Data Manager

User Manual

This documentation does not apply to the most recent version of Data Manager. For documentation on the most recent version, go to the latest release.


Data Manager is suitable for Splunk Cloud Platform administrators who want to automatically configure data ingestion from a variety of sources using the HTTP Event Collector (HEC). Data Manager automates prerequisites, such as scripts to set up resources in the data source, has functional intelligence relevant to the respective data source, and does index-time transformations.

You can use Data Manager if your Splunk Cloud Platform deployment meets the following requirements:

  • Runs Splunk Cloud Platform versions 8.2.2104.1 and higher on the Victoria experience. Data Manager is also available for Splunk Cloud customers who run on AWS with the Splunk Cloud Classic experience.
  • Is provisioned in a region that supports Data Manager. See Available regions and region differences in the Splunk Cloud Platform Service Description.

Logging in and getting started with Data Manager

Complete the following steps to get started:

  1. Log into Splunk Cloud using Splunk-provided credentials.
  2. Save the email that contains the credentials. It contains a Forgot Password link, in case you need to reset your password.
  3. Change your password at the prompt.
  4. Sign the terms and conditions.
  5. Start onboarding or take the product tour.

Data Manager walks you through adding existing data sources so that you can monitor and investigate any alerts that impact the security state of your environment. It also helps you to see which services you are ingesting, but not yet using, so that you can expand your security coverage.

See also

For more information about the data sources for Data Manager, see the product documentation.

You want to do this Documentation
Use Data Manager to ingest your data from Amazon Web Services. See:
Use Data Manager to ingest your data from Google Cloud Platform. See:
Use Data Manager to ingest your data from Microsoft Azure. See:
Data Manager has prebuilt dashboards that you can use to visualize the health of your data inputs. See Dashboards overview in Dashboards.
Use the Troubleshooting Manual to troubleshoot your Data Manager data onboarding process. See Troubleshooting Manual in Data Manager.
Last modified on 06 June, 2024
  Share usage data with Splunk

This documentation applies to the following versions of Data Manager: 1.10.0

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