Splunk® Supported Add-ons

Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform

Configure Resource Metadata inputs for Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform

Configure Resource Metadata inputs for Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform using Splunk Web or via configuration file, using the information in the inputs parameters table below.

This input is only supported by versions 3.2.0 and earlier of the Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform. The Resource Metadata input has been renamed to Compute Engine starting in version 4.0.0.

Configure Resource Metadata inputs using the Splunk Web

  1. Click Create New Input in the Inputs tab, and then choose Resource Metadata.
  2. Enter the Name, Credentials, Project, Zones, APIs with suitable intervals, Index, and Sourcetype using the information in the inputs parameter table.
  3. Save your changes.

Do not go to the Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform configuration page under Settings > Data Inputs to configure Google Cloud Platform inputs. This page is not supported for this type of input.

Configure Resource Metadata inputs using configuration file

  1. Create a file named google_cloud_resource_metadata_inputs.conf under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_google-cloudplatform/local.
  2. Create stanzas using the following template. Use the google_cloud_resource_metadata_inputs.conf.spec file in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_google-cloudplatform/README for reference).
    google_apis= <value>
    google_credentials_name = <value>
    google_project = <value>
    google_zones = <value>
    index = <value>
    sourcetype = <value>
  3. Save and return to your Splunk instance.

Restart your Splunk platform after making changes to configuration (.conf) files.

Input Parameters

Each attribute in the following table corresponds to a field in Splunk Web.

Attribute Corresponding field in Splunk Web Description
name Name Enter a unique name of the Resource Metadata input.
google_credentials_name Credentials The stanza name defined in google_credentials.conf
google_project Project Google resource metadata project ID
google_zones Zones A deployment area for Google Cloud resources within a region.
google_apis APIs Resources of Compute Engine.
index Index The index in which to store Google Cloud Resource Metadata.
sourcetype Sourcetype Name of the sourcetype.
Last modified on 26 April, 2024
Configure Cloud Pub/Sub Lite inputs for Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform   Troubleshoot the Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Supported Add-ons: released

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