Splunk® Common Information Model Add-on

Common Information Model Add-on Manual

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Splunk® Common Information Model Add-on. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

CIM fields per associated data model

Single page view of all the CIM fields and the associated models. See where the overlapping models use the same fields and how to join across different datasets.

Field name Data model
access_count Splunk Audit Logs
access_time Splunk Audit Logs
action Authentication, Change, Data Access, Data Loss Prevention, Email, Endpoint, Intrusion Detection, Malware, Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Performance, Web
action_mode Splunk Audit Logs
action_name Splunk Audit Logs
action_status Splunk Audit Logs
additional_answer_count Network Resolution (DNS)
affect_dest TicketManagement
answer Network Resolution (DNS)
answer_count Network Resolution (DNS)
app Alerts, Authentication, Data Access, Data Loss Prevention, Network Traffic, Splunk Audit Logs, Web
app_id Data Access
array Inventory, Performance
authentication_method Authentication
authentication_service Authentication
authority_answer_count Network Resolution (DNS)
availability Databases
avg_executions Databases
blocksize Inventory, Performance
body Alerts Deprecated in favor of description.
buckets Splunk Audit Logs
buckets_size Splunk Audit Logs
buffer_cache_hit_ratio Databases
bugtraq Vulnerabilities
bytes Network Traffic, Web
bytes_in Network Traffic, Web
bytes_out Network Traffic, Web
cached Web
category Data Loss Prevention, Intrusion Detection, Malware, Vulnerabilities, Web
cert Vulnerabilities
change TicketManagement
change_type Change
channel Network Traffic
cluster Inventory, Performance
cm_enabled Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
cm_supported Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
command Change
comments TicketManagement
commits Databases
committed_memory Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
compilation_time Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
complete Splunk Audit Logs
component Splunk Audit Logs
cookie Web
cpu_cores Inventory
cpu_count Inventory
cpu_load_mhz Performance
cpu_load_percent Endpoint, Performance
cpu_mhz Inventory
cpu_time Java Virtual Machines (JVM), Performance
cpu_time_enabled Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
cpu_time_supported Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
cpu_used Databases
cpu_user_percent Performance
creation_time Endpoint
cron Splunk Audit Logs
current_cpu_time Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
current_loaded Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
current_user_time Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
cursor Databases
cve Vulnerabilities
cvss Vulnerabilities
daemon_thread_count Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
datamodel Splunk Audit Logs
date Malware
delay Email
description Alerts, Endpoint, Inventory, TicketManagement
dest Alerts, Authentication, Certificates, Change, Data Access, Data Loss Prevention, Databases, Email, Endpoint, Event Signatures, Interprocess Messaging, Intrusion Detection, Inventory, Malware, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Traffic, Performance, TicketManagement, Updates, Vulnerabilities, Web
dest_bunit Alerts, Authentication, Certificates, Change, Data Loss Prevention, Databases, Email, Endpoint, Event Signatures, Interprocess Messaging, Intrusion Detection, Inventory, Malware, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Performance, TicketManagement, Updates, Vulnerabilities, Web
dest_category Alerts, Authentication, Certificates, Change, Data Loss Prevention, Databases, Email, Endpoint, Event Signatures, Interprocess Messaging, Intrusion Detection, Inventory, Malware, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Performance, TicketManagement, Updates, Vulnerabilities, Web
dest_dns Network Sessions
dest_interface Network Traffic
dest_ip Inventory, Network Sessions, Network Traffic
dest_ip_range Change
dest_is_expected Endpoint
dest_mac Network Sessions, Network Traffic
dest_name Data Access
dest_nt_domain Authentication, Change, Malware
dest_nt_host Network Sessions
dest_port Certificates, Endpoint, Intrusion Detection, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Traffic, Web
dest_port_range Change
