Content Pack for Monitoring Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Content Pack for Monitoring Pivotal Cloud Foundry

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Content Pack for Monitoring Pivotal Cloud Foundry. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

About the Content Pack for Monitoring Pivotal Cloud Foundry

The Content Pack for Monitoring Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) provides the elements necessary for monitoring your Pivotal Cloud Foundry deployment using the Splunk Firehose Nozzle for PCF to ingest the data. The content pack includes several preconfigured services that represent your PCF server group and glass tables that model your Pivotal Cloud Foundry environment.

Content pack contents

This content pack contains the following objects.

Glass tables:

  • Cloud Foundry Architecture
  • Loggregator

Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Loggregator services:

  • App Execution (Diego Cell)
  • App Log Aggregator
  • BBS (HTTP/S)
  • Blobstore
  • Cell Reps
  • Cloud Controller
  • Consul
  • Diego Brain
  • Doppler
  • Garden
  • Loggregator
  • Metrics Collector
  • Metron
  • NATS Message Bus
  • nsync
  • OAuth2 Server (UAA) & Login Server
  • Router
  • Service Brokers
  • Traffic Controller

ITSI and ITE Work support

The content in the Content Pack for Monitoring Pivotal Cloud Foundry is only supported in ITSI.


If you're using ITSI version 4.9 or later, you can install the Content Pack for Monitoring Pivotal Cloud Foundry after installing the Splunk App for Content Packs. Install the content pack on the same search head where you installed ITSI. For installation instructions, see Install and configure the Content Pack for Monitoring Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

If you're using ITSI version 4.8 or earlier, you need to install the content pack using the backup ZIP file. For installation instructions, see Install and configure the Content Pack for Monitoring Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

Deployment requirements

Use the following table to determine the ITSI version compatibility with various versions of the Content Pack for Pivotal Cloud Foundry:

Content pack version ITSI version
1.0.4 4.14.x or 4.15.x
1.0.3 4.9.4 or 4.11.0
1.0.1 4.7.0 or later
1.0.0 4.2.1 - 4.6.2

Additional resources

Last modified on 23 November, 2022
  Release notes for the Content Pack for Monitoring Pivotal Cloud Foundry

This documentation applies to the following versions of Content Pack for Monitoring Pivotal Cloud Foundry: 1.0.4

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