KPI reference for the Content Pack for Splunk Observability Cloud
The Content Pack for Splunk Observability Cloud contains Applications Performance Monitoring services, Infrastructure Monitoring services, Real User Monitoring, and Synthetic Checks services. For each service, there are KPIs used to help you monitor the health of your applications. All parent and child services report up to the overall Splunk Observability Cloud service at the top level.
Applications Performance Monitoring services and KPIs
There are 3 Application Performance Monitoring services. This includes a service for Application Error Rate, Application Rate (Throughput), and Application Duration. Each of these roll up to a top-level Application Performance Monitoring service. For each of these services, there are KPIs used to help you monitor the health of your applications.
Service | KPI | Description |
Application Duration | SplunkAPM Duration | Shows the combined application response time (duration) metrics from all ingested APM vendor metrics.
Application Error Rate | Splunk APM Error Rate | Shows the combined percentage of requests with errors over total requests for the application from all Splunk APM Services reported metrics.
Application Rate (Throughput) | SplunkAPM Rate (Throughput) | Shows the combined application requests per second (Rate) from all ingested Splunk APM service metrics.
Splunk APM Business Workflow services and KPIs
There are 2 Splunk APM Business Workflow Service Templates. The templates are applied to the ITSI services based on the imported Splunk APM Service type. The Splunk APM Business Workflow KPIs template rolls up to a top-level Splunk APM Business Workflows service and the associated downstream Splunk APM Services. The Splunk APM Service KPIs template is applied to imported services, and applicable dependencies are determined by the topology of the Business Workflow.
Service Template | KPI | Description |
|Splunk APM Business Workflow KPIs (Template) | Business Workflow Request Rate |
Shows the request rate of the configured Splunk APM Business Workflow..
Business Workflow Error Rate | Shows the error rate of the configured Splunk APM Business Workflow.
| |
Business Workflow Duration | Shows the response time (latency) in milliseconds of the configured Splunk APM Business Workflow.
| |
|Splunk APM Service KPIs (Template) | Request Rate | Shows the request rate of the configured Splunk APM Service.
Request Latency (median) | Shows the median (p50) response time (latency) of the configured Splunk APM Service
| |
Request Latency (p90) | Shows the 90th percentile (p90) response time (latency) of the configured Splunk APM Service
| |
Request Latency (p99) | Shows the 99th percentile (p99) response time (latency) of the configured Splunk APM Service
| |
Request Latency by Endpoint (p90) | Shows the 90th percentile (p90) response time (latency) split by the service endpoint of the configured Splunk APM Service
| |
Error Rate | Shows the error rate of the configured Splunk APM Service
| |
Error Rate by Endpoint | Shows the error rate split by the service endpoint of the configured Splunk APM Service
Infrastructure Monitoring services and KPIs
There are 13 Infrastructure Monitoring services. This includes a service per entity type – OS Hosts, GCP Compute Engine, GCP Cloud Functions, Azure Functions. Each of these roll up to a corresponding parent service, which roll up to a top-level Infrastructure Monitoring service. For each of these services, there are KPIs used to help you monitor the health of your applications.
AWS services and KPIs
Service | KPI | Description |
AWS EC2 | AWS EC2 CPU Ultilization | The percentage of allocated EC2 compute units that are currently in use on the instance.
AWS EC2 Disk Read Bytes | The number of bytes read from all instance store volumes available to the instance. | |
AWS EC2 Disk Read Operations | The completed read operations from all instance store volumes available to the instance in a specified period of time. | |
AWS EC2 Disk Write Bytes | The completed write operations to all instance store volumes available to the instance in a specified period of time. | |
AWS EC2 Disk Write Operations | The completed write operations to all instance store volumes available to the instance in a specified period of time. | |
AWS EC2 Network In | The number of bytes received by the instance on all network interfaces. This metric identifies the volume of incoming network traffic to a single instance.
| |
AWS EC2 Network Out | The number of bytes sent out by the instance on all network interfaces. This metric identifies the volume of outgoing network traffic from a single instance.
| |
AWS EC2 Network Packets In | The number of packets received by the instance on all network interfaces. This metric identifies the volume of incoming traffic in terms of the number of packets on a single instance.
| |
AWS EC2 Network Packets Out | The number of packets sent out by the instance on all network interfaces. This metric identifies the volume of outgoing traffic in terms of the number of packets on a single instance.
| |
AWS Lambda | AWS Lambda Duration | The amount of time that your function code spends processing an event. The billed duration for an invocation is the value of duration rounded up to the nearest millisecond.
