Splunk® Supported Add-ons

Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform

Performance reference for the Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform

This page provides reference information on performance testing of the pub/sub, pub/sub lite, and pub/sub based bucket inputs for the Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform. Use this information to enhance the performance of your own Google Cloud Platform collection tasks.

Many factors impact performance results, including file size, file compression, event size, deployment architecture, and hardware. These results should be used as reference information and do not represent performance in all environments.

Version 4.5.0 Cloud Storage Bucket input performance statistics for JSON files

Common architecture setup Number of inputs Number of Threads Number of files File Size Events Count Data Collection Time (in minutes) Avg CPU (by input) Avg Memory (by input)
CO2 Stack - Victoria Search Head Cluster
  • 3 search heads (m5.4xlarge)
    • 16 CPU
    • 64 GiB memory
  • 3 indexers (im4gn.large)
  • 1 cluster master (c5.xlarge)
1 input 1 10k ~3MB 6180001 53 3% 0.1%
1 input 10 10k ~3MB 6180001 12 15% 0.1%
CO2 Stack - Classic Cluster (1 IDM)
  • 1 cluster master (c5.xlarge)
  • 3 search heads (c5.2xlarge)
  • 3 indexers (i3.large)
  • 1 Input Data Manager (IDM) (m5.4xlarge)
    • 16 CPU
    • 64 GiB memory
1 input 1 10k ~3MB 6180001 48 4% 0.1%
1 input 10 10k ~3MB 6180001 15 13% 0.1%
On Prem
  • Heavy Forwarder (m5.4xlarge)
    • 16 CPU
    • 64 GiB memory
1 input 1 10k ~3MB 6180001 108 2% 0.1%
1 input 10 10k ~3MB 6180001 14 12% 0.1%

Version 4.5.0 Cloud Storage Bucket input performance statistics for CSV files

Common architecture setup Number of inputs Number of Threads Number of files File Size Events Count Data Collection Time (in minutes) Avg CPU (by input) Avg Memory (by input)
CO2 Stack - Victoria Search Head Cluster
  • 3 search heads (m5.4xlarge)
    • 16 CPU
    • 64 GiB memory
  • 3 indexers (im4gn.large)
  • 1 cluster master (c5.xlarge)
1 input 1 100k ~50KB 86159944 225 6% 0.1%
1 input 10 100k ~50KB 86159944 169 15% 0.1%
CO2 Stack - Classic Cluster (1 IDM)
  • 1 cluster master (c5.xlarge)
  • 3 search heads (c5.2xlarge)
  • 3 indexers (i3.large)
  • 1 Input Data Manager (IDM) (m5.4xlarge)
    • 16 CPU
    • 64 GiB memory
1 input 1 100k ~50KB 86159944 223 5% 0.1%
1 input 10 100k ~50KB 86159944 167 15% 0.1%
On Prem
  • Heavy Forwarder (m5.4xlarge)
    • 16 CPU
    • 64 GiB memory
1 input 1 100k ~50KB 86159944 445 3% 0.1%
1 input 10 100k ~50KB 86159944 155 15% 0.1%

Version 4.2.0 Pub/Sub Lite input performance statistics

There following tests a configuration of 20 partitions for Version 4.2.0 Pub/Sub Lite input performance.

Common architecture setup Scenario Event type Event Size Number of threads Ingest Rate (KB/min) CPU RAM
CO2 Stack - Victoria Search Head Cluster
  • 1 cluster master (c5.xlarge)
  • 3 search heads (c6i.4xlarge)
    • 16 CPU
    • 16 GiB Memory
  • 3 indexer clusters (is4gen.4xlarge)
    • 16 CPU core
    • 96 GiB Memory
  • Default TA configs
1 input JSON 1 KB 10 212274 13.58% 11.8%
1 input JSON 1 KB 64 2202370 14.25% 11.7%
20 input JSON 1 KB 10 2020845 22.88% 9.74%
20 input JSON 1 KB 64 2067952 23.25% 8.79%
1 input JSON 10KB 10 3166630 14.32% 6.77%
20 input JSON 10KB 10 6197910 22.05% 11.07%
1 input Non-JSON 1KB 10 414976 13.69% 8.05%
1 input Non-JSON 1KB 64 379032 13.78% 3.27%
20 input Non-JSON 1KB 10 2069770 23.9% 8.63%
20 input Non-JSON 1KB 64 2064460 23.2% 7.06%
1 input Non-JSON 10KB 10 3795480 14.48% 8.92%
20 input Non-JSON 10KB 10 6129498 23.7% 5.57%
CO2 Stack - Classic Cluster (1 IDM)
  • 1 cluster master (c5.xlarge)
  • 3 search heads (c6i.xlarge)
    • 4 CPU core
    • 8 GB RAM
  • 3 indexers (is4gen.4xlarge)
    • 16 CPU
    • 96 GiB Memory
  • 1 Input Data Manager (IDM) (c6i.4xlarge)
    • 16 CPU core
    • 32 GB RAM
  • Default TA configs
1 input JSON 1KB 10 231987 13.61% 6.6%
1 input JSON 1KB 64 237228 13.65% 6.65%
20 input JSON 1KB 10 1022357 22.4% 13.1%
20 input JSON 1KB 64 1019737 22.7% 12.98%
1 input JSON 10KB 10 1887750 14.21% 12.9%
20 input JSON 10KB 10 3228910 23.38% 13.1%
1 input Non-JSON 1KB 10 247171 13.6% 12.96%
1 input Non-JSON 1KB 64 241652 9.17% 13.55%
20 input Non-JSON 1KB 10 1021291 22.5% 3.9%
20 input Non-JSON 1KB 64 987298 23% 4.02%
1 input Non-JSON 10KB 10 2171011 14.35% 4%
20 input Non-JSON 10KB 10 291004 22% 4.05%

