Use the Content Pack for NetApp Data ONTAP Dashboards and Reports
Once you install the Content Pack for NetApp Data ONTAP Dashboards and Reports in your environment, and configure the Splunk Add-on for NetApp Data ONTAP to collect data from your ONTAP servers, use the content pack dashboards and reports for visibility into the health of your virtual environment.
- You must set up the Splunk Add-on for NetApp Data ONTAP to collect data, see Install the Splunk Add-on for NetApp Data ONTAP.
- You must install and configure the content pack. See, Install the Content Pack for NetApp Data ONTAP Dashboards and Reports.
Dashboards overview
The Content Pack for NetApp Data ONTAP Dashboards and Reports includes several dashboards to give you insight into your data.
The following predictive monitoring dashboards are available in the content pack:
- Home - NetApp Data ONTAP
- Controller View - NetApp Data ONTAP
- Cluster View - NetApp Data ONTAP
- Aggregate Detail - NetApp Data ONTAP
- Volume Detail - NetApp Data ONTAP
- Disk Detail - NetApp Data ONTAP
- QTree Detail - NetApp Data ONTAP
- LUN Detail - NetApp Data ONTAP
For detailed descriptions of each of the available dashboards, see Dashboard reference for the Content Pack for NetApp Data ONTAP Dashboards and Reports.
Access the content pack dashboards
To access the content pack dashboards, perform the following steps:
- Log into Splunk Web.
- Select App > IT Service Intelligence or IT Essentials Work.
- From the navigation bar, select Dashboards > Dashboards to see the list of dashboards.
- In the App column, dashboards listed as DA-ITSI-CP-netapp-dashboards are part of the Content Pack for NetApp Data ONTAP Dashboards and Reports.
Reports overview
The Content Pack for NetApp Data ONTAP Dashboards and Reports includes several reports to give you insight into your data.
The following reports are available in the content pack:
Report Name | Description |
Aggregates with over 90% capacity used | Shows all the aggregates that have over 90% capacity used, in the last 24 hours. |
Connection problems in the past hour | Shows the data of all the connection problems that occurred in the last hour. |
Count of Backup and Restore events over time by controller | Shows the total count of events related to backup and restore over time. |
Count of Monitoring and Host Configuration events over time by controller | Shows the total count of events related to monitoring and host configuration over time. |
Count of Optimization and Migration events over time by controller | Shows the total count of events related to Optimization and Migration over time. |
Count of Provisioning and Cloning events over time by controller | Shows the total count of events related to Provisioning and Cloning over time. |
Count of SnapMirror error events over time by controller | Shows the total count of events related to SnapMirror over time. |
Count of Aggregate Events over time by controller | Shows the total count of all aggregate events over time. |
Count of alert and critical events over time by controller | Shows the total count of events related to any alert and critical notice over time. |
Count of disk error events over time by controller | Shows the total count of events related to disk error over time. |
Count of disk events over time by controller | Shows the total count of events related to disk over the time. |
Count of error events over time by controller | Shows the total count of events related to errors over time. |
Count of error snapshot events over time by controller | Shows the total count of events related to error snapshots over time. |
Count of read error events on disks by controller | Shows the total count of events related to read errors on the disk over time. |
Count of snapshot events on aggregates over time by controller | Shows the total count of events related to snapshot on aggregates over time. |
Count of total disk and controller events by controller in the past hour | Shows the total count of events related to disk and controller over the last hour. |
Count of volume events over time by controller | Shows the count of total volume events which have occurred over time. Results show in a bar graph and tabular form.. |
Disk block transfer rates by Controller and RPM | Shows the graphical and tabular representation of disk block transfer rates by Controller and RPM. |
Failed Disks | Shows the disks that have raid-type as "broken". |
Missing controller capability collection errors in the past hour | Shows the errors for missing controller capability collection in the last hour. |
Top 10 Busiest Controllers - 7 mode and Cluster mode | Shows the top 10 controllers with the highest total output rate. |
Total alert and critical events in the past hour | Shows the data of total errors and critical events that occurred in the last hour. |
Total error events in the past hour | Shows a tabular and graphical representation of the total error events that occurred in the last hour. |
Total events by controller in the past hour | Shows the total events generated by the controller in the last hour. |
Total events in the past hour | Shows the count of total events that occurred in the last hour. |
Unhealthy cluster nodes in the past hour | Shows the details of the unhealthy cluster nodes over the last hour. |
Volume Capacity Delta Table | Shows the delta of storage of all volumes between two different points in time. |
Volumes with latency higher than 25ms over 5% of the time | Shows all Volumes that have latency exceeding 25 msec more than 5% of the time. |
Volumes with over 75% capacity used | Shows all Volumes that have over 75% capacity used, in the last 24 hours. |
accel_volume_block_ops | Shows data related to the read and write block rates for corresponding hosts. |
accel_volume_data_rates | Shows details related to the read and write data rates for corresponding hosts. |
accel_volume_iops | Shows data related to the read and write output rates for corresponding hosts. |
accel_volume_latency_rate | Shows data related to the read and write latency rates for corresponding hosts. |
Access the content pack reports
To access the content pack reports, perform the following steps:
- Log into Splunk Web.
- Select App > IT Service Intelligence or IT Essentials Work.
- From the navigation bar, select Dashboards > Dashboards to see the list of reports.
- In the App column, reports listed as DA-ITSI-CP-netapp-dashboards are part of the Content Pack for NetApp Data ONTAP Dashboards and Events.
This documentation applies to the following versions of Content Pack for NetApp Data ONTAP Dashboards and Reports: 1.1.1, 1.1.2
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