Splunk® App for Edge Hub

Install and Use Splunk App for Edge Hub

For documentation on other necessary components for Splunk Edge Hub, see the Splunk App for Edge Hub documentation, Splunk Edge Hub mobile app documentation, and Splunk Edge Hub hardware documentation.

Install the Splunk App for Edge Hub for Splunk Edge Hub OS

Connect your Splunk Edge Hub to your Splunk platform instance and configure Splunk Edge Hub OS with the Splunk App for Edge Hub.

See About Splunk Edge Hub OS To learn more about Splunk Edge Hub.


Complete the following steps:

  1. Make sure your Splunk platform instance uses the Python 3 interpreter by default. See Python 3 migration with the Splunk platform to learn more about setting the default Python interpreter.
  2. Get started with Splunk Secure Gateway. See Get started with Splunk Secure Gateway.

Install the Splunk app for Edge Hub

This app is required on the data collection node for data collection and optionally on the search head to view pre-built dashboards.

To install the Splunk app for Edge Hub, you'll complete the following steps:

  1. Determine where and how to install this app in your deployment, using the tables on this page.
  2. Perform any prerequisite steps before installing, if required and specified in the tables on this page.
  3. Complete your installation.

Single-instance deployment

You can install the Splunk App for Edge Hub on a single-instance deployment. The single instance acts as a data collection node, search head, and indexer.

Distributed deployments

Use the tables below to determine where and how to install the Splunk App for Edge Hub in a distributed deployment of Splunk Enterprise or any deployment for which you are using forwarders to get your data in. Depending on your environment, your preferences, and the requirements of the app, you may need to install the app in multiple places.

Where to install this app

This table provides a reference for installing this specific app to a distributed deployment of the Splunk platform.

Splunk instance type Supported Required Comments
Search heads Yes Optional Install this app to view pre-built dashboards. The search head must search indexers that retain Splunk Edge Hub data.
Indexers No No Use a heavy forwarder as a data collection node.
Heavy forwarders Yes Yes Install this app on the heavy forwarder you're using as a data collection node.
Universal forwarders No No This app is not supported on universal forwarders.

Distributed deployment features compatibility

This table describes the compatibility of this app with Splunk distributed deployment features.

Distributed deployment feature Supported Comments
Search head clusters Yes You can install this app on a search head cluster for all search-time functionality, but configure data collection on heavy forwarders.
Before you install this app to a cluster, make the following changes to the app package: Remove the inputs.conf file.
Indexer clusters No This app is not supported on indexer clusters.
Deployment server Yes This app uses the KVstore for configuration. You can distribute this app through the deployment server, but must configure the app using the deployment client web UI.

Installation walkthroughs

The Splunk App for Edge Hub is available on Splunkbase: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/5180.

See the installation documentation for your Splunk platform deployment:

Next Steps

Create indexes for Splunk Edge Hub OS. See Create indexes for Splunk Edge Hub OS for the next steps to set up and configure Splunk Edge Hub OS.

For an overview of installation and configuration steps, see Requirements for Splunk Edge Hub OS in the Splunk Edge Hub OS Setup and Configuration Guide.

Last modified on 20 November, 2024
About the Splunk App for Edge Hub   Configure permissions for Splunk App for Edge Hub

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® App for Edge Hub: 4.5.0, 4.6.0, 4.7.1, 4.8.0, 4.9.0

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