AWS Lambda Errors | The number of invocations that result in a function error. Function errors include exceptions thrown by your code and exceptions thrown by the Lambda runtime.
| |
AWS Lambda Invocations | The number of times your function code is executed, including successful executions and executions that result in a function error. Invocations aren't recorded if the invocation request is throttled or otherwise resulted in an invocation error. | |
AWS Lambda Throttles | The number of invocation requests that are throttled. When all function instances are processing requests and no concurrency is available to scale up, Lambda rejects additional requests with TooManyRequestsException. Throttled requests and other invocation errors don't |
Azure services and KPIs
Service | KPI | Description |
Azure Functions | Azure Functions 5xx Errors | The count of 5xx errors from the Azure Function handler.
Azure Functions Bytes Received | The rate at which the function process is receiving bytes to I/O operations.
| |
Azure Functions Bytes Sent | The rate at which the function process is sending bytes to I/O operations.
| |
Azure Functions Executions | The number of times your function has executed. This value correlates to the number of times a function runs in your app. | |
Azure Functions Memory | The current amount of memory used by an Azure function. | |
Azure Functions Usage Cost | The function cost in terms of function execution units which are a combination of execution time and your memory usage. | |
Azure VM | Azure VM CPU Percentage | The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the virtual machine.
Azure VM Disk Read Bytes | The bytes read from disk during monitoring period. | |
Azure VM Disk Write Bytes | The bytes written to disk during monitoring period. | |
Azure VM Network In | The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the virtual machine.
| |
Azure VM Network Out | The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the virtual machine.
GCP services and KPIs
Service | KPI | Description |
GCP Cloud Functions | GCP Cloud Functions Active | The number of active function instances. |
GCP Cloud Functions Execution Time | The distribution of functions execution times in nanoseconds.
| |
GCP Cloud Functions Executions | The count of function executions. | |
GCP Cloud Functions Memory | The distribution of maximum functions' memory usage during execution, in bytes. | |
GCP Cloud Functions Network Egress | The outgoing network traffic of function, in bytes. | |
GCP Compute Engine | GCP Compute Engine CPU Utilization | The fractional utilization of allocated CPU on this instance.
GCP Compute Engine Network Bytes In | The count of bytes received from the network.
| |
GCP Compute Engine Network Bytes Out | The count of bytes sent over the network.
| |
GCP Compute Engine Disk Read Bytes | The count of bytes read on disk. | |
GCP Compute Engine Disk Write Bytes | The count of bytes written on disk. |
My Data Center Hosts services and KPIs
Service | KPI | Description |
OS Hosts | CPU Utilization | CPU Utilization by %
Memory Free | Memory free in megabytes. | |
Disk Write IOps | Number of write IOps by a given instance. | |
Disk Read IOps | Number of read IOps by a given instance. | |
Network Rx | Network octets received. | |
Network Tx | Network octets sent. | |
Kubernetes Pods | CPU Utilization | Pod CPU Utilization by %
Memory Utilization | Pod Memory Utilization by % | |
Network Rx Errors | Pod Network Receive Errors | |
Network Tx Errors | Pod Network Transmit Errors | |
Docker Containers | CPU Utilization |
Disk Read | Disk Read | |
Disk Write | Disk Write | |
Memory Free | Memory free in bytes |
Splunk RUM services and KPIs
There are 6 Splunk Real User Monitoring (RUM)-related services. This includes two services each for RUM Browser, RUM Mobile, and RUM Synthetics.
