Splunk® Supported Add-ons

Splunk Add-on for Unix and Linux

Source types for the Splunk Add-on for Unix and Linux

The Splunk Add-on for Unix and Linux provides the index-time and search-time knowledge for *nix events, metadata, user and group information, collaboration data, and tasks in the following formats:

Source type Description CIM data models
aix_secure The AIX security log file Authentication
auditd Auditd logs translated with ausearch n/a
bandwidth Network statistics Performance
bash_history A list of commands previously used in a bash shell n/a
config_file Configuration file information n/a
cpu CPU state information Performance
cpu_metric Statistical information of CPU n/a
df Available disk space on mounted volumes Performance
df_metric Statistical information of available disk space on mounted volumes n/a
dhcpd Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) daemon information Network Sessions
fs_notification File system notification changes Endpoint
hardware Hardware specifications Inventory
interfaces Network interface information Inventory
interfaces_metric Statistical information of network interface. n/a
iostat Input/Output operation information Performance
iostat_metric Statistical information of input/output operation. n/a
lastlog Last login times for system accounts n/a
linux_audit The Linux audit log file. Authentication, Change
Linux:SELinuxConfig SELinux host configuration information n/a
linux_secure The Linux security log file Authentication, Change
lsof A list of the open files on a host n/a
netstat The state of the network (open/listening ports, connections, and so on) on a host Endpoint
nfsiostat Collects NFS mounts data Performance
openPorts A list of the open ports on a host n/a
osx_secure The security log file for Mac OS X
package A list of installed packages n/a
protocol Network protocol stack information n/a
ps Process information Performance
ps_metric Process statistical information n/a
time Time service information n/a
top Process and system resource information n/a
Unix:CPUTime Statistics about the amount of time the CPU dedicated to specific processes Performance
Unix:ListeningPorts Network ports that the OS is listening on n/a
Unix:Service Unix service information Endpoint
Unix:SSHDConfig Local sshd configuration information n/a
Unix:Update A list of software updates for installed packages n/a
Unix:Uptime System date and uptime information Performance
Unix:UserAccounts User account information Inventory
Unix:Version OS version information Inventory
Unix:VSFTPDConfig Local VSFTP server configuration information n/a
usersWithLoginPrivs Users with elevated Iogin privileges n/a
vmstat Virtual memory information Performance
vmstat_metric Virtual memory statistical information n/a
who All users currently logged in n/a
Last modified on 12 July, 2024
About the Splunk Add-on for Unix and Linux   Release notes for the Splunk Add-on for Unix and Linux

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Supported Add-ons: released

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