-06-18 SAIA-769 Localized response in Explain SPL skill sometimes translates field names/sourcetype/index etc
2024-06-10 SAIA-738 Recency based filtering in responses
2024-06-10 SAIA-736 MLTK prompts do not return very good quality outputs
Last modified on 26 June, 2024
New features for Splunk AI Assistant for SPL   Fixed issues

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® AI Assistant for SPL: 1.0.2

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