dest_priority Alerts, Authentication, Certificates, Change, Data Loss Prevention, Databases, Email, Endpoint, Event Signatures, Interprocess Messaging, Intrusion Detection, Inventory, Malware, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Performance, TicketManagement, Updates, Vulnerabilities, Web
dest_requires_av Endpoint, Malware
dest_should_timesync Endpoint, Performance
dest_should_update Endpoint, Performance, Updates
dest_translated_ip Network Traffic
dest_translated_port Network Traffic
dest_type Alerts
dest_url Data Access
dest_zone Data Loss Prevention, Network Traffic
digest Splunk Audit Logs
direction Change, Network Traffic
dlp_type Data Loss Prevention
dns Inventory
dump_area_used Databases
duration Authentication, Certificates, Databases, Email, Interprocess Messaging, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Splunk Audit Logs, Web
dvc Change, Data Access, Data Loss Prevention, Intrusion Detection, Network Traffic, Updates, Vulnerabilities
dvc_bunit Data Loss Prevention, Intrusion Detection, Network Traffic, Vulnerabilities
dvc_category Data Loss Prevention, Intrusion Detection, Network Traffic, Vulnerabilities
dvc_ip Network Traffic
dvc_mac Network Traffic
dvc_priority Data Loss Prevention, Intrusion Detection, Network Traffic, Vulnerabilities
dvc_zone Data Loss Prevention, Network Traffic
earliest Splunk Audit Logs
elapsed_time Databases
email Data Access
enabled Inventory
endpoint Interprocess Messaging
endpoint_version Interprocess Messaging
error_code Web
event_id Splunk Audit Logs
family Inventory
fan_speed Performance
fd_max Inventory, Performance
fd_used Performance
file_access_time Endpoint
file_acl Endpoint
file_create_time Endpoint
file_hash Email, Endpoint, Intrusion Detection, Malware, Updates
file_modify_time Endpoint
file_name Email, Endpoint, Intrusion Detection, Malware, Updates
file_path Endpoint
file_path Intrusion Detection
file_path Malware
file_size Email
file_size Endpoint
filter_action Email
filter_score Email
flow_id Network Traffic
free_bytes Databases
free_physical_memory Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
free_swap Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
heap_committed Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
heap_initial Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
heap_max Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
heap_used Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
host Splunk Audit Logs
http_content_type Web
http_method Web
http_referrer Web
http_referrer_domain Web
http_user_agent Web
http_user_agent_length Web
hypervisor Inventory
hypervisor_id Inventory, Performance
icmp_code Network Traffic
icmp_type Network Traffic
id Alerts
ids_type Intrusion Detection
image_id Change
incident TicketManagement
indexes_hit Databases
info Splunk Audit Logs
inline_nat Inventory
instance_name Databases
instance_reads Databases
instance_type Change
instance_version Databases
instance_writes Databases
interactive Inventory
interface Inventory
internal_message_id Email
ip Inventory
is_inprogress Splunk Audit Logs
jvm_description Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
last_call_minute Databases
last_error Splunk Audit Logs
last_sid Splunk Audit Logs
latency Inventory, Performance
latest Splunk Audit Logs
lb_method Inventory
lease_duration Network Sessions
lease_scope Network Sessions
lock_mode Databases
lock_session_id Databases
logical_reads Databases
logon_time Databases
mac Inventory
machine Databases
max_file_descriptors Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
mem Inventory, Performance
mem_committed Performance
mem_free Performance
mem_used Endpoint
mem_used Performance
memory_sorts Databases
message Interprocess Messaging
message_consumed_time Interprocess Messaging
message_correlation_id Interprocess Messaging
message_delivered_time Interprocess Messaging
message_delivery_mode Interprocess Messaging
message_expiration_time Interprocess Messaging
message_id Email, Interprocess Messaging
message_info Email
message_priority Interprocess Messaging
message_properties Interprocess Messaging
message_received_time Interprocess Messaging
message_redelivered Interprocess Messaging
message_reply_dest Interprocess Messaging
message_type Interprocess Messaging, Network Resolution (DNS)
mitre_technique_id Alerts
mod_time Splunk Audit Logs
mount Inventory, Performance
msft Vulnerabilities
