Splunk® Mobile for iOS

Download and Use Splunk Mobile

Splunk Mobile for iOS features

You can get live updates and visualizations triggered by your data that you can organize, share, and respond to. Splunk Mobile is available for both iOS and Android devices.

To get started, see the following links:

For release notes for this version, see Splunk Mobile for iOS release notes.

The following table lists the features that Splunk Mobile for iOS and Android offer:

Feature Android iOS
View dashboards using Splunk Mobile
  • Receive native push notifications triggered by your Splunk data.
  • Respond to alerts.
  • View detailed visualizations that contain data about what happened during trigger time.
Yes Yes
Send alerts and dashboards to Splunk Mobile users
  • View and interact with dashboards from Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud Platform.
  • View and interact with a wide variety of visualizations. See Visualization support for Connected Experiences apps in the Splunk Secure Gateway Release Notes manual for more information.
Yes Yes
View reports in Splunk Mobile
  • View, search for, and favorite reports.
  • Share reports with others from Splunk Mobile.
Yes Yes
View public Splunk instances
  • View open-sourced data about current events in dashboards created by Splunk
Yes Yes
Deploy Splunk Mobile at scale with MDM and in-app registration
  • With a compatible MDM provider, you can configure in-app device registration and securely distribute Splunk Mobile for Android to a large number of devices.
Yes Yes
Register to multiple Splunk instances
  • Get alerts and dashboards from multiple Splunk instances, such as from Splunk Enterprise, Splunk Cloud Platform, or Splunk SOAR (on-premises).
Yes Yes
Use Splunk SOAR (on-premises)
  • Register to a Splunk SOAR (on-premises) instance to run playbooks, see event details, and communicate with other Splunk SOAR (on-premises) users from your mobile device.
No Yes

To get started with Splunk Mobile for Android, use Splunk Secure Gateway, a required companion app, on your Splunk platform instance. See Log in to a Splunk platform instance in a Connected Experiences app in the User Splunk Secure Gateway manual.

To download and use Splunk Mobile, see the Download and Use Splunk Mobile for Android manual.

See Visualization support in the Splunk Secure Gateway Release Notes manual for supported and unsupported visualizations.

Last modified on 21 July, 2022
Get started with Splunk Mobile   Download Splunk Mobile for iOS

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Mobile for iOS: 2.31.0, 2.31.1, 2.31.2, 2.32.0, 2.33.0, 2.34.0, 2.35.0, 2.36.0

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