Content Pack for Third-party APM

Content Pack for Third-party APM

About the Content Pack for Third-party APM

The Content Pack for Third-Party Application Performance Monitoring (APM) enables IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) users or IT Essentials Work users to visualize and investigate the health of applications that use third-party APM tools. The Content Pack for Third-party APM normalizes data from AppDynamics, Dynatrace, and New Relic, so you can manage your applications in one place.

The content pack includes services, KPIs, glass tables, and vendor-specific dashboards that use industry-standard metrics like the Application Performance Index (Apdex) score, availability, response time, throughput, and error rates. The content pack calculates health scores for each of your applications, and provides consistent and proactive monitoring, regardless of the APM tool.

Service Analyzer - APM:

This image shows the Service Analyzer page populated with example data. There are several available filters at the top of the page including a filter by tags view.

AppDynamics APM:

This image shows AppDynamics-APM populated with example data.

Content pack features

The content pack provides a robust collection of features for you to manage your applications. Review the following sections for further information about these features.


The content pack includes 15 dashboards that were migrated from the Splunk App for AppDynamics, the DynaTrace App for Splunk, and the Splunk App for New Relic. The content pack enables you to easily access all of these dashboards in one place.

Entity searches

The content pack includes 2 entity searches. You can enable entity searches manually or using the guided installation of the content pack. For more information, see Install and configure the Content Pack for Third-party APM for steps to enable the searches.

Entity type

The content pack includes 2 entity types named Third Party APM and AppDynamics APM. Third Party APM entity type is associated with entities from DynaTrace and New Relic. You can use this association to visualize and troubleshoot APM entities.

Glass tables

The content pack includes three glass tables that you can use to monitor application performance at a high level.

Services and KPIs

The content pack includes 15 services with 33 KPIs configured with industry best-practice metrics. For a full list of services, see the KPI reference for the Content Pack for Third-party APM.

Service analyzer

The content pack includes two preconfigured service analyzer views called Service Analyzer - APM and AppDynamics - APM, which provide a visual representation of your application services and the dependencies between them. You can use this custom view to see the KPIs associated with a service.

Vital metrics

The APM entity type contains a set of vital metrics which describe the overall performance of APM entities, including things like the Apdex score, response time, requests per minute, and error rates. You can view these metrics on the Entity Health page and drill down further into individual APM entities.

ITSI and ITE Work support

The content in Content Pack for Third-party APM is supported in both ITSI and ITE Work. The features available in IT Essentials Work are a subset of the full feature set available in the content pack for ITSI.

Object ITSI ITE Work
Dashboards 15 15
Entity types 2 2
Glass tables 3 0
KPIs 33 0
KPI base searches 8 0
Services 15 0
Service analyzer dashboards 2 0
Service templates 2 0
Vital metrics 10 10
Entity searches 2 2


The Splunk App for Content Packs contains the Content Pack for Third-party APM. The content pack is automatically available once you install the Splunk App for Content Packs.

For installation instructions, see Install the Splunk App for Content Packs in the Splunk App for Content Packs manual.

Deployment requirements

Use the following table to ensure you are running the correct version of the Content Pack for Third-party APM, ITSI, IT Essentials Work, the Splunk App for Content Packs, and the add-ons for AppDynamics, Dyna Trace, or New Relic:

Content Pack for Third-party APM version ITSI version IT Essentials Work version Splunk App for Content Packs version Vendor-specific Splunk Add-on versions
1.3.0 4.17.x, 4.18.x, 4.19.x 4.17.x, 4.18.x, 4.19.x 2.2.0 Splunk Add-on for AppDynamics v2.0.7
DynaTrace Add-on for Splunk v1.2.2
Splunk Add-on for New Relic v2.2.0
1.2.0 4.17.x, 4.18.x, 4.19.x 4.17.x, 4.18.x, 4.19.x 2.1.0 Splunk Add-on for AppDynamics v1.8.1
Splunk Add-on for AppDynamics v1.9.0
DynaTrace Add-on for Splunk v1.2.2
Splunk Add-on for New Relic v2.2.0
1.1.0 4.17.x, 4.18.x, 4.19.x 4.17.x, 4.18.x, 4.19.x 2.0.0 Splunk Add-on for AppDynamics v1.8.1
Splunk Add-on for AppDynamics v1.9.0
DynaTrace Add-on for Splunk v1.2.2
Splunk Add-on for New Relic v2.2.0
1.0.1 4.9.4 or 4.11.0 or higher 4.9.4 or 4.11.0 or higher 1.4.0 Splunk Add-on for AppDynamics v1.8.1
Splunk Add-on for AppDynamics v1.9.0
DynaTrace Add-on for Splunk v1.2.2
Splunk Add-on for New Relic v2.2.0
1.0.0 4.9.0 or higher 4.9.0 or higher 1.3.0 Splunk Add-on for AppDynamics v1.8.1
DynaTrace Add-on for Splunk v1.2.2
Splunk Add-on for New Relic v2.2.0

Additional resources

Last modified on 25 June, 2024
  Release Notes for the Content Pack for Third-party APM

This documentation applies to the following versions of Content Pack for Third-party APM: 1.3.0

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