mskb Vulnerabilities
name Inventory, Network Resolution (DNS)
node Inventory
node_port Inventory
non_heap_committed Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
non_heap_initial Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
non_heap_max Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
non_heap_used Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
number_of_users Databases
obj_name Databases
object Change, Data Access, Data Loss Prevention, Databases
object_attrs Change
object_category Change, Data Access, Data Loss Prevention
object_id Change, Data Access
object_path Change, Data Access, Data Loss Prevention
object_size Data Access
objects_pending Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
omu_supported Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
open_file_descriptors Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
operation Web
orig_dest Email
orig_recipient Email
orig_rid Splunk Audit Logs
orig_sid Splunk Audit Logs
orig_src Email
original_file_name Endpoint
os Endpoint, Inventory, Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
os_architecture Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
os_pid Databases
os_version Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
owner Data Access
owner_email Data Access
owner_id Data Access
packets Network Traffic
packets_in Network Traffic
packets_out Network Traffic
parameters Interprocess Messaging
parent Inventory, Performance
parent_object Data Access
parent_object_category Data Access
parent_object_id Data Access
parent_process Endpoint
parent_process_exec Endpoint
parent_process_guid Endpoint
parent_process_id Endpoint
parent_process_name Endpoint
parent_process_path Endpoint
password Inventory
payload Interprocess Messaging
payload_type Interprocess Messaging
peak_thread_count Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
physical_memory Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
physical_reads Databases
power Performance
priority TicketManagement
problem TicketManagement
process Email, Endpoint
process_current_directory Endpoint
process_exec Endpoint
process_guid Endpoint
process_hash Endpoint
process_id Email, Endpoint, Network Traffic
process_integrity_level Endpoint
process_limit Databases
process_name Endpoint, Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
process_path Endpoint
processes Databases
product_version Malware
protocol Change, Email, Network Traffic
protocol_version Network Traffic
query Databases, Network Resolution (DNS)
query_count Network Resolution (DNS)
query_id Databases
query_plan_hit Databases
query_time Databases
query_type Network Resolution (DNS)
read_blocks Inventory, Performance
read_latency Inventory, Performance
read_ops Inventory, Performance
reason Authentication
recipient Email
recipient_count Email
recipient_domain Email
recipient_status Email
record_type Network Resolution (DNS)
records_affected Databases
registry_hive Endpoint
registry_key_name Endpoint
registry_path Endpoint
registry_value_data Endpoint
registry_value_name Endpoint
registry_value_text Endpoint
registry_value_type Endpoint
reply_code Network Resolution (DNS)
reply_code_id Network Resolution (DNS)
request_payload Interprocess Messaging
request_payload_type Interprocess Messaging
request_sent_time Interprocess Messaging
resource_type Performance
response_code Interprocess Messaging
response_payload_type Interprocess Messaging
response_received_time Interprocess Messaging
response_time Authentication, Certificates, Databases, Email, Interprocess Messaging, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Web
result Change
result_id Change
retention Splunk Audit Logs
retries Email
return_addr Email
return_message Interprocess Messaging
rid Splunk Audit Logs
rpc_protocol Interprocess Messaging
rule Network Traffic
rule_action Change
savedsearch_name Splunk Audit Logs
search Splunk Audit Logs
search_et Splunk Audit Logs
search_lt Splunk Audit Logs
search_name Splunk Audit Logs
search_type Splunk Audit Logs
seconds_in_wait Databases
sender Malware
serial Inventory
serial_num Databases
service Endpoint
service_dll Endpoint
service_dll_hash Endpoint
service_dll_path Endpoint
service_dll_signature_exists Endpoint
service_dll_signature_verified Endpoint
service_exec Endpoint
service_hash Endpoint
service_id Endpoint
service_name Endpoint
service_path Endpoint
service_signature_exists Endpoint
