The db_connections.conf file stores all configuration necessary for connecting to a specific database, unless overridden by parameters from identities.conf.
Compared to DB Connect 2, these fields changed in DB Connect 3:
- username and password were removed
- cwallet_location, sslConnectionType and oracle_cipher_suites were removed and are configurable in connection_properties
# @copyright@ # The file contains the specification for database connections [<name>] serviceClass = <string> # optional # inherits from db_connection_types.conf if not configured # java class that serves the jdbc service for this type. customizedJdbcUrl = <string> # optional # the user customized jdbc url used to connect to the database, empty or missing means use template to generate jdbc url. # see jdbcUrlFormat and jdbcUrlSSLFormat defined in db_connection_types.conf.spec jdbcUseSSL = [true | false] # optional # inherits from db_connection_types.conf if not configured # default is false, whether this type of connection will support SSL connection. jdbcDriverClass = <string> # optional # inherits from db_connection_types.conf if not configured # java jdbc vendor driver class. testQuery = <string> # optional # inherits from db_connection_types.conf if not configured, if still not provided, JDBC isValid API will be used. # simple SQL to test validation for this database type. database = <string> # required only when other parameters refer to. # inherits from db_connection_types.conf if not configured # The default database that the connection will use connection_type = <string> # required # The type of connection configured in db_connection_types.conf that the connection refer to identity = <string> # required # The database identity that the connection will use when connecting to the database # an identity provides username and password for database connection. isolation_level = <string> # optional # The transaction isolation level that the connection should use # valid values are: TRANSACTION_NONE, TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE and DATABASE_DEFAULT_SETTING # default: DATABASE_DEFAULT_SETTING. readonly = true|false # optional # default to false # Whether the database connection is read-only. If it is read only, any modifying SQL statement will be blocked host = <string> # required only when other parameters refer to. # The host name or IP of the database server for the connection # Possible variable from jdbcUrlFormat. port = <integer> # required only when other parameters refer to. # inherits from db_connection_types.conf if not configured # The TCP port number that the host database server is listening to for connections # Possible variable from jdbcUrlFormat. informixserver = <string> # optional # Required option for informix server to compose proper jdbc connection url. # This attribute is used for informix server connection setup only. useConnectionPool = true|false # optional # boolean to make connection use a connection pool # defaults to true connection_properties = <string> # optional, differs via different databases. fetch_size = <integer> # optional, default is 100, the number of rows retrieved with each trip to the database. maxConnLifetimeMillis = <value> # optional, default is 120000 = 120 seconds # valid when useConnectionPool = true # The maximum lifetime in milliseconds of a connection. After this time is exceeded the connection will fail the next activation, passivation or validation test. # A value of zero or less means the connection has an infinite lifetime. maxWaitMillis = <value> # optional, default is 1800000 = 1800 seconds # valid when useConnectionPool = true # The maximum number of milliseconds that the pool will wait (when there are no available connections) for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception. # [250, 300000] milliseconds is a reasonable value to wait to establish a connection. The max wait time is 300000 milliseconds (300 seconds). idleTimeout = <integer> # optional, default is 600000 = 10 minutes # The maximum amount of time that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the # pool in milliseconds. # valid when useConnectionPool = true and when minIdle is defined to be less # than maxTotalConn. # Whether a connection is retired as idle or not is subject to a maximum # variation of +30 seconds, and average variation of +15 seconds. # A connection will never be retired as idle before this timeout. # Once the pool reaches minIdle connections, connections will no longer be # retired, even if idle. # A value of 0 means that idle connections are never removed from the pool. # The minimum allowed value is 10000ms (10 seconds). maxTotalConn = <value> # optional, default is 8 connections # valid when useConnectionPool = true # The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time, or negative for no limit. timezone = <time zone identifier> # optional, default uses JVM time zone # The identifier could be: # an offset from UTC/Greenwich, that uses the same offset regardless given date-time e.g. +08:00 # an area where a specific set of rules for finding the offset from UTC/Greenwich apply e.g. Europe/Paris. localTimezoneConversionEnabled = [true | false] # optional, default is false # valid when a time zone is set # When turned on, time-related fields are read from the DB using the configured time zone and then translated to the JVM time zone. # For example, with a DB using UTC and the JVM using GMT+8, the datetime field defined in the DB # 2017-07-21 08:00:00 will be displayed 2017-07-21 16:00:00
[oracle_example] connection_type = oracle database = orcl disabled = 0 host = oracle.host.com identity = oracle_identity jdbcUseSSL = true port = 2484 readonly = false customizedJdbcUrl = jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcps)(HOST=oracle.host.com)(PORT=2484))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=orcl))) connection_properties = {"oracle.net.authentication_services": "(TCPS)", "oracle.net.ssl_cipher_suites": "(SSL_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA)", "javax.net.ssl.trustStore": "/opt/splunk/cwallet/cwallet.sso", "javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType": "SSO", "javax.net.ssl.keyStore": "/opt/splunk/cwallet/cwallet.sso", "javax.net.ssl.keyStoreType": "SSO"} [informix_example] connection_type = informix database = test disabled = 0 host = informix-demo.host.com identity = informix_win informixserver = demo_on jdbcUseSSL = false port = 9088 readonly = false customizedJdbcUrl = jdbc:informix-sqli://informix-demo.host.com:9876/test:informixserver=demo_on;DELIMIDENT=Y
app-migration.conf.spec | database_typespec |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® DB Connect: 3.11.0, 3.11.1
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