Content Pack for Monitoring Unix and Linux

Content Pack for Monitoring Unix and Linux

Use the Content Pack for Monitoring Unix and Linux

Use the service template included with this content pack to either create a Unix or Linux service or update existing services to include *nix OS-level monitoring.


  • You need to set up automatic entity discovery and tune KPI base searches and thresholds. See Install and configure the Content Pack for Monitoring Unix and Linux.
  • You need the write_itsi_service capability to create a service or link the service to a service template. The itoa_admin and itoa_team_admin roles have this capability by default.

Option 1: Create a new service for server monitoring

Perform the following steps for each group of servers where you want to monitor CPU, memory, disk space, and network traffic:

  1. Click Configuration > Services > Create Service > Create Service.
  2. Provide a name for the new service.
  3. Select Link service to a service template and choose the Unix and Linux server health template.
  4. Click Create.
  5. On the Entities tab, make changes as necessary to filter to the appropriate group of hosts.
  6. On the KPIs tab, select each KPI and expand the Thresholding panel to verify and edit thresholds as needed.
  7. Click Save > Save and Enable to save the service and begin running the KPI base searches.
  8. (Optional) Re-open the service and add KPIs for application monitoring and other functions as necessary.

For more information about adding entity rules, see Define entity rules for a service in ITSI in the Service Insights manual.

Option 2: Update existing services for server monitoring

Perform the following steps for each existing service where Linux OS-level monitoring is needed:

  1. Click Configuration > Services and open the service you want to update for server monitoring.
  2. Remove existing KPIs that are already provided in the Unix and Linux server health template.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Go back to the services list and locate the service you just edited.
  5. Click Edit > Link to Service Template and select the Unix and Linux server health template.
  6. For the Update service entity rules option, choose Append template rules so the template rules are merged with the existing ones.
  7. Click Link.
  8. Open the service you just linked.
  9. On the Entities tab, make changes as necessary to filter to the appropriate group of hosts.
  10. Click Save.
Last modified on 22 May, 2024
Install and configure the Content Pack for Monitoring Unix and Linux  

This documentation applies to the following versions of Content Pack for Monitoring Unix and Linux: 1.3.0

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