Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports

Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.

Release notes for the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports

Version 1.1.3 of the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports was released on June 08, 2022. Here's what's new in each version of the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports.

Version 1.1.3

The following features of version 1.1.3 of the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports are included in version 1.6.0 of the Splunk App for Content Packs:

New feature or enhancement Description
Resolved JS Vulnerabilities

The version of certain Splunk UI components has been updated to resolve the JS vulnerabilities found in the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports. This makes the content pack more secure by fixing known JS vulnerabilities including those related to cross-site scripting (XSS) .

Splunk SDK for Python Upgrade Upgraded Splunk SDK for Python library to v1.6.18

Fixed issues

This version of the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports has the following reported fixed issues. If no fixed issues are listed, no issues have been reported.

Known issues

This version of the Content Pack For VMware Dashboards and Reports has the following reported known issues. If no known issues are listed, no issues have been reported.

Version 1.1.2

The following features of version 1.1.2 of the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports are included in version 1.5.0 of the Splunk App for Content Packs:

New feature or enhancement Description
Support for Restartless Upgrade

Added the reload triggers for custom configuration files to support Restartless upgrade for the content pack.

Fixed issues

This version of the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports has the following reported fixed issues. If no fixed issues are listed, no issues have been reported.

Known issues

This version of the Content Pack For VMware Dashboards and Reports has the following reported known issues. If no known issues are listed, no issues have been reported.

Version 1.1.1

The following features of version 1.1.1 of the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports are included in version 1.4.0 of the Splunk App for Content Packs:

Fixed issues

This version of the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports has the following reported fixed issues. If no fixed issues are listed, no issues have been reported.

Date resolved Issue number Description
2021-10-05 ITSI-18266 Data not getting populated in datastore details for ONTAP volumes.

Known issues

This version of the Content Pack For VMware Dashboards and Reports has the following reported known issues. If no known issues are listed, no issues have been reported.

Version 1.1.0

The following features of version 1.1.0 of the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports are included in version 1.3.0 of the Splunk App for Content Packs:

New feature or enhancement Description
jQuery Upgrade The Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports v1.1.0 is now updated to use jQuery v3.5.0. The content pack uses jQuery v3.5 in Splunk version 8.2 or higher. This makes the content pack more secure by fixing known cross-site scripting (XSS) related vulnerabilities as well as vulnerabilities created by object prototype pollution.
VMware Content Pack Reports All the reports included in Reports reference for the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports are included in the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports version 1.1.0.
VMware Dashboards The Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports provides real-time visibility into the health of virtual environments. It contains VMware dashboards and the knowledge objects used in these dashboards. It uses data collected by the Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics.

Version 1.0.0

The following features of version 1.0.0 of the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports are included with version 1.2.0 of the Splunk App for Content Packs:

New feature or enhancement Description
VMware Dashboards The Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports provides real-time visibility into the health of virtual environments. The content pack contains VMware dashboards and knowledge objects that populate these dashboards. The content pack uses data collected by Splunk Add-on for VMware Metrics.
Last modified on 08 June, 2022
About the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports   Install and configure the Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports

This documentation applies to the following versions of Content Pack for VMware Dashboards and Reports: 1.1.3

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