The fields in the Web data model describe web server and/or proxy server data in a security or operational context.
Note: A dataset is a component of a data model. In versions of the Splunk platform prior to version 6.5.0, these were referred to as data model objects.
Tags used with the Web event datasets
The following tags act as constraints to identify your events as being relevant to this data model. For more information, see How to use these reference tables.
Dataset name | Tag name |
Web | web |
proxy |
storage |
Fields for Web event datasets
The following table lists the extracted and calculated fields for the event datasets in the model. Note that it does not include any inherited fields. For more information, see How to use these reference tables.
The key for using the column titled "Notes" or "Abbreviated list of example values" is as follows:
- Recommended: Add-on developers make their best effort attempts to map these event fields. If these fields are not populated, then the event is not very useful.
- Required: Add-on developers must map these event fields when using the pytest-splunk-addon to test for CIM compatibility. See pytest-splunk-addon documentation.
- Prescribed values: Permitted values that can populate the fields, which Splunk is using for a particular purpose. Other valid values exist, but Splunk is not relying on them.
- Other values: Other example values that you might see.
Dataset name | Field name | Data type | Description | Abbreviated list of example values |
Web | action
string | The action taken by the server or proxy. |
Web | app
string | The application detected or hosted by the server/site such as WordPress, Splunk, or Facebook. | |
Web | bytes
number | The total number of bytes transferred (bytes_in + bytes_out ).
Web | bytes_in
number | The number of inbound bytes transferred. |
Web | bytes_out
number | The number of outbound bytes transferred. |
Web | cached
boolean | Indicates whether the event data is cached or not. | prescribed values:true , false , 1 , 0
Web | category
string | The category of traffic, such as may be provided by a proxy server. | required for pytest-splunk-addon |
Web | cookie
string | The cookie file recorded in the event. | |
Web | dest
string | The destination of the network traffic (the remote host). You can alias this from more specific fields, such as dest_host , dest_ip , or dest_name .
Web | dest_bunit
string | These fields are automatically provided by asset and identity correlation features of applications like Splunk Enterprise Security. Do not define extractions for these fields when writing add-ons. | |
Web | dest_category
string | ||
Web | dest_priority
string | ||
Web | dest_port
number | The destination port of the web traffic. | required for pytest-splunk-addon |
Web | duration
number | The time taken by the proxy event, in milliseconds. | |
Web | http_content_type
string | The content-type of the requested HTTP resource. | recommended |
Web | http_method
string | The HTTP method used in the request. |
Web | http_referrer
string | The HTTP referrer used in the request. The W3C specification and many implementations misspell this as http_referer . Use a FIELDALIAS to handle both key names.
recommended |
Web | http_referrer_domain
string | The domain name contained within the HTTP referrer used in the request. | recommended |
Web | http_user_agent
string | The user agent used in the request. |
Web | http_user_agent_length
number | The length of the user agent used in the request. | required for pytest-splunk-addon |
Web | response_time
number | The amount of time it took to receive a response, if applicable, in milliseconds. | |
Web | site
string | The virtual site which services the request, if applicable. | |
Web | src
string | The source of the network traffic (the client requesting the connection). |
Web | src_bunit
string | These fields are automatically provided by asset and identity correlation features of applications like Splunk Enterprise Security. Do not define extractions for these fields when writing add-ons. | |
Web | src_category
string | ||
Web | src_priority
string | ||
Web | status
string | The HTTP response code indicating the status of the proxy request. |
Web | tag
string | This automatically generated field is used to access tags from within datamodels. Do not define extractions for this field when writing add-ons. | |
Web | uri_path
string | The path of the resource served by the webserver or proxy. | other:/CertEnroll/Blue%20Coat%20Systems
Web | uri_query
string | The path of the resource requested by the client. | other:?return_to=%2Fen-US%2Fapp%2Fsimple_xml_examples%2Fcustom_viz_
Web | url
string | The URL of the requested HTTP resource. |
Web | url_domain
string | The domain name contained within the URL of the requested HTTP resource. | recommended |
Web | url_length
number | The length of the URL. | |
Web | user
string | The user that requested the HTTP resource. | recommended |
Web | user_bunit
string | These fields are automatically provided by asset and identity correlation features of applications like Splunk Enterprise Security. Do not define extractions for these fields when writing add-ons. | |
Web | user_category
string | ||
Web | user_priority
string | ||
Web | vendor_product
string | The vendor and product of the proxy server, such as Squid Proxy Server . This field can be automatically populated by vendor and product fields in your data.
recommended |
Storage | error_code
string | The error code that occurred while accessing the storage account. | other: NoSuchBucket
Storage | operation
string | The operation performed on the storage account. | other: REST.PUT.OBJECT
Storage | storage_name
string | The name of the bucket or storage account. | other: es-csm-files
Vulnerabilities | Approaches to using the CIM |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® Common Information Model Add-on: 5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.1.0, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.2.0, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 6.0.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.0.3
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