Data Manager

Troubleshooting Manual

Troubleshoot AWS Lambda Functions data ingestion

Troubleshoot AWS Lambda Functions data ingestion process.

AWS Lambda Functions data cannot be found

AWS Lambda Functions data cannot be found.


AWS Lambda Functions are not configured correctly and data is not being ingested from AWS Lambda Functions.


  1. In the AWS console navigate to Lambda function in the AWS account and region where data is not flowing. The following table shows the sata source and its associated Lambda function.
    Data Source Lambda Function Name
    EC2 Instance SplunkDMMetadataEC2Inst
    EC2 Security Group SplunkDMMetadataEC2SG
    EC2 Network ACLs SplunkDMMetadataEC2NetworkAcl
    IAM Users SplunkDMMetadataIAMUsers
    CloudTrail SplunkDMCloudWatchLogProcessor
    CloudWatchLogs SplunkDMCloudWatchLogsEventProcessor
  2. Select the appropriate Lambda function.
    1. Select Monitor and verify that the Lambda function was invoked by looking at Invocations metrics. Make sure to select the appropriate time range.
    2. If the Lambda function was invoked in that time interval, then check the Throttles and Error count metrics.If any of the Throttles and Error count metrics is non-zero, check the logs of the Lambda function by clicking on View logs in CloudWatch.
  3. If the configuration is correct and your data still cannot be found, Contact Splunk Support.
Last modified on 05 September, 2024
Troubleshoot AWS Kinesis Firehose data ingestion   Troubleshoot Azure data ingestion in Data Manager

This documentation applies to the following versions of Data Manager: 1.11.0

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