Version 4.2.0 Pub/Sub Based Bucket input performance statistics

The following tests file sizes of 1, 5, and 10 KB for Version 4.2.0 Pub/Sub Based Bucket input. The number of threads tested is 10.

Common architecture setup Scenario File type Message batch Ingest rate (KB/min) CPU RAM
CO2 Stack - Victoria Search Head Cluster
  • 1 cluster master (c5.xlarge)
  • 3 search head (c6i.4xlarge)
    • 16 CPU
    • 32 GiB Memory
  • 3 indexer cluster (is4gen.4xlarge)
  • 16 CPU
  • 96 GiB Memory
  • Default TA configs
1 input CSV 10 1649 3.75% 11.55%
5 inputs CSV 10 7869 3.7% 11.54%
10 inputs CSV 10 16670 4.65% 11.53%
20 inputs CSV 10 33327 3.75% 11.49%
40 inputs CSV 10 64360 4.3% 11.48%
1 input CSV 100 9783 3.9% 11.56%
5 inputs CSV 100 49756 3.65% 11.54%
10 inputs CSV 100 100888 3.85% 11.54%
20 inputs CSV 100 192448 4.49% 11.52%
40 inputs CSV 100 385078 7.46% 11.54%
1 input JSON 10 1655 4.25% 11.59%
5 inputs JSON 10 7853 4.5% 11.58%
10 inputs JSON 10 16882 3.65% 11.59%
20 inputs JSON 10 34611 4.65% 11.57%
40 inputs JSON 10 65909 3.9% 11.57%
1 input JSON 100 9813 3.85% 11.57%
5 inputs JSON 100 48865 3.55% 11.55%
10 inputs JSON 100 99252 4.4% 11.52%
20 inputs JSON 100 201040 4.24% 11.46%
40 inputs JSON 100 397136 7.89% 11.39%
CO2 Stack - Classic Cluster (1 IDM)
  • 1 cluster master (c5.xlarge)
  • 3 search heads (c6i.xlarge)
    • 4 CPU core
    • 8 GB RAM
  • 3 indexers (is4gen.4xlarge)
    • 16 CPU
    • 96 GiB Memory
  • 1 Input Data Manager (IDM) (c6i.4xlarge)
  • 16 CPU core
  • 32 GB RAM
  • Default TA configs
1 input CSV 10 1596 4.5% 9.87%
5 inputs CSV 10 7670 4.25% 9.84%
10 inputs CSV 10 15129 4.75% 9.48%
20 inputs CSV 10 30278 4.45% 9.06%
40 inputs CSV 10 60220 6.5% 8.68%
1 input CSV 100 8708 5.3% 9.89%
5 inputs CSV 100 45657 4.45% 9.46%
10 inputs CSV 100 92601 4.91% 9.15%
20 inputs CSV 100 185263 6.57% 8.86%
40 inputs CSV 100 365956 9.09% 8.45%
1 input JSON 10 1591 5.7% 6.98%
5 inputs JSON 10 7550 6.95% 4.4%
10 inputs JSON 10 15376 4.75% 6.88%
20 inputs JSON 10 30534 5.5% 6.7%
40 inputs JSON 10 60647 8.05% 6.23%
1 input JSON 100 11024 4.3% 8.43%
5 inputs JSON 100 48298 4% 7.97%
10 inputs JSON 100 93452 4.81% 7.53%
20 inputs JSON 100 182911 6.92% 7.44%
40 inputs JSON 100 372861 6.78% 7.54%

Version 1.3.0 Pub/Sub input performance statistics

Use the following information on version 1.3.0 Pub/Sub input performance statistics to enhance the performance of your own Google Cloud Platform collection tasks.

Testing architecture

The throughput data and conclusions provided here are based on performance testing using single-instance Splunk Enterprise 7.0.1 running on the following environment.

Instance type n1-standard-8
Memory 30 GB
vCPU 8
Cores 4 CPU cores
Storage Type standard persistent disk (2000GB)

Measured performance data

The throughput data provided here is the average performance for different subscription numbers achieved in performance testing under specific operating conditions and is subject to change when any of the hardware and software variables changes. Use this data for a rough reference only.

Subscriptions Input numbers Throughput (KB/s) Throughput (GB/day)
1 1 1800 150
4 4 9000 740
8 8 17000 1400
16 16 24000 1970
200 16 16320 1340

For heavy data ingestion scenarios, change the default Acknowledgment Deadline of your subscription from 10 seconds to 60 seconds for optimal performance and to avoid data duplication.

Last modified on 26 April, 2024
Troubleshoot the Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform   REST API reference

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Supported Add-ons: released

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