service_signature_verified Endpoint
session_id Databases, Network Traffic
session_limit Databases
session_status Databases
sessions Databases
severity Alerts, Data Loss Prevention, Intrusion Detection, TicketManagement, Updates, Vulnerabilities
severity_id Alerts, Data Loss Prevention, Intrusion Detection, Malware, TicketManagement, Updates,Vulnerabilities
sga_buffer_cache_size Databases
sga_buffer_hit_limit Databases
sga_data_dict_hit_ratio Databases
sga_fixed_area_size Databases
sga_free_memory Databases
sga_library_cache_size Databases
sga_redo_log_buffer_size Databases
sga_shared_pool_size Databases
sga_sql_area_size Databases
shell Inventory
sid Splunk Audit Logs, Splunk Audit Logs
signature Alerts, Authentication, Data Loss Prevention, Email, Event Signatures, Intrusion Detection, Malware, Network Sessions, Performance, Splunk Audit Logs, Updates, Vulnerabilities
signature_extra Email
signature_id Alerts, Authentication, Email, Event Signatures, Data Loss Prevention, Intrusion Detection, Malware, Network Sessions, Performance, Updates, Vulnerabilities
signature_version Malware
site Web
size Email, Inventory, Splunk Audit Logs
snapshot Inventory
source Splunk Audit Logs
sourcetype Splunk Audit Logs
spent Splunk Audit Logs
splunk_id TicketManagement
splunk_realm TicketManagement
splunk_server Splunk Audit Logs
src Alerts, Authentication, Certificates, Change, Data Access, Data Loss Prevention, Databases, Email, Endpoint, Intrusion Detection, Malware, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Traffic, Web
src_bunit Alerts, Authentication, Certificates, Change, Data Loss Prevention, Databases, Email, Intrusion Detection, Malware, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Web
src_category Alerts, Authentication, Certificates, Change, Data Loss Prevention, Databases, Email, Endpoint, Intrusion Detection, Malware, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Web
src_dns Network Sessions
src_interface Network Traffic
src_ip Inventory, Network Sessions, Network Traffic
src_ip_range Change
src_mac Network Sessions, Network Traffic
src_nt_domain Authentication, Change
src_nt_host Network Sessions
src_port Certificates, Endpoint, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Traffic
src_port_range Change
src_priority Alerts, Authentication, Certificates, Change, Data Loss Prevention, Databases, Email, Endpoint, Intrusion Detection, Malware, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Web
src_requires_av Endpoint
src_should_timesync Endpoint
src_should_update Endpoint
src_translated_ip Network Traffic
src_translated_port Network Traffic
src_type Alerts
src_user Authentication, Change, Data Loss Prevention, Email, TicketManagement
src_user_bunit Authentication, Change, Data Loss Prevention, Email, TicketManagement
src_user_category Authentication, Change, Data Loss Prevention, Email, TicketManagement
src_user_domain Email
src_user_id Authentication
src_user_name Change
src_user_priority Authentication, Change, Data Loss Prevention, Email, TicketManagement
src_user_role Authentication
src_user_type Authentication, Change
src_zone Data Loss Prevention, Network Traffic
ssid Network Traffic
ssl_end_time Certificates
ssl_engine Certificates
ssl_hash Certificates
ssl_is_valid Certificates
ssl_issuer Certificates
ssl_issuer_common_name Certificates
ssl_issuer_email Certificates
ssl_issuer_email_domain Certificates
ssl_issuer_locality Certificates
ssl_issuer_organization Certificates
ssl_issuer_state Certificates
ssl_issuer_street Certificates
ssl_issuer_unit Certificates
ssl_name Certificates
ssl_policies Certificates
ssl_publickey Certificates
ssl_publickey_algorithm Certificates
ssl_serial Certificates
ssl_session_id Certificates
ssl_signature_algorithm Certificates
ssl_start_time Certificates
ssl_subject Certificates
ssl_subject_common_name Certificates
ssl_subject_email Certificates
ssl_subject_email_domain Certificates
ssl_subject_locality Certificates
ssl_subject_organization Certificates
ssl_subject_state Certificates
ssl_subject_street Certificates
ssl_subject_unit Certificates
ssl_validity_window Certificates
ssl_version Certificates
start_mode Endpoint
start_time Databases, Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
state Endpoint
status Change, Endpoint, Interprocess Messaging, Inventory, Splunk Audit Logs, TicketManagement, Updates, Web
status_code Email