Service | KPI | Description |
RUM Browser Metrics | Front-end requests | Front-end requests by browser. |
Front-end errors | Front-end errors by browser. | |
Document load latency (P75) | Document load latency in ms by browser (P75). | |
Endpoint Requests | Browser Endpoint Requests by browser. | |
Endpoint Latency (P75) |
Browser Endpoint Latency in ms by browser (P75). | |
RUM Browser Web Vitals | Largest Contentful Paint in ms (P75) | Largest Contentful Paint in ms by browser (P75). |
Cumulative Layout Shift (P75) | Cumulative Layout Shift by browser (P75). | |
First Input Delay in ms (P75) | First Input Delay in ms by browser (P75). | |
RUM Mobile Metrics | Front-end requests | Front-end requests by app |
Document load latency (P75) | Document load latency in ms by app (P75). | |
Endpoint Requests | Mobile Endpoint Requests by App. | |
Endpoint Latency (P75) | Mobile Endpoint Latency in ms by App (P75). | |
RUM Mobile App Metrics | App crash count | Count of app crashes by app |
App error | Count of app errors by app | |
App Cold Start in ms (P75) | App Cold Start times in ms (P75). | |
App Cold Starts | Count of app cold starts. | |
RUM Synthetic Metrics | Front-end requests | Front-end requests by Splunk Synthetics. |
Front-end errors | Splunk Synthetics Front-end errors by browser. | |
Document load latency (P75) | Splunk Synthetics Document load latency in ms by browser (P75). | |
Endpoint Requests | Splunk Synthetics Endpoint Requests by browser. | |
Endpoint Latency (P75) | Splunk Synthetics Endpoint Latency in ms by browser (P75). | |
RUM Synthetic Web Vitals | Largest Contentful Paint in ms (P75) | Splunk Synthetics Largest Contentful Paint in ms by browser (P75). |
Cumulative Layout Shift (P75) | Splunk Synthetics Cumulative Layout Shift by browser (P75). | |
First Input Delay in ms (P75) | Splunk Synthetics First Input Delay in ms by browser (P75) |
Synthetic Tests services and KPIs
There are 3 Synthetic Tests services. This includes a service per entity type or synthetic test, as well as a top-level synthetic test. For each of these services, there are KPIs used to help you monitor the health of your web applications.
Note that these KPIs don't have predefined thresholds configured. For steps to configure KPI thresholds, see Configure KPI thresholds in ITSI in the Service Insights manual.
Service | KPI | Description |
API Tests | Connect Time | How long it took the API test to respond to the initial connection. |
DNS Time | How long it took DNS to respond to the API request. | |
Duration Time | The total duration of the API request. | |
Receive Time | How long it took to receive the response from the API endpoint. | |
HTTP Tests | DNS Time | How long it took DNS to respond to the request for the URL. |
Duration Time | Total time it took to respond to the URL. | |
Browser Tests | DOM Complete Time | The total time for completely building the Document Object Model. |
DOM Interactive Time | The time until the Document Object Model is interactive for the user. | |
DOM Load Time | The time until the Document Object Model has been loaded. | |
Duration Time | The total time it takes to load the given browser test. | |
First CPU Idle Time | The time when the browser CPU becomes idle after loading. | |
First Contentful Paint Time | The time when the first web site visual content from the Document Object Model has loaded. | |
First Meaningful Paint Time | The time it takes for the first part of a web page's readable or viewable content to be rendered for the visitor. | |
First Paint Time | The interval between navigation to a web page and when the browser first renders pixels from that page to the screen. | |
First Request Connect Time | The time between a user opening a web page and connecting to the server serving that page. | |
First Request DNS Time | The time between a user opening a web page and DNS resolution. | |
First Request Receive Time | The amount of time it takes for a web browser to receive its first byte of data after a DNS lookup has completed. | |
First Request Send Time | The amount of time it takes for a web browser to send the initial request to a web server. | |
First Request TLS Time | The amount of time it takes for a web browser to establish a secure connection with a web server using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. | |
First Request Wait Time | The amount of time it takes for a web browser to receive the first bytes of data from a web server after the DNS lookup has completed and the TLS handshake has been established. | |
Fully Loaded Time | Time until there is 1.5 seconds of network inactivity after onload, waiting up to a maximum of 5 seconds. | |
Lighthouse Score | Scoring from Google Chrome Lighthouse tool. For information about that tool, see Chrome Lighthouse developer documentation. | |
Onload Time | Time between a user opening a web page and that page being fully loaded. |
Troubleshoot the Content Pack for Splunk Observability Cloud | Entity search reference for the Content Pack for Splunk Observability Cloud |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Content Pack for Splunk Observability Cloud: 3.3.0, 3.4.0
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