storage Inventory, Performance
storage_free Performance
storage_free_percent Performance
storage_name Web
storage_used Performance
storage_used_percent Performance
stored_procedures_called Databases
subject Alerts Deprecated in favor of signature, Email
summary_id Splunk Audit Logs
swap Performance
swap_free Performance
swap_space Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
swap_used Performance
synch_supported Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
system_load Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
table_scans Databases
tables_hit Databases
tablespace_name Databases
tablespace_reads Databases
tablespace_status Databases
tablespace_used Databases
tablespace_writes Databases
tag Alerts, Authentication, Certificates, Change, Data Loss Prevention, Databases, Email, Endpoint, Event Signatures, Interprocess Messaging, Intrusion Detection, Inventory, Java Virtual Machines (JVM), Malware, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Performance, TicketManagement, Updates, Vulnerabilities, Web
tcp_flag Network Traffic
temperature Performance
tenant_id Data Access
thread_count Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
threads_started Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
thruput Performance
thruput_max Performance
ticket_id TicketManagement
time Inventory
time_submitted TicketManagement
tos Network Traffic
total_loaded Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
total_processors Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
total_unloaded Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
transaction_id Network Resolution (DNS)
transport Certificates, Endpoint, Intrusion Detection, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Traffic
transport_dest_port Endpoint
ttl Network Resolution (DNS), Network Traffic
type Alerts
uptime Java Virtual Machines (JVM), Performance
uri Splunk Audit Logs
uri_path Web
uri_query Web
url Email, Malware, Vulnerabilities, Web
url_domain Web
url_length Web
user Alerts, Authentication, Change, Data Access, Data Loss Prevention, Databases, Email, Endpoint, Intrusion Detection, Inventory, Malware, Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Splunk Audit Logs, TicketManagement, Vulnerabilities, Web
user_agent Authentication, Change, Data Access
user_bunit Alerts, Authentication, Data Loss Prevention, Databases, Email, Endpoint, Intrusion Detection, Inventory, Malware, Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Splunk Audit Logs, TicketManagement, Vulnerabilities, Web
user_category Alerts, Authentication, Data Loss Prevention, Databases, Email, Endpoint, Intrusion Detection, Inventory, Malware, Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Splunk Audit Logs, TicketManagement, Vulnerabilities, Web
user_group Data Access
user_id Authentication, Endpoint, Inventory
user_name Alerts, Change
user_priority Alerts, Authentication, Data Loss Prevention, Databases, Email, Endpoint, Intrusion Detection, Inventory, Malware, Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Splunk Audit Logs, TicketManagement, Vulnerabilities, Web
user_role Authentication, Data Access
user_type Authentication, Change
vendor_account Alerts, Authentication, Change, Network Traffic
vendor_product Authentication, Change, Data Access, Data Loss Prevention, Databases, Email, Endpoint, Event Signatures, Intrusion Detection, Inventory, Java Virtual Machines (JVM), Malware, Network Resolution (DNS), Network Sessions, Network Traffic, Updates, Vulnerabilities, Web
vendor_product_id Alerts, Change
vendor_region Alerts, Change
version Inventory, Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
view Splunk Audit Logs
vip_port Inventory
vlan Network Traffic
wait_state Databases
wait_time Databases
wifi Network Traffic
write_blocks Inventory, Performance
write_latency Inventory, Performance
write_ops Inventory, Performance
xdelay Email
xref Email
xref Vulnerabilities
Last modified on 20 September, 2021
How to use the CIM data model reference tables   Alerts

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Common Information Model Add-on: 4.20.0, 4.20.2

Please expect delayed responses to documentation feedback while the team migrates content to a new system. We value your input and thank you for your patience as we work to provide you with an improved content experience!

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